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Name M/F Remark Rating
Adam m
Adelaide f Just a wonderful and elegant name with great meaning.
Alexandra f It's just really pretty [:
Andrew m I just think it's a cool name, with many royal namesakes but can still be down to earth and fun.
Avery m BOY BOY BOY. Avery is wayy to masculine for girl.
Camille f I don't really like this for a guy. XP It's a lovely girls name though.
Désirée f I really like this name, but the stripper connotations might be too much.
Donovan m This name is just the sexiest ever.
Elias m I've recently fallen in love with this name. It's so cute but can be good for a older guy also.
Ellen 1 f Family name. So many people on my dad's side have this as a middle name. I think it is just a lovely classic.
Elliott m It's a cute name and it's also the name of the boy in ET! (:
Finley m Same thing with Avery. Completely boy's name.
Floyd m
Garrett m I've always liked this name, but I don't think I can use it because it's the name of my retarded ex.
Grace f It's pretty. It was the middle name for my old favorite name combo. I hate the name Charlotte now though.
Henry m Same thing with Andrew. It's royal but not too prententious, like Reginald or Maximilian is.
Isaac m I didn't like this name but now I think it's great. [:
Katherine f Love this name. It's the name of my half sister and she is very beautiful and nice.
Kathleen f I like this name because it is a bit vintage. It's the only "leen" name that I like, really.
Leonard m
Madeline f I love this name because it reminds me of me color blue, lol.
Miranda f I like it because it has a nice sound to it and it's not as dated as Amanda, which is nice too.
Olivia f Love this gorgeous name. I also love olives. :P But it might be too popular, hopefully it isn't in 15 years.
Quentin m Cool name, like Quinn but without the gender confusion.
Quinn m / f I like it for both but I think it will age better on a guy.
Rebecca f It's a sweet name and all the ones I've met were very nice and pretty.
Robert m Grandpa's middle name, so I like it.
Rose f A bit bland, but it's still a beautiful timeless classic. It's also a family name, and my middle name.
Silas m
William m I like this for the nickname Will. I also think I have some people on my dad's side with this name.