gqhstlyboy's Personal Name List

Name M/F Remark
Aarti m  My favorite way to spell the name "Arty", Mn. 
Ada 1 f  Literally a dream 
Andréa f  She literally consumes my mind 
April f  May June July August September November- 
Ari 3 f  Is she grande? 
Aspen m  Little tree man 
Basil 1 m  Eats this name 
Benton m  Buh buh buh Benton 
Blythe f  What a doll 
Briar m & f  A literal berry bush 
Brigid f  Saint of Ireland 
Bryn m & f  Bryn/Brynnley 
Brynn f  bae bee 
Cady f  HERRON 
Caleb m  Belos wya 
Callie f  That one cowgirl cat 
Cameron f  Dove 
Casey m  Jones 
Charlie m  Charles, nn charlie 
Christopher m  Little chrissy 
Clarice f  She's so calm and collected 
Cody m  that one brunette from tdi 
Cosette f  Puppy name fs 
Dawn f  She was born at an ungodly hour? Here. 
Delaney f  Middle name ONLY 
Dexter m  This is so dog name to me.. yet I know a Dexter 
Eli 1 m  Elias "Eli" 
Ella 1 f  Can't stand her and her pretty name 
Elle f  Grandiose Girly 
Ellie f  LIL MISS MAE 
Emilia f  Literally Emelia but cooler spelling 
Emily f  My little sister 
Erik m  Erik is in love with Charles prove me wrong 
Evander 2 m  Leon Evander has me in a chokehold ngl 
Evie f  Evelyn 'Evie' Hollyhock 
Fern f  My backyard plants 
Finn 1 m  Finnley 'Finn' Michael 
Freya f  But with a J 
Gale 2 f  *Gust of wind* 
Genevieve f  Make it more like a geode and I'm sold 
Gerard m  I only like this name because I'm emo 
Hannah f  Lil cuz 
Hazel f  She's so humble 
Holden m  He's Holden me hostage 
Holly f  Don't even try to get 'Holleigh' to be a thing... 
India f  "Where was she conceived" names 
Irene f  Super close to my heart 
Ivy f  Where's her Harley 
Jacob m  If your on his team dni 
Jada 1 f  Jada/Jayda 
Jade f  The cooler mckellen sister 
Jamie m  Hewls... tank girl... 2d... 
Jasmine f  Jesamine's evil twin 
Jason m  Uncle Jason?? 
Jessa f  She was so rude, but her name was so cute.. 
Juniper f  Little miss Jones 
Juno f  Pregnant by Paulie Bleeker?? Yikes girl 
Kasper m  Literally a ghost 
Kendal f  Ken Doll 
Koryn f  Korn but cool and a girl name 
Kyla f  Vonner 
Laurel f  Pretty buncha' flowers 
Leo m  Leonardo 'Leo' Suzuki 
Lily f  With TWO L's. I'm such a rebel, I know. 
Lucifer m  Little duck lover 
Luka m  Like Luca but cooler and less Italian 
Lydia f  Hey Captian! 
Mack 1 m & f  Mackie 'Mack' McKenzie 
Malachi m  Malachai 'Mal' 
Marceline f  ,is it just you and me in the wreckage of the world? 
Margot f  Margaux Rue 
Maverick m  Swanky Puppy 
Michael m  Little Mikey 
Miley f  Miley? No.. Riley..? Miley! 
Miriam f  Miriam Webster 
Molly f  Auntie 
Nick m  Nelson 
Nikki f  Angelic little one 
Nikolai m  Very ginger name 
Noah 1 m  Why is he here? 
Nolan m  Chris?? CHRISTOPHER?? NOLAN?? 
Olivia f  Hey JV! 
Percy m  Perseus my love 
Rain 1 m & f  Add a little Beau! 
Ramona f  The birthplace name of the manic pixie dream girl trope 
Reese f  Withering Spoon 
Rex m  "What's he named after?" *Dinosaur noises* 
Robyn f  Guard, Ten Hut! 
Rory f  Aurora "Rory", Love Ya girl. 
Rosemary f  Rosey posey spice girl 
Roswell m  hairless cat 
Rowan m & f  Eats this name for dinner 
Sadie f  Silky, Velvety girl name. 
Sage f  Waxy leaf name 
Sebastian m  You smell like ocean and emo boy 
Seth 2 m  Almost Married, Congrats Pluh 
Simon 1 m  Masked Male whom I am in love with 
Stella 1 f  I'm so sorry you had to live with me 
Tessa f  Mother. 
Tiana f  A perfect princess 
Vanessa f  GREGORY... 
Veronica f  Like Veruka Salt but with more sugar 
Violet f  "What's your favorite color?" , "My Name." 
Wednesday f  , child of woe 
Willow f  Golden Girl 
Winona f  her big beaver is coming for me 
Zachary m  Zachy 
Zane 1 m  Masked emo boy 
Zayn m  Zane but like... surfer dude? 
Zoey f  Guard, Parade Rest!