Name | Gender | Categories | |
Fógartach | m | Irish Kings | |
Folke Alnevik | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Ford Hiroshi Konno | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Ford Prefect | m | Fictional Characters from Books | |
Forest Whitaker | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers, Oscar Award Winners | |
Forggus | m | Irish Kings | |
Forrest DeBernardi | m | Hall-of-Famers | |
Forrest Gump | m | Fictional Characters from Books, Fictional Characters from Movies | |
Fortinbras | m | Shakespearian Characters | |
Fortuna | f | Characters in Roman Mythology | |
Fothad Airgthech | m | Irish Kings | |
Fothad Cairptech | m | Irish Kings | |
Fourie du Preez | m | Notable Athletes | |
Fran | f | Hurricanes and Tropical Storms | |
Fran Drescher | f | Notable Actors and Entertainers | |
Fran Fine | f | Fictional Characters from Television | |
Fran Tarkenton | m | Hall-of-Famers, Most Valuable Players | |
France Gall | f | Eurovision Song Contest Winners, Notable Musicians | |
Francelia | f | Hurricanes and Tropical Storms | |
Frances | f | Hurricanes and Tropical Storms | |
Frances Arnold | f | Nobel Prize Winners, Notable Scientists and Inventors | |
Frances Xavier Cabrini | f | Saints | |
Frances Cleveland | f | American First Ladies | |
Frances Fisher | f | Notable Actors and Entertainers | |
Frances McDormand | f | Notable Actors and Entertainers, Oscar Award Winners | |
Francesca | f | Shakespearian Characters | |
Francesco Maria da Camporosso | m | Saints | |
Francesco Cavalli | m | Notable Musicians | |
Francesco Cossiga | m | Italian Presidents and Prime Ministers | |
Francesco Crispi | m | Italian Presidents and Prime Ministers | |
Francesco Faà di Bruno | m | Saints | |
Francesco Antonio Fasani | m | Saints | |
Francesco Fogolla | m | Saints | |
Francesco Saverio Nitti | m | Italian Presidents and Prime Ministers | |
Francesco Spinelli | m | Saints | |
Francie Calfo | f | Fictional Characters from Television | |
Francine Smith | f | Fictional Characters from Television | |
Francis | m | Bishops of Rome and the Popes | |
Francis | m | Shakespearian Characters | |
Francis of Assisi | m | Notable Philosophers and Thinkers, Saints | |
Francis Trung Van Tran | m | Saints | |
Friar Francis | m | Shakespearian Characters | |
Francis William Aston | m | Nobel Prize Winners, Notable Scientists and Inventors | |
Francis Bacon | m | Notable Philosophers and Thinkers | |
Francis "King" Clancy | m | Hall-of-Famers, Notable Athletes | |
Francis Ford Coppola | m | Notable Filmmakers, Oscar Award Winners | |
Francis Crick | m | Nobel Prize Winners, Notable Scientists and Inventors | |
Francis Drake | m | Notable Explorers and Adventurers, Notable Military Figures | |
Francis Feeble | m | Shakespearian Characters | |
Francis Flute | m | Shakespearian Characters | |
Francis "Chick" Hearn | m | Hall-of-Famers | |
Francis Johnson | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Francis Kerbiriou | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Francis Xavier Mau | m | Saints | |
Francis Reynaud | m | Fictional Characters from Books | |
Francis Peyton Rous | m | Nobel Prize Winners | |
Francis Schewetta | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Francis Xavier Seelos | m | Saints | |
Francis Troy | m | Fictional Characters from Books | |
Francis Wilkerson | m | Fictional Characters from Television | |
Francis Xavier | m | Saints | |
Francis Younghusband | m | Notable Explorers and Adventurers | |
Francisca Javier de Rafelbunyol | f | Saints | |
Francisca Aldea Araujo | f | Saints | |
Francisco | m | Shakespearian Characters | |
Francisco | m | Shakespearian Characters | |
Francisco Cunha Leal | m | Portuguese Presidents and Prime Ministers | |
Francisco de Paula Rodrigues Alves | m | Brazilian Presidents | |
Francisco Fernández de Capillas | m | Saints | |
Francisco Franco | m | Spanish Prime Ministers | |
Francisco Gárate Aranguren | m | Saints | |
Francisco Largo Caballero | m | Spanish Prime Ministers | |
Francisco Martínez | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Francisco Marto | m | Saints | |
Francisco Palau | m | Saints | |
Francisco Pizarro | m | Notable Explorers and Adventurers, Notable Military Figures | |
Francisco Serrano | m | Spanish Prime Ministers | |
Franciszek Rogaczewski | m | Saints | |
Franco Baresi | m | Notable Athletes | |
Franco Harris | m | Hall-of-Famers, Notable Athletes | |
Franco Lavoratori | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Franco Nero | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers | |
François de Sales | m | Saints | |
François I | m | Frankish and French Kings | |
François II | m | Frankish and French Kings | |
François-Marie Arouet "Voltaire" | m | Notable Philosophers and Thinkers, Notable Writers | |
François Couperin | m | Notable Musicians | |
François Englert | m | Nobel Prize Winners, Notable Scientists and Inventors | |
François Isidore Gagelin | m | Saints | |
François-Joseph Gossec | m | Notable Musicians | |
François Jaccard | m | Saints | |
François Mauriac | m | Nobel Prize Winners, Notable Writers | |
François Mitterrand | m | French Presidents and Prime Ministers | |
François Rabelais | m | Notable Writers | |
Françoise Barré-Sinoussi | f | Nobel Prize Winners, Notable Scientists and Inventors | |
Françoise Trehet | f | Saints | |
Frane Nonković | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Frank | m | Fictional Characters from Song Titles | |
Frank Barone | m | Fictional Characters from Television | |
Frank Beard | m | Notable Musicians, Rock and Roll Hall-of-Famers | |
Frank Beaurepaire | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Frank Booth | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Frank Borzage | m | Notable Filmmakers, Oscar Award Winners | |
Frank Boucher | m | Hall-of-Famers, Notable Athletes | |
Frank Brimsek | m | Hall-of-Famers, Notable Athletes | |
Frank Bryce | m | Harry Potter Characters | |
Frank Buffay Jr. | m | Fictional Characters from Television | |
Frank Macfarlane Burnet | m | Nobel Prize Winners | |
Frank Chance | m | Hall-of-Famers | |
Frank Churchill | m | Fictional Characters from Books | |
Frank de Boer | m | Notable Athletes | |
Frank Finlay | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers | |
Master Frank Ford | m | Shakespearian Characters | |
Frank Forde | m | Australian Prime Ministers | |
Frank Foss | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Frank Foyston | m | Hall-of-Famers | |
Frank Fredrickson | m | Hall-of-Famers, Notable Athletes | |
Frank Gatski | m | Hall-of-Famers | |
Frank Gehry | m | Notable Artists | |
Frank Gifford | m | Hall-of-Famers, Notable Athletes | |
Frank "Moose" Goheen | m | Hall-of-Famers, Olympic Medalists | |
Frank Gore | m | Notable Athletes | |
Frank Gorman | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Frank Grant | m | Hall-of-Famers | |
Frank Hardy | m | Fictional Characters from Books | |
Frank Herbert | m | Notable Writers | |
Frank Hussey | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Frank Irons | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Frank Jarvis | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Frank Kehoe | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Frank B. Kellogg | m | Nobel Prize Winners | |
Frank Kennedy | m | Fictional Characters from Books | |
Frank "Bruiser" Kinard | m | Hall-of-Famers | |
Frank Kurtz | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Frank Lambert | m | Fictional Characters from Television | |
Frank Lampard | m | Notable Athletes | |
Frank Lemmer | m | Fictional Characters from Television | |
Frank Lloyd | m | Notable Filmmakers, Oscar Award Winners | |
Frank Longbottom | m | Harry Potter Characters | |
Frank Lukeman | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Frank Mahovlich | m | Hall-of-Famers, Notable Athletes | |
Frank Martin | m | Fictional Characters from Television | |
Frank McCabe | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Frank McCormick | m | Most Valuable Players | |
Frank McGee | m | Hall-of-Famers | |
Frank McKinney Jr. | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Frank Mitchell | m | Fictional Characters from Television | |
Frank Montieth | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Frank Murphy | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Frank Nelson | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Frank Nighbor | m | Hall-of-Famers, Most Valuable Players, Notable Athletes | |
Frank Otto | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Frank Ramsey | m | Hall-of-Famers, Notable Athletes | |
Frank Rankin | m | Hall-of-Famers | |
Frank Reynolds | m | Fictional Characters from Television | |
Frank Robinson | m | Hall-of-Famers, Most Valuable Players, Notable Athletes | |
F. Sherwood Rowland | m | Nobel Prize Winners | |
Frank Sinatra | m | Grammy Award Winners, Notable Actors and Entertainers, Notable Musicians, Oscar Award Winners | |
Frank Stallone | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers, Notable Musicians | |
Frank Thomas | m | Hall-of-Famers, Most Valuable Players, Notable Athletes | |
Frank Tripp | m | Fictional Characters from Television | |
Frank Verner | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Frank Waller | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Frank Wilczek | m | Nobel Prize Winners, Notable Scientists and Inventors | |
Frank "Tré Cool" Wright III | m | Rock and Roll Hall-of-Famers | |
Frank Lloyd Wright | m | Notable Artists | |
Frank Zappa | m | Notable Musicians, Rock and Roll Hall-of-Famers | |
Franka Batelić | f | Notable Musicians | |
Franka Potente | f | Notable Actors and Entertainers | |
Frankie | f | Fictional Characters from Song Titles | |
Frankie | f | Fictional Characters from Books | |
Frankie Boyle | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers | |
Frankie Brady | m | Fictional Characters from Television | |
Frankie Colby | f | Fictional Characters from Television | |
Frankie Crisp | m | Fictional Characters from Song Titles | |
Frankie Darro | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers | |
Frankie Fredericks | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Frankie Frisch | m | Hall-of-Famers, Most Valuable Players, Notable Athletes | |
Frankie Landau-Banks | f | Fictional Characters from Books | |
Frankie Valli | m | Notable Musicians, Rock and Roll Hall-of-Famers | |
Franklin | m | Hurricanes and Tropical Storms | |
Franklin Pierce | m | American Presidents | |
Franklin D. Roosevelt | m | American Presidents | |
Franklin J. Schaffner | m | Notable Filmmakers, Oscar Award Winners | |
Franklin Standard | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Frannie Morgan | f | Fictional Characters from Television | |
Frano Vićan | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Frans Andriessen | m | Notable Politicians and Statespeople | |
Frans Bauer | m | Notable Musicians | |
Frans Hals | m | Notable Artists | |
Frans Eemil Sillanpää | m | Nobel Prize Winners, Notable Writers | |
Frans Timmermans | m | Notable Politicians and Statespeople | |
František Janda-Suk | m | Olympic Medalists | |
František Plánička | m | Notable Athletes | |
František Vláčil | m | Notable Filmmakers | |
Franz I | m | German Kings and Holy Roman Emperors | |
Franz Beckenbauer | m | Notable Athletes | |
Franz Boas | m | Notable Scientists and Inventors | |
Franz-Peter Hofmeister | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Franz Lehár | m | Notable Musicians | |
Franz Liszt | m | Notable Musicians | |
Franz von Papen | m | German Chancellors and Presidents | |
Franz Schubert | m | Notable Musicians | |
Franziska van Almsick | f | Olympic Medalists | |
Fraser Brown | m | Notable Athletes | |
Fraser Stoddart | m | Nobel Prize Winners | |
Fré Cohen | f | Notable Artists | |
Fréaláf Hildeson | m | Tolkien's Characters | |
Fréawine | m | Tolkien's Characters | |
Fred | m | Hurricanes and Tropical Storms | |
Fred | m | Notable Athletes | |
Fred | m | Fictional Characters from Song Titles | |
Fred | m | Fictional Characters from Song Titles | |
Fred Alderman | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Fred Astaire | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers | |
Fred Biletnikoff | m | Hall-of-Famers | |
Fred Burkle | f | Fictional Characters from Television | |
Fred Clarke | m | Hall-of-Famers | |
Fred "Bun" Cook | m | Hall-of-Famers | |
Fred Dean | m | Hall-of-Famers | |
Fred Durst | m | Notable Musicians | |
Fred Englehardt | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Fred Hampton | m | Notable Activists and Revolutionaries | |
Fred Hansen | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Fred Kelly | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Fred Lauer | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Fred Lynn | m | Most Valuable Players, Notable Athletes | |
Fred Newhouse | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Fred Onyancha | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Fred Perry | m | Notable Athletes | |
Fred Rogers | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers | |
Fred Savage | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers | |
Fred Scanlan | m | Hall-of-Famers | |
Fred Schmidt | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Fred Sinowatz | m | Austrian Chancellors and Presidents | |
Fred "Cyclone" Taylor | m | Hall-of-Famers | |
Fred Thompson | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers, Notable Politicians and Statespeople | |
Fred Tootell | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Fred Tyler | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Fred Ward | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers | |
Fred Warngård | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Fred Weasley | m | Harry Potter Characters | |
Fred Whitcroft | m | Hall-of-Famers | |
Fred Willard | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers | |
Fred Zinnemann | m | Notable Filmmakers, Oscar Award Winners | |
Fred Zollner | m | Hall-of-Famers | |
Freda Dowie | f | Notable Actors and Entertainers | |
Freddie Fox | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers | |
Freddie Freeman | m | Most Valuable Players, Notable Athletes | |
Freddie Lindstrom | m | Hall-of-Famers | |
Freddie Mercury | m | Notable Musicians, Rock and Roll Hall-of-Famers | |
Freddie Prinze | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers | |
Freddie Prinze, Jr. | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers | |
Freddie van der Goes | f | Olympic Medalists | |
Freddie Veseli | m | Notable Athletes | |
Freddie Wolff | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Freddy Heineken | m | Notable Businesspeople | |
Frederic | m | Hurricanes and Tropical Storms | |
Frédéric Chopin | m | Notable Musicians | |
Frédéric Delcourt | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Frédéric Janssoone | m | Saints | |
Frédéric Joliot-Curie | m | Nobel Prize Winners, Notable Scientists and Inventors | |
Frederic Leighton | m | Notable Artists | |
Frédéric Mistral | m | Nobel Prize Winners, Notable Writers | |
Frederich Cepeda | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Duke Frederick | m | Shakespearian Characters | |
Frederick Banting | m | Nobel Prize Winners, Notable Scientists and Inventors | |
Frédérick Bousquet | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Frederick Delius | m | Notable Musicians | |
Frederick Holman | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Frederick Gowland Hopkins | m | Nobel Prize Winners, Notable Scientists and Inventors | |
Frederick Humphreys | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Frederick Lane | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Frederick George "Steamer" Maxwell | m | Hall-of-Famers | |
Frederick North | m | British Prime Ministers | |
Frederick Reines | m | Nobel Prize Winners, Notable Scientists and Inventors | |
F. J. Robinson | m | British Prime Ministers | |
Frederick Sanger | m | Nobel Prize Winners, Notable Scientists and Inventors | |
Frederick Soddy | m | Nobel Prize Winners, Notable Scientists and Inventors | |
Frederick Weld | m | New Zealand Prime Ministers | |
Frederick Wentworth | m | Fictional Characters from Books | |
Frederick Whitaker | m | New Zealand Prime Ministers | |
Frederik IX | m | Danish Kings and Queens | |
Frederik VII | m | Danish Kings and Queens | |
Frederik VIII | m | Danish Kings and Queens | |
Frederik X | m | Danish Kings and Queens | |
Frédérik Deburghgraeve | m | Olympic Medalists | |
F. W. de Klerk | m | Nobel Prize Winners, Other Leaders | |
Fredric March | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers, Oscar Award Winners | |
Frederik I | m | Danish Kings and Queens, Norwegian Kings and Queens | |
Frederik II | m | Danish Kings and Queens, Norwegian Kings and Queens | |
Frederik III | m | Danish Kings and Queens, Norwegian Kings and Queens | |
Frederik IV | m | Danish Kings and Queens, Norwegian Kings and Queens | |
Frederik V | m | Danish Kings and Queens, Norwegian Kings and Queens | |
Frederik VI | m | Danish Kings and Queens, Norwegian Kings and Queens | |
Fredrik Bajer | m | Nobel Prize Winners | |
Fredrik Reinfeldt | m | Swedish Prime Ministers | |
Fredy Hinestroza | m | Notable Athletes | |
Frej Liewendahl | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Freya | f | Characters in Norse Mythology | |
Freyr | m | Characters in Norse Mythology | |
Frida Kahlo | f | Notable Artists | |
Fridrich V | m | Bohemian Kings | |
Fridtjof Nansen | m | Nobel Prize Winners, Notable Explorers and Adventurers | |
Friedrich I Barbarossa | m | German Kings and Holy Roman Emperors | |
Friedrich I the Catholic | m | Austrian Dukes and Emperors | |
Friedrich I the Fair | m | Austrian Dukes and Emperors | |
Friedrich II | m | German Kings and Holy Roman Emperors | |
Friedrich II | m | Austrian Dukes and Emperors | |
Friedrich II the Great | m | Notable Military Figures, Other Royalty | |
Friedrich II the Quarrelsome | m | Austrian Dukes and Emperors | |
Friedrich III | m | Austrian Dukes and Emperors, German Kings and Holy Roman Emperors | |
Friedrich Bergius | m | Nobel Prize Winners, Notable Scientists and Inventors | |
Friedrich Wilhelm Braun | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Friedrich Ebert | m | German Chancellors and Presidents | |
Friedrich Hayek | m | Nobel Prize Winners, Notable Philosophers and Thinkers | |
Friedrich Hendrix | m | Olympic Medalists | |
F. W. Murnau | m | Notable Filmmakers | |
Friedrich Nietzsche | m | Notable Philosophers and Thinkers | |
Friedrich Schiller | m | Notable Writers | |
Friedrich von Stülpnagel | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Friedrich von Amerling | m | Notable Artists | |
Frigg | f | Characters in Norse Mythology | |
Frigyes Mezei | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Frits Bolkestein | m | Notable Politicians and Statespeople | |
Frits Korthals Altes | m | Notable Politicians and Statespeople | |
Frits Ruimschotel | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Frits Smol | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Frits Zernike | m | Nobel Prize Winners, Notable Scientists and Inventors | |
Fritz Haber | m | Nobel Prize Winners, Notable Scientists and Inventors | |
Fritz Hilpert | m | Notable Musicians | |
Fritz Hofmann | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Fritz Pollard | m | Hall-of-Famers | |
Fritz Pollard Jr. | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Fritz Pregl | m | Nobel Prize Winners, Notable Scientists and Inventors | |
Fritz Schwab | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Fritz Stolze | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Fritz Walter | m | Notable Athletes | |
Fritzi Burger | f | Olympic Medalists | |
Frodo Baggins | m | Fictional Characters from Books, Tolkien's Characters | |
Frodo Gardner | m | Tolkien's Characters | |
Fromental Halévy | m | Notable Musicians | |
Frontasius | m | Saints | |
Frontiniano of Alba | m | Saints | |
Fronto of Périgueux | m | Saints | |
Froth | m | Shakespearian Characters | |
Fulgencia Romay | f | Olympic Medalists | |
Shunzhi | m | Chinese Emperors | |
Zhao of Han | m | Chinese Emperors | |
Fulvio Valbusa | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Fyodor Dostoyevsky | m | Notable Writers | |
Fyodor Karamazov | m | Fictional Characters from Books | |
Gaal | m | Biblical Characters | |
Gabbai | m | Biblical Characters | |
Gabby Douglas | f | Olympic Medalists | |
Gabby Hartnett | m | Hall-of-Famers, Most Valuable Players | |
Gabe Dimas | m | Fictional Characters from Television | |
Gabe Lewis | m | Fictional Characters from Television | |
Gabe Woodward | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Gabhran mac Domangart | m | Scottish Kings and Queens | |
Gabi Hernandez | f | Fictional Characters from Television | |
Gabi Novak | f | Notable Musicians | |
Gabinus | m | Saints | |
Gabinus of Sardinia | m | Saints | |
Gábor Csapó | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Gabriel of Belgium | m | Other Royalty | |
Gabriel of Sweden | m | Other Royalty | |
Gabriel the Archangel | m | Biblical Characters, Saints | |
Gabriel Fauré | m | Notable Musicians | |
Gabriel Fernández | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Gabriel García Márquez | m | Nobel Prize Winners, Notable Writers | |
Gabriel Lippmann | m | Nobel Prize Winners, Notable Scientists and Inventors | |
Gabriel Oak | m | Fictional Characters from Books | |
Gabriel Urgebadze | m | Saints | |
Gabriela Mistral | f | Nobel Prize Winners, Notable Writers | |
Gabriela Szabo | f | Olympic Medalists | |
Gabriele of Our Lady of Sorrows | m | Saints | |
Gabriella "H.E.R." Wilson | f | Grammy Award Winners, Notable Musicians | |
Gabrielle | f | Hurricanes and Tropical Storms | |
Gabrielle | f | Hurricanes and Tropical Storms | |
Gabrielle Delacour | f | Harry Potter Characters | |
Gaby Bußmann | f | Olympic Medalists | |
Gaby Hoffmann | f | Notable Actors and Entertainers | |
Gad | m | Biblical Characters | |
Gad | m | Biblical Characters | |
Gaddi | m | Biblical Characters | |
Gaddiel | m | Biblical Characters | |
Gadi | m | Biblical Characters | |
Gadshill | m | Shakespearian Characters | |
Gaea | f | Characters in Greek Mythology | |
Gael Mulhall-Martin | f | Olympic Medalists | |
Gaetana Sterni | f | Saints | |
Gaetano Donizetti | m | Notable Musicians | |
Gaetano Errico | m | Saints | |
Gaham | m | Biblical Characters | |
Gahar | m | Biblical Characters | |
Gail Emms | f | Olympic Medalists | |
Gail Miller | f | Olympic Medalists | |
Decius | m | Roman and Byzantine Emperors | |
Diocletian | m | Roman and Byzantine Emperors | |
Galerius | m | Roman and Byzantine Emperors | |
Hostilian | m | Roman and Byzantine Emperors | |
Maximinus II Daia | m | Roman and Byzantine Emperors | |
Maximinus Thrax | m | Roman and Byzantine Emperors | |
Trebonianus Gallus | m | Roman and Byzantine Emperors | |
Gaius Cassius Longinus | m | Notable Politicians and Statespeople, Shakespearian Characters | |
Caligula | m | Roman and Byzantine Emperors | |
Gaius Julius Caesar | m | Notable Military Figures, Notable Politicians and Statespeople, Shakespearian Characters | |
Gaius Cilnius Maecenas | m | Notable Politicians and Statespeople, Shakespearian Characters | |
Galadriel | f | Fictional Characters from Books, Tolkien's Characters | |
Sir Galahad | m | Arthurian Characters | |
Galal | m | Biblical Characters | |
Galal | m | Biblical Characters | |
Galatea | f | Characters in Greek Mythology | |
Galatea | f | Characters in Greek Mythology | |
Galates | m | Characters in Greek Mythology | |
Galaxaure | f | Characters in Greek Mythology | |
Galdinus della Sala | m | Saints | |
Galdor | m | Tolkien's Characters | |
Galdor the Tall | m | Tolkien's Characters | |
Gale Hawthorne | m | Fictional Characters from Books | |
Gale Sayers | m | Hall-of-Famers, Notable Athletes | |
Gale Sondergaard | f | Notable Actors and Entertainers, Oscar Award Winners | |
Galen | m | Notable Scientists and Inventors | |
Galene | f | Characters in Greek Mythology | |
Gali Atari | f | Eurovision Song Contest Winners, Notable Actors and Entertainers, Notable Musicians | |
Galileo Galilei | m | Notable Scientists and Inventors | |
Galina Alekseyeva | f | Olympic Medalists | |
Galina Astafei | f | Olympic Medalists | |
Galina Bystrova | f | Olympic Medalists | |
Galina Malchugina | f | Olympic Medalists | |
Galina Prozumenshchikova | f | Olympic Medalists | |
Galina Zybina | f | Olympic Medalists | |
Lucius Junius Gallio | m | Biblical Characters | |
Gallus | m | Shakespearian Characters | |
Gamaliel | m | Biblical Characters | |
Gamaliel | m | Biblical Characters | |
Gamul | m | Biblical Characters | |
Gandalf | m | Fictional Characters from Books, Fictional Characters from Movies, Tolkien's Characters | |
Ganna Sorokina | f | Olympic Medalists | |
Ganyctor | m | Characters in Greek Mythology | |
Ganymede | m | Shakespearian Characters | |
Ganymedes | m | Characters in Greek Mythology | |
Hongxi | m | Chinese Emperors | |
Gareb | m | Biblical Characters | |
Sir Gareth | m | Arthurian Characters | |
Gareth Hunt | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers | |
Garfield | m | Other Fictional Characters | |
Garfield MacDonald | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Garnet | f | Fictional Characters from Television | |
Garou | m | Notable Musicians | |
Garrett Serviss Jr. | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Garrett Weber-Gale | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Garrick Ollivander | m | Harry Potter Characters | |
Garrincha | m | Notable Athletes | |
Garry Cook | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Garry Kasparov | m | Notable Athletes | |
Garry Shandling | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers | |
Garth Ennis | m | Notable Writers | |
Gary Becker | m | Nobel Prize Winners | |
Gary Carter | m | Hall-of-Famers, Notable Athletes | |
Gary Chapman | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Gary Cooper | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers, Oscar Award Winners | |
Gary Dilley | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Gary Ewing | m | Fictional Characters from Television | |
Gary Gilmore | m | Notable Evildoers | |
Gary Hall Jr. | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Gary Hall Sr. | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Gary Lightbody | m | Notable Musicians | |
Gary Lineker | m | Notable Athletes | |
Gary MacDonald | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Gary Oldman | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers, Oscar Award Winners | |
Gary Payton | m | Hall-of-Famers, Notable Athletes, Olympic Medalists | |
Gary Tobian | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Gary Zimmerman | m | Hall-of-Famers | |
Gaston | m | Hurricanes and Tropical Storms | |
Gaston Doumergue | m | French Presidents and Prime Ministers | |
Gaston Roelants | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Gata Kamsky | m | Notable Athletes | |
Gatam | m | Biblical Characters | |
Gaudentia of Rome | f | Saints | |
Gautama Buddha | m | Notable Philosophers and Thinkers | |
Gauthier Boccard | m | Notable Athletes | |
Gavin Fairfax | m | Fictional Characters from Television | |
Gavin Troy | m | Fictional Characters from Books, Fictional Characters from Television | |
Gavril Radomir | m | Bulgarian Kings and Tsars | |
Gawn Grainger | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers | |
Gay Byrne | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers | |
Gay Hamilton | f | Notable Actors and Entertainers | |
Gaylord Perry | m | Hall-of-Famers, Notable Athletes | |
Gazez | m | Biblical Characters | |
Gazzam | m | Biblical Characters | |
Geber | m | Biblical Characters | |
Gedaliah | m | Biblical Characters | |
Géde Ollgothach | m | Characters in Celtic Mythology, Irish Kings | |
Gediminas Vagnorius | m | Lithuanian Presidents and Prime Ministers | |
Gedor | m | Biblical Characters | |
Gedun Drupa | m | Other Religious Leaders | |
Gedun Gyatso | m | Other Religious Leaders | |
Geena Davis | f | Notable Actors and Entertainers, Oscar Award Winners | |
Gegeen Khan | m | Chinese Emperors, Other Royalty | |
Gehazi | m | Biblical Characters | |
Geir Hallgrímsson | m | Icelandic Presidents and Prime Ministers | |
Geir Haarde | m | Icelandic Presidents and Prime Ministers | |
Gelasius II | m | Bishops of Rome and the Popes | |
Gellert Grindelwald | m | Harry Potter Characters | |
Geltrude Caterina Comensoli | f | Saints | |
Gemalli | m | Biblical Characters | |
Gemariah | m | Biblical Characters | |
Gemariah | m | Biblical Characters | |
Gemellus of Ancyra | m | Saints | |
Gemon | m | Characters in Greek Mythology | |
Gena Rowlands | f | Notable Actors and Entertainers | |
Gene Clark | m | Rock and Roll Hall-of-Famers | |
Gene Cole | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Gene Hackman | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers, Oscar Award Winners | |
Gene Hickerson | m | Hall-of-Famers | |
Gene Kelly | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers | |
Gene Reynolds | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers, Notable Filmmakers | |
Gene Sarazen | m | Notable Athletes | |
Gene Simmons | m | Notable Musicians, Rock and Roll Hall-of-Famers | |
Gene Siskel | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers, Notable Journalists | |
Gene Upshaw | m | Hall-of-Famers | |
Gene Vincent | m | Notable Musicians, Rock and Roll Hall-of-Famers | |
Gene Wilder | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers | |
Genetor | m | Characters in Greek Mythology | |
Genghis Khan | m | Notable Military Figures, Other Royalty | |
Genie Francis | f | Notable Actors and Entertainers | |
Gennadi Karponosov | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Gennadi Volnov | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Gennadiy Nikolayev | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Gennadiy Prigoda | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Gennaios Kolokotronis | m | Greek Prime Ministers | |
Geno Atkins | m | Notable Athletes | |
Geno Auriemma | m | Hall-of-Famers | |
Genoveva Torres Morales | f | Saints | |
Gentilis | m | Saints | |
Genubath | m | Biblical Characters | |
Géo André | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Geoff Cameron | m | Notable Athletes | |
Geoff Huegill | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Geoff Hurst | m | Notable Athletes | |
Geoff Shipton | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Geoffrey of Monmouth | m | Notable Philosophers and Thinkers, Notable Writers | |
Geoffrey Barone | m | Fictional Characters from Television | |
Geoffrey Firmin | m | Fictional Characters from Books | |
Geoffrey Griffin | m | Fictional Characters from Movies | |
Geoffrey Hughes | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers | |
Geoffrey Palmer | m | New Zealand Prime Ministers | |
Geoffrey Rush | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers, Oscar Award Winners | |
Geoffrey Wilkinson | m | Nobel Prize Winners | |
Georg of Liechtenstein | m | Other Royalty | |
Georg Bednorz | m | Nobel Prize Winners, Notable Scientists and Inventors | |
Georg von Békésy | m | Nobel Prize Winners | |
Georg Friedrich Händel | m | Notable Musicians | |
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel | m | Notable Philosophers and Thinkers | |
Georg von Hertling | m | German Chancellors and Presidents | |
Georg Hoffmann | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Georg Michaelis | m | German Chancellors and Presidents | |
Georg Ohm | m | Notable Scientists and Inventors | |
Georg Simmel | m | Notable Philosophers and Thinkers | |
Georg Philipp Telemann | m | Notable Musicians | |
Boy George | m | Notable Musicians | |
George | m | Saints | |
George I | m | English and British Kings and Queens | |
George II | m | English and British Kings and Queens | |
George III | m | English and British Kings and Queens | |
George IV | m | English and British Kings and Queens | |
George V | m | English and British Kings and Queens | |
George VI | m | English and British Kings and Queens | |
George Akerlof | m | Nobel Prize Winners | |
George Allen | m | Hall-of-Famers | |
George "Sparky" Anderson | m | Hall-of-Famers | |
George Arliss | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers, Oscar Award Winners | |
George Armstrong | m | Hall-of-Famers, Notable Athletes | |
George Avery | m | Olympic Medalists | |
George Baird | m | Olympic Medalists | |
George Baker | m | Notable Musicians | |
George Wells Beadle | m | Nobel Prize Winners | |
George Bell | m | Most Valuable Players | |
George Benson | m | Grammy Award Winners, Notable Musicians | |
George Best | m | Notable Athletes | |
George Blake | m | Fictional Characters from Movies | |
George Blanda | m | Hall-of-Famers | |
George Bluth Sr. | m | Fictional Characters from Television | |
George Michael Bluth | m | Fictional Characters from Television | |
George Bonhag | m | Olympic Medalists | |
George Boole | m | Notable Philosophers and Thinkers | |
George Breen | m | Olympic Medalists | |
George Brett | m | Hall-of-Famers, Most Valuable Players, Notable Athletes | |
George Bryant | m | Olympic Medalists | |
George Burns | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers, Oscar Award Winners | |
George Burns | m | Most Valuable Players | |
George H. W. Bush | m | American Presidents | |
George W. Bush | m | American Presidents | |
George Canning | m | British Prime Ministers | |
George Chakiris | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers, Oscar Award Winners | |
George Clinton | m | Notable Musicians, Rock and Roll Hall-of-Famers | |
George Clooney | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers, Oscar Award Winners | |
George Connor | m | Hall-of-Famers | |
George Cooper Jr. | m | Fictional Characters from Television | |
George Cooper Sr. | m | Fictional Characters from Television | |
George Cukor | m | Notable Filmmakers, Oscar Award Winners | |
George Davis | m | Hall-of-Famers | |
George DiCarlo | m | Olympic Medalists | |
George Dillon | m | Pulitzer Award Winners | |
George Feeny | m | Fictional Characters from Television | |
George Foreman | m | Notable Athletes | |
George Foster | m | Most Valuable Players | |
George Gaidzik | m | Olympic Medalists | |
George Gently | m | Fictional Characters from Books, Fictional Characters from Television | |
George Gershwin | m | Notable Musicians | |
George Gideon | m | Fictional Characters from Books, Fictional Characters from Television | |
George Grenville | m | British Prime Ministers | |
George Grey | m | New Zealand Prime Ministers | |
George Grosz | m | Notable Artists | |
George Hainsworth | m | Hall-of-Famers, Notable Athletes | |
George Halas | m | Hall-of-Famers, Notable Athletes | |
George Hamilton-Gordon | m | British Prime Ministers | |
George Harrison | m | Grammy Award Winners, Notable Musicians, Rock and Roll Hall-of-Famers | |
George Harrison | m | Olympic Medalists | |
George Hay | m | Hall-of-Famers | |
George Hazard | m | Fictional Characters from Books, Fictional Characters from Television | |
George de Hevesy | m | Nobel Prize Winners, Notable Scientists and Inventors | |
George Roy Hill | m | Notable Filmmakers, Oscar Award Winners | |
George Hodgson | m | Olympic Medalists | |
George Jackson | m | Notable Activists and Revolutionaries | |
George Jefferson | m | Olympic Medalists | |
George Jones | m | Notable Musicians | |
George Kelly | m | Hall-of-Famers | |
George Kennedy | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers, Oscar Award Winners | |
George Kerr | m | Olympic Medalists | |
George Knightley | m | Fictional Characters from Books | |
George Kojac | m | Olympic Medalists | |
George Kranky | m | Fictional Characters from Books | |
George Lass | f | Fictional Characters from Movies, Fictional Characters from Television | |
George Lopez | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers | |
George Lucas | m | Notable Filmmakers | |
George C. Marshall | m | Nobel Prize Winners, Notable Military Figures, Notable Politicians and Statespeople | |
George Preston Marshall | m | Hall-of-Famers | |
George McAfee | m | Hall-of-Famers | |
George McNamara | m | Hall-of-Famers | |
George Michael | m | Grammy Award Winners, Notable Musicians, Rock and Roll Hall-of-Famers | |
George Mikan | m | Hall-of-Famers, Notable Athletes | |
George Milton | m | Fictional Characters from Books | |
George Minot | m | Nobel Prize Winners | |
George Mitchell | m | Olympic Medalists | |
G. E. Moore | m | Notable Philosophers and Thinkers | |
George Musso | m | Hall-of-Famers | |
George Nevill, Lord Abergavenny | m | Shakespearian Characters | |
George Nicol | m | Olympic Medalists | |
George Andrew Olah | m | Nobel Prize Winners | |
George O'Malley | m | Fictional Characters from Television | |
George F. Orton | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Master George Page | m | Shakespearian Characters | |
George Emil Palade | m | Nobel Prize Winners | |
George Parker | m | Olympic Medalists | |
George Plantagenet, Duke of Clarence | m | Other Royalty, Shakespearian Characters | |
George Plimpton | m | Notable Journalists, Notable Writers | |
George Porter | m | Nobel Prize Winners | |
George Reid | m | Australian Prime Ministers | |
George Renwick | m | Olympic Medalists | |
George Rhoden | m | Olympic Medalists | |
George Richardson | m | Hall-of-Famers | |
George Herman "Babe" Ruth | m | Hall-of-Famers, Most Valuable Players, Notable Athletes | |
George Saling | m | Olympic Medalists | |
George Sanders | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers, Oscar Award Winners | |
George Santayana | m | Notable Philosophers and Thinkers | |
George Schroth | m | Olympic Medalists | |
George C. Scott | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers, Oscar Award Winners | |
George Bernard Shaw | m | Nobel Prize Winners, Notable Writers | |
George Sheldon | m | Olympic Medalists | |
George Sibley | m | Fictional Characters from Television | |
George Simpson | m | Olympic Medalists | |
George Sisler | m | Hall-of-Famers, Most Valuable Players | |
George Smiley | m | Fictional Characters from Books | |
George E. Smith | m | Nobel Prize Winners, Notable Scientists and Inventors | |
George Smoot | m | Nobel Prize Winners, Notable Scientists and Inventors | |
George Davis Snell | m | Nobel Prize Winners | |
George Stanich | m | Olympic Medalists | |
George Stevens | m | Notable Filmmakers, Oscar Award Winners | |
George Stigler | m | Nobel Prize Winners | |
George "Mule" Suttles | m | Hall-of-Famers | |
George Paget Thomson | m | Nobel Prize Winners, Notable Scientists and Inventors | |
George Trafton | m | Hall-of-Famers | |
George Underwood | m | Olympic Medalists | |
George Vancouver | m | Notable Explorers and Adventurers | |
George Washington | m | American Presidents, Notable Military Figures | |
George Waterhouse | m | New Zealand Prime Ministers | |
George Weasley | m | Harry Potter Characters | |
George Webber | m | Olympic Medalists | |
George Whipple | m | Nobel Prize Winners | |
George Wickham | m | Fictional Characters from Books | |
George Wilkinson | m | Olympic Medalists | |
George Williams | m | Fictional Characters from Television | |
George Wilson | m | Olympic Medalists | |
George Woods | m | Olympic Medalists | |
George Wright | m | Hall-of-Famers | |
George Yardley | m | Hall-of-Famers, Notable Athletes | |
George L. Young | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Georges | m | Hurricanes and Tropical Storms | |
Georges Bizet | m | Notable Musicians | |
Georges Boucher | m | Hall-of-Famers | |
Georges Braque | m | Notable Artists | |
Georges Charpak | m | Nobel Prize Winners, Notable Scientists and Inventors | |
Georges Fleurix | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Georges Leuillieux | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Georges Pompidou | m | French Presidents and Prime Ministers | |
Georges Seurat | m | Notable Artists | |
Georges Vallerey Jr. | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Georges Vézina | m | Hall-of-Famers, Notable Athletes | |
Georgi Terter I | m | Bulgarian Kings and Tsars | |
Georgi Terter II | m | Bulgarian Kings and Tsars | |
Georgi Atanasov | m | Bulgarian Presidents and Prime Ministers | |
Georgi Bliznashki | m | Bulgarian Presidents and Prime Ministers | |
Georgi Kulikov | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Georgia Brown | f | Fictional Characters from Song Titles | |
Georgia Coleman | f | Olympic Medalists | |
Georgia O'Keeffe | f | Notable Artists | |
Georgie | m | Fictional Characters from Song Titles | |
Georgie Twigg | f | Olympic Medalists | |
Georgina of Liechtenstein | f | Other Royalty | |
Georgina Harland | f | Olympic Medalists | |
Georgina Verbaan | f | Notable Actors and Entertainers | |
Georgiy Malenkov | m | Other Leaders | |
Georgy Prokopenko | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Geraint | m | Arthurian Characters | |
Geraint Thomas | m | Notable Athletes, Olympic Medalists | |
Gerald Edelman | m | Nobel Prize Winners | |
Gerald Ford | m | American Presidents | |
Gerald Johanssen | m | Fictional Characters from Television | |
Gerald O'Hara | m | Fictional Characters from Books | |
Gerald Tinker | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Geraldine Brooks | f | Notable Writers, Pulitzer Award Winners | |
Geraldine Heaney | f | Hall-of-Famers, Notable Athletes | |
Geraldine Page | f | Notable Actors and Entertainers, Oscar Award Winners | |
Gérard of Brogne | m | Saints | |
Gérard Blitz | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Gérard Debreu | m | Nobel Prize Winners | |
Gerard Ekdom | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers | |
Gerard Joling | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers, Notable Musicians | |
Gerard Nijboer | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Gerard 't Hooft | m | Nobel Prize Winners, Notable Scientists and Inventors | |
Gerard van der Leeuw | m | Notable Politicians and Statespeople | |
Gerardus Mercator | m | Notable Philosophers and Thinkers | |
Geras | m | Characters in Greek Mythology | |
Gerasimus of the Jordan | m | Saints | |
Gerbrand Adriaenszoon Bredero | m | Notable Writers | |
Gerd Binnig | m | Nobel Prize Winners, Notable Scientists and Inventors | |
Gerd Müller | m | Notable Athletes | |
Gerda | f | Hurricanes and Tropical Storms | |
Gerda Taro | f | Notable Journalists | |
Gerda van der Kade-Koudijs | f | Olympic Medalists | |
Gerdi Verbeet | f | Notable Politicians and Statespeople | |
Geremi | m | Notable Athletes | |
Geres | m | Characters in Greek Mythology | |
Gergely Kulcsár | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Gergina Skerlatova | f | Olympic Medalists | |
Gerhard Domagk | m | Nobel Prize Winners, Notable Scientists and Inventors | |
Gerhard Ertl | m | Nobel Prize Winners, Notable Scientists and Inventors | |
Gerhard Richter | m | Notable Artists | |
Gerhard Schröder | m | German Chancellors and Presidents | |
Gerhard Stöck | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Gerhart Hauptmann | m | Nobel Prize Winners, Notable Writers | |
Gerhart Thrasher | m | Rock and Roll Hall-of-Famers | |
Geri Halliwell | f | Notable Musicians | |
Gerland of Agrigento | m | Saints | |
Germán Mesa | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Gerrit de Vries | m | Dutch Prime Ministers | |
Gerrit Schimmelpenninck | m | Dutch Prime Ministers | |
Gerrit Tromp | m | Fictional Characters from Books | |
Gerry Ashworth | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Gerry Cheevers | m | Hall-of-Famers, Notable Athletes | |
Gerry "DJ Ötzi" Friedle | m | Notable Musicians | |
Gershom | m | Biblical Characters | |
Gershon | m | Biblical Characters | |
Gert | f | Hurricanes and Tropical Storms | |
Gert Blomé | m | Notable Athletes | |
Gert Verhulst | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers | |
Gertie "Grandma" Shortman | f | Fictional Characters from Television | |
Gertrude the Great | f | Saints | |
Queen Gertrude | f | Fictional Characters from Plays and Musicals, Shakespearian Characters | |
Gertrude Berg | f | Emmy Award Winners, Notable Actors and Entertainers | |
Gertrude Ederle | f | Notable Athletes, Olympic Medalists | |
Gertrude B. Elion | f | Nobel Prize Winners, Notable Scientists and Inventors | |
Gertrude Morel | f | Fictional Characters from Books | |
Gertrude Stein | f | Notable Writers | |
Gerty Cori | f | Nobel Prize Winners, Notable Scientists and Inventors | |
Gervinho | m | Notable Athletes | |
Geryon | m | Characters in Greek Mythology | |
Geshan | m | Biblical Characters | |
Geshem | m | Biblical Characters | |
Gete Wami | f | Olympic Medalists | |
Gether | m | Biblical Characters | |
Gethin Jenkins | m | Notable Athletes | |
Getúlio Vargas | m | Brazilian Presidents | |
Geuel | m | Biblical Characters | |
Géza Kádas | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Géza Kiss | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Géza Varasdi | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Ghada Shouaa | f | Olympic Medalists | |
Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej | m | Romanian Presidents and Prime Ministers | |
Gheorghe Hagi | m | Notable Athletes | |
Ghiyas ud-Din Balban | m | Indian Sultans and Emperors | |
Ghiyas ud-Din Tughluq | m | Indian Sultans and Emperors | |
Giaan Rooney | f | Olympic Medalists | |
Giacinto Bonaventura Longhin | m | Saints | |
Giacomo Alberione | m | Saints | |
Giacomo Cusmano | m | Saints | |
Giacomo Puccini | m | Notable Musicians | |
Gíallchad | m | Characters in Celtic Mythology, Irish Kings | |
Giancarlo Ferrari | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Gianni Rivera | m | Notable Athletes | |
Gianni Versace | m | Notable Artists | |
Giannin Andreossi | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Gianpiero Combi | m | Notable Athletes | |
Gibb McLaughlin | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers | |
Gibbar | m | Biblical Characters | |
Gibea | m | Biblical Characters | |
Gibson Gowland | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers | |
Funakoshi Gichin | m | Notable Athletes | |
Giddalti | m | Biblical Characters | |
Giddel | m | Biblical Characters | |
Giddel | m | Biblical Characters | |
Gideon | m | Fictional Characters from Television | |
Gideon | m | Biblical Characters | |
Gideon Sarn | m | Fictional Characters from Books | |
Gideon Seymour | m | Fictional Characters from Books | |
Gideoni | m | Biblical Characters | |
Gig Young | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers, Oscar Award Winners | |
Gigarto | f | Characters in Greek Mythology | |
Gigi | f | Fictional Characters from Books, Fictional Characters from Movies | |
Gigi Riva | m | Notable Athletes | |
Gigo Gabashvili | m | Notable Artists | |
Gijs Scholten van Aschat | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers | |
Gijs van Aardenne | m | Notable Politicians and Statespeople | |
Gijsbert van Tienhoven | m | Dutch Prime Ministers | |
Gijze Stroboer | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Gil Brandt | m | Hall-of-Famers | |
Gil Grissom | m | Fictional Characters from Television | |
Gilalai | m | Biblical Characters | |
Gilbert | m | Hurricanes and Tropical Storms | |
Gilbert Blythe | m | Fictional Characters from Books | |
Gilbert Ford | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Gilberto de Godoy "Giba" | m | Notable Athletes, Olympic Medalists | |
Gilchrist Maclagan | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Gilda | f | Hurricanes and Tropical Storms | |
Gilderoy Lockhart | m | Harry Potter Characters | |
Gildo Arena | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Gildor Inglorion | m | Tolkien's Characters | |
Giles Winterborne | m | Fictional Characters from Books | |
Gil-galad | m | Tolkien's Characters | |
Gilgamesh | m | Other Royalty | |
Gilles Villeneuve | m | Notable Athletes | |
Gillian Anderson | f | Emmy Award Winners, Notable Actors and Entertainers | |
Gillian McKeith | f | Fictional Characters from Song Titles | |
Gillian van den Berg | f | Olympic Medalists | |
Gillis Grafström | m | Notable Athletes, Olympic Medalists | |
Gilmar | m | Notable Athletes | |
Ar-Gimilzôr | m | Tolkien's Characters | |
Gimli | m | Tolkien's Characters | |
Gina Calabrese | f | Fictional Characters from Television | |
Gina Kincaid | f | Fictional Characters from Television | |
Gina Lollobrigida | f | Notable Actors and Entertainers | |
Gina Russo | f | Fictional Characters from Television | |
Ginath | m | Biblical Characters | |
Ginevra | f | Fictional Characters from Plays and Musicals | |
Ginger | f | Hurricanes and Tropical Storms | |
Ginger Rogers | f | Notable Actors and Entertainers, Oscar Award Winners | |
Ginko Abukawa-Chiba | f | Olympic Medalists | |
Ginnethon | m | Biblical Characters | |
Ginny Duenkel | f | Olympic Medalists | |
Ginny Weasley | f | Fictional Characters from Books, Harry Potter Characters | |
Gino Bartali | m | Notable Athletes | |
Gino Mäder | m | Notable Athletes | |
Gino Marchetti | m | Hall-of-Famers, Notable Athletes | |
Gintaras Krapikas | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Gioachino Rossini | m | Notable Musicians | |
Giordano Ansalone | m | Saints | |
Giordano Bruno | m | Notable Philosophers and Thinkers, Notable Scientists and Inventors | |
Giorge Díaz | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Giorgi Arsenishvili | m | Georgian Presidents and Prime Ministers | |
Giorgi Baramidze | m | Notable Politicians and Statespeople | |
Giorgi Kvirikashvili | m | Georgian Presidents and Prime Ministers | |
Giorgi Margvelashvili | m | Georgian Presidents and Prime Ministers | |
Giorgi Mshvenieradze | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Giorgio Cagnotto | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Giorgio Napolitano | m | Italian Presidents and Prime Ministers | |
Giorgos Seferis | m | Nobel Prize Winners, Notable Writers | |
Giorvis Duvergel | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Giosuè Carducci | m | Nobel Prize Winners, Notable Writers | |
Giovanna Francesca Michelotti | f | Saints | |
Giovanni da Pian del Carpine | m | Notable Explorers and Adventurers | |
Giovanni Boccaccio | m | Notable Writers | |
Giovanni Maria Boccardo | m | Saints | |
Giovanni Bosco | m | Saints | |
Giovanni Caboto | m | Notable Explorers and Adventurers | |
Giovanni Calabria | m | Saints | |
Giovanni Domenico Cassini | m | Notable Philosophers and Thinkers, Notable Scientists and Inventors | |
Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina | m | Notable Musicians | |
Giovanni Antonio Farina | m | Saints | |
Giovanni Gabrieli | m | Notable Musicians | |
Giovanni Giolitti | m | Italian Presidents and Prime Ministers | |
Giovanni Goria | m | Italian Presidents and Prime Ministers | |
Giovanni Gronchi | m | Italian Presidents and Prime Ministers | |
Giovanni Lanza | m | Italian Presidents and Prime Ministers | |
Giovanni Leone | m | Italian Presidents and Prime Ministers | |
Giovanni Battista Mazzucconi | m | Saints | |
Giovanni Battista Pergolesi | m | Notable Musicians | |
Giovanni Battista Piamarta | m | Saints | |
Giovanni Battista Scalabrini | m | Saints | |
Giovanni Spadolini | m | Italian Presidents and Prime Ministers | |
Giovanni Trapattoni | m | Notable Athletes | |
Giovanni Venturi | m | Fictional Characters from Plays and Musicals | |
Giovanni da Verrazzano | m | Notable Explorers and Adventurers | |
Giovenale Ancina | m | Saints | |
Gisela Arendt | f | Olympic Medalists | |
Gisela Birkemeyer | f | Olympic Medalists | |
Gisela Weiß | f | Olympic Medalists | |
Gishpa | m | Biblical Characters | |
Giulia Salzano | f | Saints | |
Giulia Valle | f | Saints | |
Giuliano Amato | m | Italian Presidents and Prime Ministers | |
Giulio Andreotti | m | Italian Presidents and Prime Ministers | |
Giulio Natta | m | Nobel Prize Winners, Notable Scientists and Inventors | |
Giuseppe Allamano | m | Saints | |
Giuseppe Baldo | m | Saints | |
Giuseppe Bergomi | m | Notable Athletes | |
Giuseppe Conte | m | Italian Presidents and Prime Ministers | |
Giuseppe D'Altrui | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Giuseppe Benedetto Dusmet | m | Saints | |
Giuseppe Marello | m | Saints | |
Giuseppe Meazza | m | Notable Athletes | |
Giuseppe Moscati | m | Saints | |
Giuseppe Nascimbeni | m | Saints | |
Giuseppe Pella | m | Italian Presidents and Prime Ministers | |
Giuseppe Saracco | m | Italian Presidents and Prime Ministers | |
Giuseppe Saragat | m | Italian Presidents and Prime Ministers | |
Giuseppe Tovini | m | Saints | |
Giuseppe Verdi | m | Notable Musicians | |
Giuseppe Zanardelli | m | Italian Presidents and Prime Ministers | |
Giuseppina Bonino | f | Saints | |
Giuseppina Leone | f | Olympic Medalists | |
Giuseppina Suriano | f | Saints | |
Giuseppina Vannini | f | Saints | |
Giusi Malato | f | Olympic Medalists | |
Giustino de Jacobis | m | Saints | |
Giusy Buscemi | f | Notable Actors and Entertainers | |
Givanildo "Hulk" Vieira de Souza | m | Notable Athletes, Olympic Medalists | |
Givi Chikvanaia | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Gladys | f | Hurricanes and Tropical Storms | |
Gladys George | f | Notable Actors and Entertainers | |
Gladys Knight | f | Notable Musicians, Rock and Roll Hall-of-Famers | |
Glaucia | f | Characters in Greek Mythology | |
Glen Campbell | m | Grammy Award Winners, Notable Musicians | |
Glen "Turk" Edwards | m | Hall-of-Famers | |
Glen Housman | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Glen Johnson | m | Notable Athletes | |
Glen Matlock | m | Rock and Roll Hall-of-Famers | |
Glenda Jackson | f | Emmy Award Winners, Notable Actors and Entertainers, Oscar Award Winners | |
Glenn Beck | m | Notable Journalists | |
Glenn Close | f | Emmy Award Winners, Notable Actors and Entertainers | |
Glenn Cunningham | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Glenn Davis | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Glenn Gould | m | Notable Musicians | |
Glenn Graham | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Glenn Hall | m | Hall-of-Famers, Notable Athletes | |
Glenn Quagmire | m | Fictional Characters from Television | |
Glenn T. Seaborg | m | Nobel Prize Winners, Notable Scientists and Inventors | |
Glóin | m | Tolkien's Characters | |
Glóin | m | Tolkien's Characters | |
Glorfindel | m | Tolkien's Characters | |
Gloria | f | Hurricanes and Tropical Storms | |
Gloria | f | Fictional Characters from Song Titles | |
Gloria Estefan | f | Notable Musicians | |
Gloria Grahame | f | Notable Actors and Entertainers, Oscar Award Winners | |
Gloria "G.E.M." Tang Sze-wing | f | Notable Musicians | |
Gloriant | m | Fictional Characters from Books | |
Glory Alozie | f | Olympic Medalists | |
Glyceria | f | Saints | |
Glycerius | m | Roman and Byzantine Emperors | |
Glychatas | m | Characters in Greek Mythology | |
Glyn Houston | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers | |
Glynis Johns | f | Notable Actors and Entertainers | |
Glynis Nunn-Cearns | f | Olympic Medalists | |
Gnaeus Marcius Coriolanus | m | Notable Military Figures, Shakespearian Characters | |
Gob Bluth | m | Fictional Characters from Television | |
Gobbo | m | Shakespearian Characters | |
Godfrey Brown | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Godfrey Hounsfield | m | Nobel Prize Winners | |
Godfrey James | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers | |
Godfrey Khotso Mokoena | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Godric Gryffindor | m | Harry Potter Characters | |
Godwin of Stavelot | m | Saints | |
Goeznoveus | m | Saints | |
Gofannon | m | Characters in Celtic Mythology | |
Gog | m | Biblical Characters | |
Gog | m | Biblical Characters | |
Goldie Hawn | f | Notable Actors and Entertainers, Oscar Award Winners | |
Goldilocks | f | Fictional Characters from Traditional Tales | |