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Gender Masculine
Usage English
Pronounced Pron. /ˈpɜɹ.si/(American English) /ˈpɜː.si/(British English)  [key·simplify]

Meaning & History

From an English surname that was derived from the name of a Norman town Perci, which was itself perhaps derived from a Gaulish given name that was Latinized as Persius. The surname was borne by a noble English family, and it first used as a given name in their honour. A famous bearer was Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792-1822), an English romantic poet whose works include Adonais and Ozymandias. This name can also be used as a short form of Percival.

Related Names

Other Languages & CulturesParsifal, Parzival, Perceval, Percival(Arthurian Cycle)


People think this name is

classic   youthful   upper class   wholesome   refined   strange   simple  


Entry updated December 1, 2024