Gender Masculine
Usage Theology, Biblical, Portuguese
Pronounced Pron. /ˈd͡ʒiː.zəs/(English) /ʒɨ.ˈzuʃ/(European Portuguese) /ʒe.ˈzus/(Brazilian Portuguese) [key·simplify]
Meaning & History
English form of Ἰησοῦς (Iesous), which was the Greek form of the Aramaic name יֵשׁוּעַ (Yeshuaʿ). Yeshuaʿ is itself a contracted form of Yehoshuaʿ (see Joshua). Yeshua ben Yoseph, better known as Jesus Christ, is the central figure of the New Testament and the source of the Christian religion. The four gospels state that he was the son of God and the Virgin Mary who fulfilled the Old Testament prophecies of the Messiah. He preached for three years before being crucified in Jerusalem.
Related Names
Other Languages & CulturesIsa(Albanian) Yeshua(Ancient Aramaic) Eesa, Essa, Isa, Issa, Yasu, Yusha(Arabic) İsa(Azerbaijani) Josu(Basque) Iesous(Biblical Greek) Yehoshua, Yeshua(Biblical Hebrew) Iesus, Iosue(Biblical Latin) Isa(Bosnian) Jesús(Catalan) Joshua(English) Josué(French) Xesús(Galician) Iokua(Hawaiian) Yehoshua(Hebrew) Isa(Indonesian) Giosuè(Italian) Isa(Malay) Isa(Persian) Jesús, Josué, Chucho, Chus, Chuy(Spanish) İsa(Turkish)
Surname DescendantJesus(Portuguese)
Same SpellingJesús
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