peterout's Personal Name List

Name M/F Remark Rating
Valerie f
Simone 1 f
Raphaëlle f
Lilac f  I first noticed Lilac because of the eponymous song, "Lilac" by Wild Nothing, a song I love very much. The singer made Lilac sound so wonderful that I fell in love with the name. Collateral damage :) 
Fernande f  The way Fernande is pronounced is captivating. As of right now I'm reading The Great Gatsby, and saying "Fernande" somehow reminds me of Daisy's speech as described by Fitzgerald. 
Dominique f & m
Calliope f
Alexa f
Agnieszka f  I fell in love with this name when I watched Schindler's List. Somehow I found the sound of Agnieszka very alluring. I can't explain it.