Name List: Main

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Name M/F Remark
Alexander m "to defend, help; defending men"
Alice f Alice In Wonderland; very English, with French origins!
Amy f Like Ayme; "friend"
Anne 1 f Eliot; my and mom's middle name; Queen Anne's Lace
Anthea f
Ariel m / f The Tempest; "lion of God"
Arthur m
Audrey f Hepburn; very glamorous
Bran 1 m means "raven;" Irish and Welsh!
Cecilia f
Ceridwen f
Charles m as opposed to James, I actually like Charlie and Chuck
Charlotte f
Chloe f little green
Conrad m Weller; Heart of Darkness author
Edith f
Edward m
Eleanor f
Elijah m
Emily f
Gabriel m
Gwen f
Gwendolen f
Gwyneth f
Henry m
Hilary f / m
Ian m
Ianto m
Isabel f
Jack m
James m Potter, Wilson, Bond, Norrington; McCartney, McAvoy; so English!
Jude 1 m Gorgeous, but dangerous!
Laura f
Leonard m "brave lion"; mccoy
Léonide m / f
Lorena 2 f
Lucasta f
Lucretia f
Madeleine f
Marie f French, sounds nice with the last name, had a think about it
Martha f Martha, My Dear - The Beatles; The Secret Garden
Miranda f Full of wonder, but has a bitchy kind of connotation...
Neil m
Nicholas m "victory of the people"
Owen 1 m
Ravenna f
Regina f
Rhiannon f Dude, she's awesome! She don't take shit from anybody. *snap snap*
Robert m
Rosalyn f
Sarah f
Simon 1 m Tam (Firefly); Lord of the Flies; strong, but has a dorky side
Sophia f
Theodore m Ted Mosby
Thomas m
Vanessa f It's a butterfly and a Swift character. Rethinking this one a bit (??)
Venetia f Georgette Heyer's character: strong, sensible, beautiful, fun, charming
William m Moseley, Jones (Emma, the manga), Darcy (except better); English!