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Name M/F Remark Rating
Adelitza f
Adeliz f Love the -liz ending!
Aliki f
Alizabeth f
Alizée f
Anabel f
Anabela f
Anabella f
Ana Isabel f
Analiz f Ah-nah-LEES, ah-nah-LEEZ, or AH-nah-leez.
Analizabeth f In spanish it would be ah-nah-LEES-ah-beht.
Aziliz f The spelling is weird, but the pronunciation ah-ZEE-leez is very pretty.
Bedisa f
Belkis f
Belkız f
Bella f
Bellamira f
Bellarosa f
Betha f
Bethan f
Bethany f
Bethel f house of god. A very nice name, especially for a christian :)
Bethelene f See comment for Betheny.
Bethenny f
Betheny f this name should be used more often.
Bethie f
Bethne f I'm guessing BETH-nee?
Bethnee f Bell Tones
Bethnie f Weird spelling, but nice pronunciation.
Bethny f See remark for Bethnie.
Bethsabée f
Bethsabee f This name relates more to Elizabeth than to Bathsheba in my opinion. Love the uniqueness of this name!
Bethy f
Bethzy f
Beti f
Betsabé f
Betsi f
Betzabel f
Betzabet f I LOVE this.
Betzy f
Bezlea f BEZZ-lee-uh or bez-LAY-uh.
Bliss f I wish we had this in the world more often.
Camelia f
Camila f
Camilia f
Camilia f
Camilia f
Camilla f
Camylla f
Cleena f So clean, and a great name for a cat! Nina, Leena, Meena, Cleena is my favorite!
Clizia f I love C names and Liz names, so Clizia is on my top 20 name list!
Covi f
Covington I saw a street called Covington drive and immediately fell in love with this name. I plan on changing my last name to Covington!
Eliisabet f Love the 2 i's this name is just gorgeous!
Elisabel f
Elisabella f
Elisabelle f
Elísabet f
Elisabet f
Elisabeta f
Elisabete f
Elisabeth f
Elisabetha f Elisabeth as a nickname??
Elisabetĭ f This is not used anymore. Someone should bring it back.
Elisabetta f
Elisabette f
Elisavet f I. Am. Crazee about this!!!
Elisaveta f
Elisaveth f elle-EE-sah-vet.
Elisavette f
Elixabet f
Elixabete f
Elixabeth f
Élîzabé f
Elizabet f what's wrong with taking the h out of Elizabeth?
Elizabeta f
Elizabete f
Elizabeth f very queenly. this name has an array of nicknames and can be pictured on anyone!
Elizabetha f
Elizabethe f
Elizabethine f
Elizabeti f there is a book called Elizabeti's Doll.
Elizabette f
Elizaveta f
Elizavetta f
Elizebeth f apparently, this was popular in the 1880's. It should be used more often.
Elizeth f
Elsebeth f
Elyzabel f
Elyzabeth f
Elżbiet f
Elżbieta f
Embeth f
Emely f
Emilee f
Emmalie f
Emmalise f I like Emma and Lise!
Isabedda f
Isabel f
Isabell f
Isabella f picture this: I eat 100 pizzas all at the same time and swallow them. THAT's what this name tastes like! OMG SO YUMMY!!!
Isabellah f this name has alot of spirit, like runner Isabellah Andersson.
Isabeth iz-a-beth or EE-sah-beth
Isabetta f
Isabette f
Isavella f
Isebel f
Isebella f
Isela f
Isella f
Isett f
Isetta f
Isette f
Isette f
Issa m / f
Issabel f
Issabella f
Issabelle f
Itsa f
Itzayana f
Itzel f latin pronunciation eet-ZELL
Itzy f
Ivelis f
Ivelise f
Ivelisse f
Iveliz f
Iveta f
Iveth f
Ivett f
Ivka f
Izabelė f
Izabella f
Izabellah f
Izebel f
Izebella f
Izetta f
Izette f
Izya m / f
Kameela f
Kamelia f
Kamellia f
Kamila f
Kamilia f
Kamilia f
Kamilla f
Kamyla f
Kamylla f
Kelisa f
Laurabeth f I only like it because of Elizabeth. In fact, any name that ends in 'a' could end with -beth! (Ninabeth, Isabeth, Mirabeth, etc.)
Lesbia f
Liba f
Libbie f very delicate and at the same time youthful. Can be used as a nickname or as its own name.
Libi f
Libia f
Libny f
Liby f / m
Liddy f
Lidi f
Lidia f
Lidian f
Lidiana f
Lidiane f
Lidiya f
Lidmila f
Lidzhi m
Lidzia f
Lidziya f a sister for Elisabed and Svetlana
Liesbet f
Liesbeth f
Liese f
Liidia f
Liisbet f
Liisi f
Lili f
Lilibeth f
Lilit f
Lilith f
Lilla f
Lilli f
Lis f
Lîsabé f
Lisabé f
Lisabella f
Lisabelle f
Lisabet f
Lisabeta f
Lisabeth f
Lisabetha f
Lisabetta f
Lisba f
Lisbet f
Lisbeta f
Lisbeth f
Lisbethe f
Lisbetta f
Lisbi f I know someone named Lisbi at my school she is so cute and pretty!
Lísbita f
Lise f
Liséa f
Lisea f
Lisebet f
Liselle f So cool, like Lisette and Giselle!
Liset f
Liseta f
Lisete f
Liseth f
Lisett f
Lisetta f
Lisette f
Lisi f
Lisi f
Lisia f
Lisiana f
Lisiane f
Lisse f
Lisset f
Lisseth f
Lissi f
Lisvette f nn for Elisavette
Lisy f
Lithzy f
Litza f
Litzi f
Litzy f
Liva f
Liveta f
Livette f
Livia 1 f
Livie f
Lîzabé f
Lizabel f
Lizabella f
Lizabeth f
Lizaveta f
Lizba f
Lizbet f
Lizbeth f
Lizbethe f
Lize f
Lizéa f
Lizelle f
Lizet f
Lizeta f
Lizete f
Lizeth f
Lizett f
Lizetta f
Lizette f
Lizi f
Lizie f
Lizy f
Lizze f
Lizzeth f
Lizzi f
Lizzie f
Lizziebeth f
Lizzy f
Lydie f
Lysbeth f
Lysette f
Lysia f
Lysiana f
Lysiane f
Lysie f
Lyzabeth f
Lyzbeth f
Michella f
Mirabella f
Nina 1 f this is my name, short for Ninabella (pronounced nee-nah-BELL-ah.)
Nine f this is pronounced like Nina, also number.
Rosabela f
Rosabella f
Rozabela f
Saveta f
Steadfast m / f
Steadfast-love f / m
Sveta f
Svetka f
Svetla f
Svetlana f
Thisbe f My favorite name right now! If you want to talk about this name, please message me or visit
Vedika f this is the name of my sweet and stubborn friend, who's Indian.
Vivetta f
Vivette f
Vivi f
Vivia f
Vivian m / f this is only a GIRL name. ya hear me? GIRL.
Viviette f
Vivyan f
Yamilet f
Yamileth f
Yissl m / f spelled Yissel.
Yvelise f
Yvelisse f
Yveta f