seraphine_eternal's Personal Name List

Name M/F Remark
Aaron m
Aenor f WOULD there were a definitive meaning to this beautiful name!
Aiolos m
Altair m
Althea f
Amélie f
Androcles m
Andromache f Not too bad... but it would fit a man better. Let's change that ending...
Andronikos m
Angelos m
Annemarie f
Anouk f My "corres"'s best friend's name...!
Aria 1 f ...
Aries m
Aristomache f This fits a non-confrontational, peace-loving person who's strong in spirit.
Armin m This accompanies a boy well regardless of the stage of development that he's at.
Asher m
Astra f Ah, long 'ah' vowels! Regality and grandeur!
Astraea f A collective personification of the stars - lovely!
Astrophel f The entry says it's masculine, but it fits a girl better, so there; I'm changing the gender.
Athena f Pronunciation is "a-THEE-na" - the eta in the middle is an "ee" vowel.
Aurèle f This sounds feminine, so there - gender change. It brings to mind an angel and its radiant halo...
Aurélie f
Aurelius m The name of a philosophical emperor whom my philosophical chéri read about.
Avery m & f
Benjamin m
Berenice f Very elegant, especially when pronounced "bur-NEES" (as if it was "Bernice").
Brenda f
Carmel f It has this simple air of regality about it, and it means "garden". Complementary!
Chara f
Charis f Simply put, a graceful name.
Christine f Can anyone forget Christine Daaé, as played by Emmy Rossum?
Christos 1 m
Chrysanthe f More suitable for girls, definitely. *junks "Chrysanthos" into the bin*
Constance f ... because Constance Song is a good actress, I kid you not.
Daniel m Le prénom de mon béguin. Si j'ai un fils, je lui donnerai ce prénom !
Daphne f What an elegant name!
Delphine f
Denise f The variant spelling "Denyse" seems far more unique, elegant and regal.
Destiny f I'd prefer a variant like "Destinea" - it's so much more pleasant on the ears.
Eleanor f Where one is gentle and witty, another is pleasantly sprightly...
Eleftheria f Means "freedom". Nice name!
Elijah m
Elisabeth f The name of an opera role... interesting.
Elisha m
Elisheba f Yay - it's the predecessor to the name "Elizabeth"!
Elizabeth f This timeless and lovely name conjures up for me the image of a gentle and witty girl.
Elpis f What an ordinary name that sounds awe-inspiring once you get to know it.
Emmy f ... added because of my liking for Emmy Rossum's portrayal of Christine Daaé.
Eos f The most unassuming of the "Dawn" names - but it's still good.
Esther f The name of my fierce but loving teacher, Mrs Esther Ong.
Gaia f Who couldn't love the regal-sounding name of the Greek Mother Earth?
Giulia f My dear "corres"'s name...!
Hermia f ... and I actually got the meaning right when I used this on my Gemini Sprite.
Hermione f Could anyone ever forget Hermione Granger?
Hypatia f Finally, after my cheri told me about so many philosophers, I can tell him about... Hypatia!
Iscah f The Neopian character Isca bears a variant of this name. Both are lovely, especially when together!
Jean 2 f A short and sweet name that reminds me of someone I know...
Jenna f A short name that reminds me of someone I know...
Jeremiah m
Jeremy m
Jesus m
Joash m
Joel m
Joshua m
Karen 1 f Who can forget my sometimes bumbling, sometimes sober senior?
Katherine f I'd much rather have preferred to add "Kathara", but it's not here. :(
Laetitia f
Leia f Hmmm... as interesting as "Lissa"...
Leonora f The name of an opera role... interesting.
Linda f Borne by my first-year French teacher.
Lissa f This is just as interesting as "Leia"...
Liz f A short form of a very common yet charming name.
Lizzie f The diminutive of the name of a certain gentle, witty girl.
Mark m
Mary f Could anyone resist adding the name of the Mother of God?
Mbali f The name of Xolani Nkosi's sister. The poor boy...
Megan f Young Megan Zheng won a Golden Horse award at age 10.
Melody f A lovely name.
Menuha f Its meaning merits a mention on this list.
Michal 2 f
Nefertiti f "Mystical" is the only word to describe this queen's name.
Nicole f A simple name, borne by two pleasant girls I know.
Nkosazana f This has the same meaning as "Sarah", but is far more lovely!
Noelene f Borne by a caring teacher of mine.
Nthanda m & f It means "star" - a lovely meaning.
Odessa f A feminine form of "Odysseus"? Still, it's elegant, more so if spelt "Odessea".
Odysseus m My future husband had better add this to his existing name... haha.
Pallas 1 f & m An epithet of Athena; a name of a friend she accidentally killed.
Pamela f This reminds me of a former French classmate...
Pandora f "All-gifted"? What a lovely meaning for this lovely name.
Pénélope f No reason not to add it - not when it's such an elegant variation.
Penelope f This happens to be my name; I find it elegant in meaning - "Weaver" - and pronunciation.
Peninnah f To liken one to a jewel is to pay one a compliment indeed.
Penny f My short name! I find it cute, personally.
Persephone f Beautiful-sounding, but with a deathly meaning. Still, it's nice.
Philomela f A possible epithet for me...?
Philomena f It just sounds lovely, that's all. It has an appeal to it.
Phoenix f & m I added this because I like the mythological creature.
Pocahontas f Good for a little girl, but not so for a woman, really.
Polymnia f "Many songs" is its meaning? Oh, wonderful!
Psyche f Any bearer of this name should be mentally sound - and smart!
Rufaro f Ah, would that this name's bearers brought happiness to all around them.
Sakina f My friend, who bears this name, is anything but - !
Salome f Peace be to all who bear this name.
Seraphina f I could never like this name better - for its meaning "the ardently burning one".
Séraphine f I'd thought this could be a higher form of the Seraphim, but oh well...
Sethunya f It may mean "flower" but doesn't sound flowery; instead, it's royal-sounding...
Sharon f & m Personally this conjures for me an image of a witty person.
Simeon m
Simon 1 m
Solange f I'd interpret this as "angel of the sun". Beautiful indeed.
Sophia f It means "wisdom" - but for me it brings to mind someone who's a little ditzy...
Starla f Not too bad a name, though the meaning is a little too literal.
Suzanne f
Tabitha f I'd pass over "Dorcas" for this name; "Tabitha" is gentler on the ears.
Talisha f Hmmm... it's quite refreshing, like "Talitha" is.
Talitha f Only an optimistic person need bear this name!
Tariro f Another "hope" name - cool!
Terpsichore f The name of the Muse of dancing.
Terra f
Thema f A royal name. However, it seems ordinary... suits unassuming leaders best.
Themis f Any lady judge could take this.
Théo m
Theresa f Quite a good name, actually, and a good meaning.
Walter m
Xenia f I'd never have imagined this name and its meaning to go together, but...
Zahra 1 f "Light" names are lovely, and this is no exception.
Zahrah f Aussi aimable que le prénom précédent. ET DIRE que la différence entre Alif-Hamza et Ta Marbouta est distinctive !
Zuri f Swahili for "beautiful"... what a name.