Name List: Main

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Name M/F Remark
Adair m / f
Adèle f Germanic element adal meaning "noble"
Áine f Celtic mythology: Patroness of lovers, means "radiance"
Alan m means either "little rock" or "handsome" in Breton
Alice f From German Adelais, meaning "noble kind"
Althea f From the Greek name Αλθαια (Althaia), perhaps related to Greek αλθος (althos) "healing"
Amara f "Grace" in Igbo
Amaryllis f
Ambrose m immortal
Anastasia f from Anastasius, meaning "resurrection"
Ania f
Arthur m
Athena f
August m
Augustus m
Aviva f
Caelestis m
Calista f
Camilla f
Celeste f / m
Celia f
Claire f Latin for "clear, bright"
Constantine m
Cornelius m
Dalia 2 f
Danaë f
Dante m from Latin durans, meaning "enduring" - Dante Emrys
Diana f
Donovan m "Dark brown" in Irish
Elena f Italian form of Helen, possibly meaning "torch"
Elise f
Elysia f
Emrys m Welsh form of Latin Ambrosius, meaning "immortal"
Evander 1 m "Good man" in Greek
Evelina f
Felicity f
Fiona f
Gabriel m strong man of God - Gabriel Emrys
Gareth m From Welsh gwaredd, meaning "gentle"
Gwyneth f
Hugh m "Heart, spirit" in German
Ivy f From Old English ifig, meaning "climber"
Leo m From Greek leon, meaning "lion"
Leonardo m
Lucia f From Latin lux, meaning "light"
Lucinda f
Lucius m From Latin lux, meaning "light"
Luíseach f Spelled Lusea, might make pronunciation simpler
Luna f
Maeve f
Maia 2 f Roman goddess of spring, Latin for "great"
Marielle f
Marisa f Italian conjugation of Maria Luisa
Mary f From Egyptian mry, meaning "beloved"
Mélisande f
Mercy f
Naamah f
Naomi 2 f / m
Oliver m
Peregrine m From Latin Peregrinus, meaning "traveller"
Piers m Medieval form of Peter, from Greek petros, meaning "stone"
Raphael m "God has healed" in Hebrew
Rhys m "Enthusiasm" in Welsh
Rowan m / f
Sean m
Sebastian m
Selene f Greek goddess of the moon
Silvia f
Simon 1 m
Sonya f
Sorcha f
Sylvia f
Tamar f
Teresa f
Thalia f The Greek muse of poetry/comedy, means "to blossom"
Theia f
Theodore m Gift of God - Theodore Ambrose
Vera 1 f "Faith" in Russian, "truth" in Latin, and "summer" in Albanian
Vitalia f
Xavier m
Zahra 1 f