Name List: Favorite Female

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Name M/F Remark Rating
Abigail f
Adah f
Adelheid f Beautiful; the only form of "Adelaide" that I can remotely accept.
Amity f
Anastasia f
Anatolia f Such enchantment!
Andromeda f Andi or Ida would be a cute nickname.
Angelica f Only if pronounced Ahn-JEYH-Lee-Kah.
Apolena f
Apollonia f
Ashtoreth f
Astraea f
Bastet f
Beatrice f An ever delightful, classy name-- both in the English and Italian pronunciations.
Beatrix f A sophisticated little peach.
Belphoebe f Disgusting to the ear... yet beautiful when written.
Berengaria f
Bernadette f
Blair m / f "Blair" is satisfactory, but "Blaire" is exceptional. It appeals more as a female name.
Blanche f
Chava f
Cheyenne f
Clodagh f
Cyrille m / f
Daphne f
Edmée f
Edna f Spectacular. That is all that I have to say about "Edna."
Elanor f
Elda f
Eleftheria f
Elizabeth f "Elizabeth" is a name that has stood the test of time, and has proved that it is not to be toyed with. Such strength and elegance.
Elke 2 f
Elvire f
Emese f
Éowyn f I have been commanded to love it from the Tolkien'ite within.
Erzsébet f
Eseld f
Esmeralda f
Etel f
Ethel f Very classy and sweet. Regrettably, it seems to have been attracting a large amount of attention recently. It is such an ordinary-looking name, but becomes breathtaking in time.
Evangeline f
Eydís f
Faustine f
Fiammetta f
Fidelma f
Fiona f
Franca f As a nickname. I'd never use it, though... the "-ca" seems harsh in this context.
Francesca f My own name. I'm not too fond of it, to be honest.
Frankie m / f The nickname that I go by.
Frea f
Frederica f
Freja f
Freya f
Galadriel f
Gauri f
Gertrude f "Gertrude" definitely deserves some love. The hate radiating from people regarding it is baffling to me.
Ginevra f A true favorite. "Ginny" is darling.
Glenna f
Gobnait f
Goldie 2 f
Guinevere f Enchanting-- though I'd never use it.
Hanna 1 f I would never use it. Strangely alluring, however-- particularly because I despise "Hannah" so strongly.
Harmonia f
Haruna 1 f
Hedwig f Harry Potter associations aside (though there is nothing wrong with them)... "Hedwig" is a charming name, when pronounced correctly.
Hester f "Hester" is a very wily, impish moniker. I can only love it.
Hestia f If you look above at "Hester," my comments are valid here, too-- though "Hestia" comes in second, if they are compared.
Idril f
Igraine f
Irune f
Isla f "Isla" is endearing, but too sweet for me. It is a pity that attention and popularity seem to be growing. I fear that it will become another "Ava" and wither away.
Jewel f What am I to say about my unusual liking of "Jewel"? It is tender, but woefully tawdry.
Josephine f
Kreine f
Léopoldine f
Lidia f Italian pronunciation, please! LEE-Dyah.
Liliana f Once again, Italian pronunciation: Lee-LYAH-Nah.
Lorelei f
Louhi f
Lourdes f
Lucienne f
Lux m / f Regardless of the fact that I would never use it... I cannot help but secretly relish it (particularly for a male.)
Lygia f
Maddalena f "Lena," perhaps as a nickname? Never "Maddie," I beg of you.
Maia 1 f
Maiara f
Margalit f
Margaret f
Maria f Very classic, very simple, very elegant... but not too frilly, which is marvelous. It also carries a family-tie. "Marie" is lovely, as well (perhaps even more-so.)
Marie f / m
Marilyn m / f "Marilyn" is one of the few names of combined origins that I actually am fond of. Having said that, I hold it to higher respect as male.
Marina f "Marina" is a name that I respect and am fond of. Unfortunately, I find that it (and "Serena") appears to be a bit unintelligent and 'ditzy' in English-speaking countries.
Maristela f I'd likely spell it "Maristella" (two 'LL's).
Maryam f
Mélisande f
Metrodora f
Michelina f "Mick" or "Micky" would be fantastic. "Lina" is a possibility.
Minerva f
Minnie f A charming, old-world-sounding nickname. I would certainly consider.
Miriam f
Mitrodora f
Monet f / m
Myrtle f Part of me wishes that people looked upon "Myrtle" in a better light; part of me is thankful that it remains obscure and glowing.
Nasrin f
Noor 1 f / m
Ofelia f 'Oh-FEYH-Lyah,' is the proper pronunciation, it is.
Olimpia f
Olivera f I cannot begin to explain how much I prefer "Olivera" over "Olivia." "Olivia" is grostesquely unpleasent, in my opinion. "Olivera" is a bombshell.
Opal f
Opaline f
Ophélie f
Ori m / f
Oriana f Despite the number of details that summons me to it... never would I commit to using "Oriana" in this day and age; it appears self-created/made-up, and trendy/fad.
Ourania f
Pallas 1 f
Penelope f
Persephone f
Pherenike f
Pia f Charming, even if it is minuscule. Perhaps a nickname?
Pierrette f
Priscilla f Such a name is already a toe over the frilly-line. We best not finish the crossing with one of the abominable diminutives. No nicknames.
Raniya f
Reagan m / f There is positively no chance of myself ever placing "Reagan" to use... but it's nice. Ronald Reagan was a wonderful president.
Rilla f
Rim f
Rohan 2 m / f
Rosalba f
Rosamund f
Rosanna f "Anna" as nickname. As darling and old-fashioned "Rose" is, I would not likely use it.
Runa f
Ruth 1 f
Ryder m / f
Saoirse f Undeniably trendy, currently. Nonetheless, I find it somewhat endearing, in an odd way.
Sauliā f
Scarlet f I would only ever feel it acceptable on a stern woman.
Ségolène f
Serena f It sounds ditzy... but pronounced the Italian way, I adore it.
Shalev m / f
Sibyl f
Sieglinde f
Simonetta f
Skylar f Not in a million years would you ever witness me using this. Even so, admittedly, there is a strange ugly/beautiful magnetism that is fighting in my mind.
Susan f
Susana f
Tabassum f / m
Tegwen f Such a magnificent middle name. I have used it as so on a character of mine.
Tinúviel f Absolutely stunning! (when pronounced correctly.)
Toby f
Tova 2 f
Tündér f
Valora f
Velma f
Veronica f Lovely; feminine, but not too disgustingly frilly. It also holds some family-ties, which is wonderful.
Vespera f
Vesta f
Viatrix f
Vivienne f
Voirrey f
Winifred f
Zelda 2 f
Zelde f
Zillah f
Zinnia f
Ziva f