NataleeMJohnson's Personal Name List

Name M/F Remark Rating
Avery m  I think that this is a lovely, classic, poetic-sounding boys' name. 
Bethany f  It's a nice, simple, yet pretty name that's quite original nowadays. 
Brittany f  I just find it to be a pretty name, and it isn't nearly as common as it used to be. 
Cecil m  Yes, it is uncommon, but it has class, prestige, and character. 
Frederick m  It has a nice meaning and history to it, and I just seem to really adore it. 
Hadrian m  It's rather distinguished sounding and has a lot of character to it. 
Harper m  I love how classy it sounds on a boy. Not a fan at all on a girl, to be honest. 
Iris f  It's simple, original, and feminine. Another added plus: as a child, she might love to find out her name means "rainbow." :) 
Jared m  I love it because it's a cute, boyish name that sounds good on an adult, too. 
Jesse m  It's cute but ages well. 
Jillian f  I don't know exactly why, but this name has always had some appeal to me. I love it enough to bestow it onto a child. 
Louise f  I have always loved this name. It's just so nice to me. 
Megan f  A cute, girlish name that ages well and has a nice sound to it. 
Nora 1 f  I just adore old fashioned names, so clearly this appeals to me. 
Rose f  Lovely, pretty, and classic, yet simple and easy to say. 
Rowan m  It's so original and very handsome sounding. 
Serena f  Very original and uncommon, but it's pretty and serene. Ages well, too. 
Tabitha f  It's feminine and pretty, but original. 
Tate m  Nice and simple, but handsome. 
Vincent m  There's no reason for someone not to like this name. It's handsome, classic, solid, and masculine.