kaschill7's Personal Name List

Name M/F Remark
Alix m & f Story: Dysfunctional. Unisex, gender of character unknown, Delilah and Trickery's adopted child.
Dahlia f Story: Dysfunctional. Delilah's twin sister.
Delilah f Story: Dysfunctional. One of the main characters. Named because of it's similarity to Dahlia which was her mom's favourite flower.
John m Story: Tristan's Story. Florist and Sharon's boyfriend.
Perry m Story: Tristan's Story. Bit of a gossip. Becomes part of the main group.
Sharon f Story: Tristan's Story. Earth sorceress, was dating John. Friend and nieghbor to Tristan.
Tristan m Story: Tristan's Story. Main character, wants out of his story.