Belle123's Personal Name List

Name M/F Remark
Alexander m Rich GBF of Midge.
Amy f Dead name of Jude. Possibly short for Amelia???
Beau m Guardian of Jules, former mage, can turn his body to armor, part of fantasy story.
Blake m Geeky werewolf foster brother of Hadley that turns out to be crazy/in love with Hadley.
Bridgette f Friend of Sam, cheerleader, actually kinda gay.
Brittany f Gay girl who likes Rose, but is a cheerleader and has to be mean to her. Knows they're book characters and wants out.
Chandler f Lesbian necromancer teenager in love with straight girl.
Charles m Dead name of Hester.
Cooper m Closeted GBF of Stevie, father of her child, and brother of the guy who wants to adopt their baby.
Damian m Fake love interest of Rose, bad boy, doesn't know he's in a book.
Drew m Trans boy, love interest of Sugar.
Gregorio m Dead name of (still deciding). Ex-bf now gf of Robin. Trans girl.
Hadley f Sacrifice turned werewolf, gay for India.
Hester f Chosen name of trans girl ghost that haunts her old house, after Hester Stanhope.
India f Immortal ace-biro witch curing Hadley/in love with Hadley.
Jude 1 m Chosen name of trans boy (after Beatles song), part of ghost story.
Jules 1 m Protag, cambion and mage, part of fantasy story.
Lola f Outgoing lesbian, president of the Conspiracy Club.
Lucille f Alternative for Morna???
María f Can pull stuff from books, Mage, part of fantasy story.
Midge f Trans girl, nickname for Miguel (dead name).
Morna f My character. Still deciding on whether she's a plagiarizer, or a kleptomaniac, or a pyromanic.
Pat m Native American, nickname for Patwin.
Preston m Love interest for Morna/Lu.
Rex m Friend of Chandler, wants to be a ghost hunter.
Robin f Russian ace biro girl in love with her ex-bf now girlfriend (named after Robin Wright).
Rose f Protag of YA novel, knows it, but wants more out of her life than what her author has given her. In love with cheerleader, Brittany.
Sam 1 m Rich popular athlete in high school, pretending to date Lola, but actually aro-ace.
Søren m & f Genderfluid cambion, part of fantasy story.
Stephanie f AKA "Stevie", a disillusioned asexual girl pregnant with Coop's baby.
Tyler m Childhood best friend of Rose, doesn't think he's in a book.
Wolfgang m Alternative for Preston?