veraicon44's Personal Name List

Name M/F Remark
Albert m  Louisa's father, a British author and a strong believer in extra-terrestrial life. 
Alison 1 f  An eccentric geneticsist living on a mutation camp deep in the Amazon Rainforest. 
Becky f  See REBECCA. 
Benedito m  A tribe boy whom, upon meeting Louisa, teaches her about the importance of nature. 
Bert m  See ALBERT. 
Frida 1 f  Louisa's ten-year-old sister. 
Jenna f  Louisa's sixteen-year-old sister. 
Louisa f  A thirteen-year-old girl who loves old movies and making quilts. 
Rebecca f  Louisa's fourteen-year-old sister. 
Sadie f  See SARAH. 
Sarah f  Louisa's mother, a librarian.