Name List: Feminine Names

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Name M/F Remark Rating
Aara f beautifier
Acacia f name of tree (Greek "thorny")
Acanthe m / f name of Apollo's nymph lover (Greek "thorny")
Achlys f
Adalyn f noble lake
Adhara f name of star in Canis Major
Adorestine f to worship lovingly, to pray
Aëlla f whirlwind, name of mythological figure
Agape f love of a higher sort
Agathe f good
Aglaya f splendorous beauty
Ahlam f dreams
Aibhne m / f river
Aïda f noble type, returning visitor, echo, little fire, name of literary figure
Ailsa f name of island in Scotland
Aintzane f glory
Airelle f dark black, gloomy, name of plant
Aithne f grain kernel
Aithra f brightly shining, pure air, sky, name of mythological figure
Akantha f thorny prickle, name of nymph
Alaia 1 f joyful happiness
Alanis f handsome, little rock, name of Iranian tribe
Alastríona f defender of man
Alcmene f strength of the moon, name of mythological figure
Aldith f old battle
Alethea f truth
Alexandria f defender of man
Aliénor f the other Aenor
Alkina f unknown meaning
Alma 1 f nourishing, soul, young woman, name of river in Crimea
Alodia f foreign wealth
Aloisa f famous battle
Althea f healing, name of mythological figure
Alverdine f elf counsel
Alyssa f name of flower, sane, noble kind
Amabel f loveable
Amalasuintha f strong work, name of historical figure
Amalthea f to soothe softly
Amberly f amber
Amphelise f lucky friend
Amphiro f name of goddess
Anahita f immaculate, name of goddess
Anaitis f
Ananke f necessary constraint of destiny, name of mythological figure
Andromache f battling man, name of mythological figure
Annora f honor
Anthea f flower, name of goddess
Antigone f against offspring, name of mythological figure
Aoide f song
Aoife f beauty, to breathe
Apollonia f destructive strength, father light, father lion, name of god
Araceli f sky altar
Araminta f name of literary character, name of historical figure
Arethusa f nimble water, name of nymph
Ariadne f most holy, name of mythological figure
Arianrhod f round silver wheel, name of goddess
Artemisia f safe butcher, name of goddess
Astarte f name of goddess
Aster f name of flower ("star"), name of goddess
Astraea f star, name of goddess
Atalanta f equal in weight, name of mythological figure
Athena f sharp praise, name of goddess
Atropos f inevitable, name of mythological figure
Atsiylah f unknown meaning
Aurora f dawn
Aveza f desired, bird
Aya 1 f dawn, name of goddess
Azucena f madonna lily
Bahija f happy
Bec f small, name of one of the Tuatha Dé Danann
Begonia f name of flower
Bendis f name of goddess
Berenice f bringing victory
Betony f name of plant
Bilqis f Queen of Sheba
Branwen f white raven
Briallen f primrose
Bronwyn f white-breasted
Brynja f armor
Cadence f flowing rhythm
Calanthe f name of orchid ("beautiful flower")
Calanthia f name of orchid ("beautiful flower")
Calliope f beautiful voice, name of goddess
Callista f most beautiful, Ursa Major
Calypso f she that conceals, name of mythological figure
Capucine f nasturtium
Carina 1 f dearly beloved, ship keel, a pair, torture, pure, consecrated name, far off
Carita f dearly esteemed love
Carmilla f garden, name of literary character
Casmira f unknown meaning
Cassandra f excellently shining man, name of mythological figure
Celandine f name of flower ("swallow" [bird])
Celosia f name of flower ("burned")
Cerise f cherry
Chamomile f / m name of flower ("earth apple")
Chantal f song, stony
Chryseis f golden, name of mythological figure
Clematis f name of plant ("branch, twig")
Corina f maiden
Corisande f name of literary character
Cressida f name of mythological figure, name of literary character ("golden")
Cynthia f name of goddess (Artemis: "woman from Kynthos")
Dafina f laurel, name of nymph
Danaë f name of mythological figure ("Greek")
Daniyah f near
Darina 1 f fertile, gift, possessed of good
Diantha f name of flower ("heavenly flower")
Dionysia f shining tree, name of god
Dolores f sorrows
Dorothea f gift of god
Dulcinea f name of literary character ("sweet")
Earnestine f sincerely serious
Edana f jealousy, name of mythical figure
Edith f spoils of war
Eira 1 f snow, mercy, name of goddess
Eirini f name of goddess ("peace")
Eithne f grain kernel
Elara f name of mythical figure
Eleanor f the other Aenor
Eleri f name of mythological figure
Elfrieda f elf strength
Eligia f to choose
Élodie f foreign wealth
Elowen f elm tree
Elysia f blissful
Emerenciana f unknown meaning
Erianthe f lover of flowers, woolly-haired flower
Eridani f / m name of river constellation
Esmira f dark brown
Estelle f star
Esteri f star, name of goddess
Eteri f ether
Ethel f noble
Euanthe f name of goddess ("flowery blooming")
Eudora f name of nymph ("good gift")
Eulalie f
Evadne f
Evochilde f unknown meaning
Fairuz f
Fardowsa f paradise
Faustina f
Faye f
Felicie f
Fina f delicate, tender
Finola f
Florimell f
Florinda f
Galatea f
Galene f calm, name of historical figure
Gelsomina f
Genista f
Ginevra f
Giselle f
Gordana f dignified
Guinevere f
Gwendolyn f
Gwenith f
Gwenllian f
Gwenn f white, blessed
Gwennan f
Gwenola f
Gwenvred f blessed white
Gwyneira f white snow
Halcyone f
Hawwa f
Hazel f
Helen f torch, moon, electrical fire, name of mythological figure
Herleva f honorable army, honorable noble
Hero 1 f hero, army, name of mythological figure
Hestia f
Hildred f / m battle counsel
Hyacintha f
Hypatia f supreme, name of historical figure
Ianthe f
Idalma f
Idonea f suitable, love again, name of goddess
Igraine f name of literary figure
Ilmatar f air, name of goddess
Imelda f
Inas f
Ingrid f
Iolanthe f
Ione f
Iphigeneia f
Iria f
Isis f name of goddess ("the throne")
Ismahan f excellence-seeker
Isolde f
Jacintha f
Jadirah f deserving, essence, nature
Janis f
Jessaline f
Jumanah f unknown meaning
Katherine f
Kendra f
Kenina f
Kerensa f
Koralia f
Kriemhilde f name of mythological figure
Laila 1 f
Lalage f babbling
Lamya f
Leatrice f
Leocadia f
Letitia f
Lina 1 f tender, palm tree, united, flax
Liv 1 f protection, life, olive, name of mythological figure
Lorelei f
Lorena 2 f
Lyssa 2 f rage, fury, name of flower, noble kind
Macha f
Maëlys f
Maia 1 f the Pleiades, bright, May, love, great, illusion
Maïlys f
Mairwen f
Maite 2 f loveable
Malandra f bad male
Malvina f
Maple f
Marcela f male, Mars
Margery f pearl, daisy, marjory
Mari 3 f donation, mother, name of goddess
Marigold f
Marjolaine f marjoram
Marsaili f
Mavourneen f my darling
Maya 1 f
Melantha f
Melisandre f
Melitta f
Melusine f
Merete f
Minerva f
Minodora f
Miranda f
Mireille f
Mirèio f
Miryam f
Moira f name of mythological figures ("fate, destiny")
Mordad f
Mumtaz m / f distinguished
Myrna f
Myrtle f
Nahida f
Naima f
Najma f
Neasa f not gentle, name of mythological figure
Nerea f
Nereida f
Nerissa f
Nigella f
Nuala f
Nuha 1 f
Nymphodora f
Olalla f
Opal f
Ornella f
Ourania f
Pelageya f the sea
Petra f
Phaedra f
Phaenna f
Polymnia f
Raisa 1 f
Rayhana f basil
Rhiannon f
Romilda f
Rosalinde f
Rowena f
Rubena f
Ruya f
Sable f
Sabrina f name of river in Wales, name of literary figure
Salome f
Samira 1 f
Sappho f
Selena f
September f
Serafina f
Shana 1 f
Shannon f / m
Sharaya unknown meaning
Sherida f
Shirlea f
Shula f
Siani f god is gracious
Sigrid f
Siham f arrows
Síofra f elf
Siwa f alive
Solange f
Soraya f the Pleiades
Styliani f
Sunniva f
Sylviane f
Symra f
Tahira f
Talulla f princess of abundance
Talya f
Tamsin f
Tanit f
Teodora f
Thalia f name of goddesses ("to blossom")
Theda f
Themis f
Theodosia f giving to god
Thomasina f
Treasa f strength, summer, to harvest, name of island in Greece
Tuesday f
Tuuli f
Ugnė f fire
Una f one, lamb, name of river in Croatia, name of saint, name of literary character
Urania f
Venera 1 f name of goddess
Vera 2 f
Verena f true, bringing victory, name of historical figure
Vesna f
Violet f
Viridia f green, he who has the truth
Xanthe f
Yolande f
Yvaine f
Yvonne f yew
Zaahira f shining radiance
Zainab f name of tree, beauty, life of the shining sky
Zaira f blooming flower, name of literary character
Zareen f golden
Zaria f
Zenovia f
Zinnia f
Zorae f unknown meaning
Zoraida f dawn, enchanting, name of literary character
Zorana f dawn
Zoraya f dawn, the Pleiades
Zorione f happiness
Zubaida f
Zuleika f