Name List: interesting meaning

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Name M/F Remark Rating
Abeke f one begged to care for
Abeni f "we prayed and we received"
Abidemi m / f born in my absence
Abiodun m / f born on a festival
Abosede f comes with the start of the week
Adebayo m the crown meets joy
Adegoke m the crown has ascended the mountain
Adekunle m the crown has filled the home
Adisa m / f bundled up and set to dry
Aditi f goddess of fertility and the universe
Adunni f sweet to have
Aelita f starlight seen for the last time
Aella f whirlwind
Ahtahkakoop m star blanket
Aidana f moon wisdom
Aija f "to rock, to lull"
Aina 1 f always
Aizere f "golden moon"
Alemayehu m / f I have seen the world
Allegria f "cheerfulness, joy"
Amadi 2 m seemed destined to die at birth
Amahle m / f the beautiful ones
Ametz m Pyrenean oak
Amihan f north wind, winter storm
Amna f "safety"
Antigone f "against birth"
Aphra f "dust"
Aras m eagle
Ariston m "the best"
Arsinoe f "raising of the mind"
Aruna f "reddish brown, dawn"
Asherah f she who walks in the sea
Awiti f thrown away
Ayame f "iris (flower)"
Ayelen f star flower
Aýnabat f moon candy
Aysel f moon flood
Aysima f face of the moon
Aziz m "powerful, respected, beloved"
Bamidele m / f follow me home
Bejide m (one that) come(s) with rain
Bereket m "blessing, abundance, profusion"
Bertrand m "bright rim"
Blodwen f white flowers
Calvus m "bald"
Casilda f "poem"
Ceridwen f bent, crooked
Chizuru f thousand cranes
Cooper m
Cuauhtemoc m "descending eagle"
Damla f "water drop"
Dayo m / f joy arrives
Dikeledi f tears
Dima 1 f "downpour"
Dua f "prayer"
Dyaus m "father sky"
Eirlys f snowdrop (flower)
Ekundayo f / m tears become joy
Emlyn m around the valley
Enitan m / f person with a story, storied person
Eros m "love"
Eudora f "good gift"
Eulalia f "sweetly-speaking"
Faraji m consolation
Febronia f "purging, purification"
Ffion f foxglove
Fiammetta f "little fiery one"
Gula f "the great"
Gulbadan f having a body like a rose
Gwydion m born of trees
Haizea f "wind"
Hala f halo around the moon
Hale 2 m "nook, retreat"
Haumea f "red ruler"
Heulfryn m sun hill
Hilla f cloudberry
Hypnos m "sleep"
Iara f lady of the water
Ilta f evening
Impi f maiden, virgin
Inbal f tongue of a bell
Islwyn m below the forest
Kaimana f "ocean, sea" "power" "diamond"
Kariuki m reincarnated one
Kebede m heavy, serious
Kielo f lily of the valley
Kirby m "church settlement"
Kiri f "skin of a tree or fruit"
Kokumo m / f he will not die anymore
Kolawole m he brings nobility, wealth, honour, into the house
Lamar m "the pool"
Levente m "will be"
Lilith f belonging to the night
Linwood m "stream forest"
Lyssa 2 f "rage, fury, anger"
Mai 1 f "plum, apricot"
Maire f gushing, sugary
Makara f "January"
Malaysia f "to run, to go fast"
Malvina f smooth brow
Manas m "mind, intellect, spirit"
Marzieh f "satisfactory, pleasing"
Maytham m "crushing"
Meliora f "better"
Melle m "meeting, assembly, court"
Meti f umbrella
Meyer m "mayor, leader"
Misericordia f "compassion, mercy"
Moe 2 f "bud, sprout"
Mukami f the one who milks the cows
Mwangi m rapid expansion
Myfanwy f my, belonging to me
Naliaka f "born during the weeding season"
Narmer m "fierce catfish"
Neil m "fury, passion"
Nena f "baby girl"
Nephele f "cloud"
Nilesh m "dark blue" "lord, ruler"
Ninisina f "lady of Isin"
Ntombifuthi f a girl again
Nu m "primeval water"
Ochieng m born when the sun shines
Odtsetseg f star flower
Oluwakanyinsola f God has dropped honey into wealth
Oluwapamilerin m / f the lord has made me laugh
Opeyemi f / m gratitude is suitable for me
Oren m "pine tree"
Oriane f sunrise
Pelin f "wormwood, absinthe"
Percival m pierce the valley
Persis f "Persian woman"
Pheme f "rumour, reputation"
Pinja f stone pine
Pyry m snowstorm, blizzard
Qurban m "sacrifice, sacrificial animal"
Ramiz m "symbolize, sign"
Ritva f birch branch
Roswell m "horse spring"
Runa f secret lore
Sandhya f twilight
Sao f "whole, unwounded, safe"
Sarantuya f "moonbeam"
Sarita 2 f "flowing"
Sevil f "loved"
Shekinah f "God's manifested glory"
Shreya f "superior, best"
Sirpa f small piece, fragment
Sobek m "to impregnate"
Solmaz f "unfading, unwilting"
Solveig f "sun strength"
Sopdet f "triangle","to be sharp"
Sunniva f "sun gift"
Suoma f finland
Surendra m "lord of gods"
Sushila f "good-tempered, well-disposed"
Taiwo m / f taste the world, taste life
Tasnim f "a spring in paradise"
Terho m "acorn"
Thaïs f "bandage"
Titilayo f eternal happiness
Tuncay m "bronze moon"
Typhon m "to smoke" "fever""whirlwind".
Vanamo f twinflower
Vega 1 f "meadow, plain"
Vuokko f "anemone (flower)"
Wairimu f ogre, giant
Walela f hummingbird
Wambui f zebra
Wayne m "wagon maker"
Weldon m "hill near a spring"
Wihtburg f "creature, being""fortress"
Wilfred m "desiring peace"
Wilton m "willow town"
Xanthe f "yellow, blond, fair-haired"
Xiadani f the flower that arrived
Yewubdar f beautiful beyond limits
Zalmon m "shady"
Zhansaya f "soul shadow/shade/protection/comfort"
Zigor m "rod, staff" or "punishment"
Zimri m "my praise"
Ziri m moonlight
Zoryana f "dawn, star"