Gender Masculine
Meaning & History
Short form of Frederick and other names containing the same element. A famous bearer was the American actor and dancer Fred Astaire (1899-1987). It was also borne by the cartoon caveman Fred Flintstone on the television series The Flintstones (1960-1966).
Related Names
VariantsFreddie, Freddy(English) Freddy, Freek, Frits, Rik(Dutch) Fiete, Fritz(German) Freddy(French)
Feminine FormsFrederica(English) Friederike, Alfreda(German) Frédérique(French) Frederica(Portuguese) Fredrika(Swedish) Fredrikke(Norwegian)
Other Languages & CulturesAlfred(Albanian) Ælfræd(Anglo-Saxon) Frederic(Catalan) Alfréd, Bedřich(Czech) Alfred, Frederik(Danish) Priidik, Priit(Estonian) Fredrik, Veeti(Finnish) Friduric, Manfred(Germanic) Alfréd, Frigyes(Hungarian) Friðrik(Icelandic) Alfredo, Federico, Federigo, Manfredi, Manfredo, Fredo(Italian) Alfrēds, Fricis, Frīdrihs(Latvian) Alfredas(Lithuanian) Frederik(Low German) Frederic(Occitan) Friþurīks(Old Germanic) Alfred, Fryderyk, Manfred(Polish) Alfréd(Slovak) Friderik(Slovene) Alfredo, Federico(Spanish)
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