Fictional Characters from Television
Name | Year | Show | Other Names | |
Clark Edison | 2005 | Bones | (Thomas) |  |
Clark Green | 2005 | The Office | |  |
Colin Fisher | 2005 | Bones | |  |
Creed Bratton | 2005 | The Office | (Rowland) |  |
Cristina Yang | 2005 | Grey's Anatomy | |  |
Cynthia Keener | 2005 | Medium | |  |
Daisy Wick | 2005 | Bones | |  |
Daniel Goodman | 2005 | Bones | |  |
Darryl Philbin | 2005 | The Office | |  |
Dave Groves | 2005 | Invasion | |  |
David Gabriel | 2005 | The Closer | |  |
David "Whip" Martin | 2005 | Prison Break | |  |
Davis Lee | 2005 | Surface | |  |
Dean Winchester | 2005 | Supernatural | |  |
Dee Reynolds | 2005 | It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia | (Deandra) |  |
Delia Banks | 2005 | Ghost Whisperer | |  |
Dennis Reynolds | 2005 | It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia | |  |
Derek Shepherd | 2005 | Grey's Anatomy | (Christopher) |  |
Don Self | 2005 | Prison Break | (Donald) |  |
Douglas Filmore | 2005 | Bones | |  |
Dwight Schrute | 2005 | The Office | (Kurt) |  |
Ed Williams | 2005 | Close to Home | |  |
Eli James | 2005 | Ghost Whisperer | |  |
Eli Szura | 2005 | Invasion | |  |
Ellis Grey | 2005 | Grey's Anatomy | |  |
Erica Hahn | 2005 | Grey's Anatomy | |  |
Erin Hannon | 2005 | The Office | (Kelly) |  |
Fernando Sucre | 2005 | Prison Break | |  |
Finn Abernathy | 2005 | Bones | |  |
Francine Smith | 2005 | American Dad! | (Lee) |  |
Frank Reynolds | 2005 | It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia | (Franklin) |  |
Gabe Lewis | 2005 | The Office | (Gabriel, Susan) |  |
George O'Malley | 2005 | Grey's Anatomy | |  |
Gretchen Morgan | 2005 | Prison Break | (Louise) |  |
Hayley Smith | 2005 | American Dad! | (Dreamsmasher) |  |
Holly Flax | 2005 | The Office | (Hollis, Partridge) |  |
Huey Freeman | 2005 | The Boondocks | |  |
Irene Daniels | 2005 | The Closer | |  |
Izzie Stevens | 2005 | Grey's Anatomy | (Isobel, Katherine) |  |
Jack Chase | 2005 | Close to Home | |  |
Jack Hodgins | 2005 | Bones | (Jonathan, Stanley) |  |
Jackson Avery | 2005 | Grey's Anatomy | |  |
Jacob Ness | 2005 | Prison Break | (Anton) |  |
James Aubrey | 2005 | Bones | |  |
James Conlon | 2005 | Close to Home | |  |
James Whistler | 2005 | Prison Break | |  |
Jan Levinson | 2005 | The Office | (Janet) |  |
Jesse Varon | 2005 | Invasion | |  |
Jessica Warren | 2005 | Bones | |  |
Jim Clancy | 2005 | Ghost Whisperer | |  |
Jim Halpert | 2005 | The Office | (James) |  |
Jo Bennett | 2005 | The Office | (Jolene) |  |
Jo Wilson | 2005 | Grey's Anatomy | (Brooke, Josephine, Alice) |  |
Joe DuBois | 2005 | Medium | (Joseph, Pritchard) |  |
John Abruzzi | 2005 | Prison Break | |  |
John Winchester | 2005 | Supernatural | (Eric) |  |
Kelly Kapoor | 2005 | The Office | (Rajanigandha) |  |
Kevin Malone | 2005 | The Office | |  |
Kira Underlay | 2005 | Invasion | |  |
Klaus Heisler | 2005 | American Dad! | |  |
Lance Sweets | 2005 | Bones | |  |
Larkin Groves | 2005 | Invasion | |  |
Laura Daughtery | 2005 | Surface | |  |
Lee Scanlon | 2005 | Medium | (Leeland) |  |
Levi Schmitt | 2005 | Grey's Anatomy | |  |
Lewis Sirk | 2005 | Invasion | |  |
Lexie Grey | 2005 | Grey's Anatomy | (Alexandra, Caroline) |  |
Lily Aldrin | 2005 | How I Met Your Mother | |  |
Lincoln Burrows | 2005 | Prison Break | (Linc) |  |
Lincoln "L. J." Burrows Jr. | 2005 | Prison Break | |  |
Lynn DiNovi | 2005 | Medium | |  |
Maggie Pierce | 2005 | Grey's Anatomy | (Margaret) |  |
Malcolm Tucker | 2005 | The Thick of It | |  |
Manny Devalos | 2005 | Medium | (Manuel) |  |
Marie DuBois | 2005 | Medium | |  |
Mariel Underlay | 2005 | Invasion | |  |
Marjorie DuBois | 2005 | Medium | |  |
Mark Sloan | 2005 | Grey's Anatomy | (Everett) |  |
Marshall Eriksen | 2005 | How I Met Your Mother | |  |
Maureen Scofield | 2005 | Close to Home | |  |
Max Keenan | 2005 | Bones | (Matthew) |  |
Melinda Gordon | 2005 | Ghost Whisperer | (Irene) |  |
Meredith Grey | 2005 | Grey's Anatomy | |  |
Meredith Palmer | 2005 | The Office | |  |
Michael "Lucky" Benoit | 2005 | Medium | |  |
Michael Scofield | 2005 | Prison Break | |  |
Michael Scott | 2005 | The Office | (Gary) |  |
Miles Barnett | 2005 | Surface | (James) |  |
Miranda Bailey | 2005 | Grey's Anatomy | |  |
Mona Gomez | 2005 | Invasion | |  |
Nathan Riggs | 2005 | Grey's Anatomy | |  |
Ned Banks | 2005 | Ghost Whisperer | |  |
Nellie Bertram | 2005 | The Office | (Helen) |  |
Nimrod | 2005 | Surface | (Nim) |  |
Norman "Lechero" St. John | 2005 | Prison Break | |  |
Oliver Wells | 2005 | Bones | |  |
Oscar Martinez | 2005 | The Office | |  |
Owen Hunt | 2005 | Grey's Anatomy | |  |
Pam Beesly | 2005 | The Office | (Pamela, Morgan) |  |
Parker Booth | 2005 | Bones | (Matthew) |  |
Paul Kellerman | 2005 | Prison Break | |  |
Pete Miller | 2005 | The Office | (Peter) |  |
Phil Nance | 2005 | Surface | |  |
Phyllis Lapin | 2005 | The Office | |  |
Preston Burke | 2005 | Grey's Anatomy | (Xavier) |  |
Ray Blackwell | 2005 | Close to Home | |  |
Rich Connelly | 2005 | Surface | (Richard) |  |
Richard Webber | 2005 | Grey's Anatomy | |  |
Rick Payne | 2005 | Ghost Whisperer | |  |
Robert California | 2005 | The Office | (Bob) |  |
Robin Scherbatsky | 2005 | How I Met Your Mother | (Charles) |  |
Rodolfo Fuentes | 2005 | Bones | |  |
Roger | 2005 | American Dad! | |  |
Ronald "Mac" McDonald | 2005 | It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia | (Mac) |  |
Rose Varon | 2005 | Invasion | |  |
Roy Anderson | 2005 | The Office | |  |
Russ Brennan | 2005 | Bones | (Kyle, Russell) |  |
Russell Varon | 2005 | Invasion | |  |
Ryan Howard | 2005 | The Office | (Bailey) |  |
Sam Winchester | 2005 | Supernatural | (Samuel, William) |  |
Sara Tancredi | 2005 | Prison Break | |  |
Savannah Barnett | 2005 | Surface | |  |
Sofía Lugo | 2005 | Prison Break | |  |
Stan Smith | 2005 | American Dad! | (Stanford, Leonard) |  |
Stanley Hudson | 2005 | The Office | |  |
Stephanie Edwards | 2005 | Grey's Anatomy | |  |
Steve Sharpe | 2005 | Close to Home | |  |
Steve Smith | 2005 | American Dad! | (Steven, Anita) |  |
Ted Mosby | 2005 | How I Met Your Mother | (Theodore, Evelyn) |  |
Teddy Altman | 2005 | Grey's Anatomy | (Theodora, Grace) |  |
Thatcher Grey | 2005 | Grey's Anatomy | |  |
Theodore "T-Bag" Bagwell | 2005 | Prison Break | |  |
Toby Flenderson | 2005 | The Office | |  |
Tom Underlay | 2005 | Invasion | |  |
Veronica Donovan | 2005 | Prison Break | |  |
Vincent Nigel-Murray | 2005 | Bones | |  |
Wendell Bray | 2005 | Bones | |  |
Will Pope | 2005 | The Closer | (William, Henry) |  |
Zack Addy | 2005 | Bones | (Zachary, Uriah) |  |
Addison Montgomery | 2005; 2007 | Grey's Anatomy; Private Practice | (Adrianne, Forbes) |  |
Amelia Shepherd | 2005; 2007 | Grey's Anatomy; Private Practice | (Frances) |  |
Cooper Freedman | 2005; 2007 | Grey's Anatomy; Private Practice | |  |
Dell Parker | 2005; 2007 | Grey's Anatomy; Private Practice | (William) |  |
Violet Turner | 2005; 2007 | Grey's Anatomy; Private Practice | (Marianne) |  |
Andrea Hobbs | 2005; 2012 | The Closer; Major Crimes | |  |
Andy Flynn | 2005; 2012 | The Closer; Major Crimes | (Andrew) |  |
Fernando Morales | 2005; 2012 | The Closer; Major Crimes | |  |
Francis "Buzz" Watson | 2005; 2012 | The Closer; Major Crimes | (Buzz) |  |
Fritz Howard | 2005; 2012 | The Closer; Major Crimes | |  |
Julio Sanchez | 2005; 2012 | The Closer; Major Crimes | |  |
Louie Provenza | 2005; 2012 | The Closer; Major Crimes | (Jim) |  |
Mike Tao | 2005; 2012 | The Closer; Major Crimes | (Michael) |  |
Russell Taylor | 2005; 2012 | The Closer; Major Crimes | |  |
Sharon Raydor | 2005; 2012 | The Closer; Major Crimes | |  |
Seeley Booth | 2005 | Bones | (Joseph) |  |
Temperance "Bones" Brennan | 2005 | Bones | (Joy) |  |
Adaleen Grant | 2006 | Big Love | |  |
Adam Monroe | 2006 | Heroes | (Takezo) |  |
Alby Grant | 2006 | Big Love | (Albert) |  |
Alexis Meade | 2006 | Ugly Betty | (Alexander, Spencer) |  |
Amanda Tanen | 2006 | Ugly Betty | |  |
Ando Masahashi | 2006 | Heroes | |  |
Angela Petrelli | 2006 | Heroes | |  |
Anna Pihl | 2006 | Anna Pihl | |  |
Barb Henrickson | 2006 | Big Love | (Barbara) |  |
Ben Henrickson | 2006 | Big Love | (Benjamin) |  |
Betty Suarez | 2006 | Ugly Betty | (Beatriz, U) |  |
Bill Henrickson | 2006 | Big Love | (William, Orville) |  |
Bradford Meade | 2006 | Ugly Betty | (Emerson) |  |
Christina McKinney | 2006 | Ugly Betty | |  |
Claire Bennet | 2006 | Heroes | |  |
Claire Meade | 2006 | Ugly Betty | |  |
Claude Rains | 2006 | Heroes | |  |
D. L. Hawkins | 2006 | Heroes | (Daniel, Lawrence) |  |
Daniel Meade | 2006 | Ugly Betty | |  |
Daphne Millbrook | 2006 | Heroes | |  |
Don Embry | 2006 | Big Love | |  |
Elle Bishop | 2006 | Heroes | (Eleanor, Zoe) |  |
Emma Coolidge | 2006 | Heroes | |  |
Eric Taylor | 2006 | Friday Night Lights | |  |
Finley | 2006 | Finley the Fire Engine | |  |
Frank Harlow | 2006 | Big Love | |  |
Gabriel "Sylar" Gray | 2006 | Heroes | (Sylar) |  |
Gideon | 2006 | Gideon's Daughter | |  |
Harry Morgan | 2006 | Dexter | (Harrison) |  |
Henry Grubstick | 2006 | Ugly Betty | |  |
Hilda Suarez | 2006 | Ugly Betty | |  |
Hiro Nakamura | 2006 | Heroes | |  |
Ignacio Suarez | 2006 | Ugly Betty | |  |
Isaac Mendez | 2006 | Heroes | |  |
Jack Donaghy | 2006 | 30 Rock | (John, Francis) |  |
Janice Parkman | 2006 | Heroes | |  |
Joey Henrickson | 2006 | Big Love | |  |
Justin Suarez | 2006 | Ugly Betty | |  |
Liz Lemon | 2006 | 30 Rock | (Elizabeth) |  |
Lois Henrickson | 2006 | Big Love | |  |
Lyle Bennet | 2006 | Heroes | |  |
Marc St. James | 2006 | Ugly Betty | (Marcus) |  |
Margie Heffman | 2006 | Big Love | (Margene) |  |
Matt Hartley | 2006 | Ugly Betty | |  |
Matt Parkman | 2006 | Heroes | (Matthew) |  |
Maya Herrera | 2006 | Heroes | |  |
Micah Sanders | 2006 | Heroes | |  |
Miley Stewart | 2006 | Hannah Montana | (Hannah, Ray) |  |
Mohinder Suresh | 2006 | Heroes | |  |
Molly Walker | 2006 | Heroes | |  |
Monica Dawson | 2006 | Heroes | |  |
Nathan Petrelli | 2006 | Heroes | |  |
Nicki Grant | 2006 | Big Love | (Nicolette, Eugenia) |  |
Niki Sanders | 2006 | Heroes | (Nicole) |  |
Noah Bennet | 2006 | Heroes | |  |
Peter Petrelli | 2006 | Heroes | |  |
Rhonda Volmer | 2006 | Big Love | |  |
Roman Grant | 2006 | Big Love | |  |
Samuel Sullivan | 2006 | Heroes | |  |
Sandra Bennet | 2006 | Heroes | |  |
Sarah Henrickson | 2006 | Big Love | (Elizabeth) |  |
Simone Deveaux | 2006 | Heroes | |  |
Tami Taylor | 2006 | Friday Night Lights | |  |
Tracy Jordan | 2006 | 30 Rock | |  |
Tracy Strauss | 2006 | Heroes | |  |
Wanda Henrickson | 2006 | Big Love | |  |
Wilhelmina Slater | 2006 | Ugly Betty | (Wanda, Vivian) |  |
Dexter Morgan | 2006; 2021 | Dexter; Dexter: New Blood | |  |
Amy Farrah Fowler | 2007 | The Big Bang Theory | |  |
Andrea Belladonna | 2007 | Samantha Who? | |  |
Ashleigh Howard | 2007 | Greek | |  |
Barry Kripke | 2007 | The Big Bang Theory | |  |
Bernadette Rostenkowski | 2007 | The Big Bang Theory | (Maryann) |  |
Bert Cooper | 2007 | Mad Men | (Bertram) |  |
Bert Kibbler | 2007 | The Big Bang Theory | (Bertram) |  |
Betty Draper | 2007 | Mad Men | (Elizabeth) |  |
Beverly Hofstadter | 2007 | The Big Bang Theory | |  |
Blair Waldorf | 2007 | Gossip Girl | (Cornelia) |  |
Bobby Draper | 2007 | Mad Men | (Robert) |  |
Brian Darling | 2007 | Dirty Sexy Money | |  |
Calvin Owens | 2007 | Greek | |  |
Cappie Jones | 2007 | Greek | (Captain, John, Paul) |  |
Carly Shay | 2007 | iCarly | |  |
Casey Cartwright | 2007 | Greek | |  |
Charlotte King | 2007 | Private Practice | |  |
Chuck Bass | 2007 | Gossip Girl | (Charles, Bartholomew) |  |
Chuck Charles | 2007 | Pushing Daisies | (Charlotte) |  |
Dale Kettlewell | 2007 | Greek | |  |
Dan Humphrey | 2007 | Gossip Girl | (Daniel, Randolph) |  |
Don Draper | 2007 | Mad Men | (Dick, Donald, Richard, Francis) |  |
Emerson Cod | 2007 | Pushing Daisies | |  |
Emily Sweeney | 2007 | The Big Bang Theory | |  |
Evan Chambers | 2007 | Greek | |  |
Frannie Morgan | 2007 | Greek | |  |
Freddie Benson | 2007 | iCarly | (Fredward) |  |
George Gently | 2007 | Inspector George Gently | |  |
Harry Crane | 2007 | Mad Men | (Harold) |  |
Heath Anderson | 2007 | Greek | |  |
Henry Francis | 2007 | Mad Men | |  |
Howard Newly | 2007 | Samantha Who? | |  |
Howard Wolowitz | 2007 | The Big Bang Theory | (Joel) |  |
Jake Reilly | 2007 | Private Practice | (Jacob, Miguel) |  |
Jenny Humphrey | 2007 | Gossip Girl | (Jennifer, Tallulah) |  |
Jeremy Darling | 2007 | Dirty Sexy Money | |  |
Joan Holloway | 2007 | Mad Men | |  |
Juliet Darling | 2007 | Dirty Sexy Money | |  |
Karen Darling | 2007 | Dirty Sexy Money | |  |
Ken Cosgrove | 2007 | Mad Men | (Kenneth) |  |
Lane Pryce | 2007 | Mad Men | |  |
Leonard Hofstadter | 2007 | The Big Bang Theory | (Leakey) |  |
Leslie Winkle | 2007 | The Big Bang Theory | |  |
Letitia Darling | 2007 | Dirty Sexy Money | (Tish) |  |
Lily Charles | 2007 | Pushing Daisies | |  |
Lisa George | 2007 | Dirty Sexy Money | |  |
Marissa Benson | 2007 | iCarly | |  |
Megan Calvet | 2007 | Mad Men | |  |
Michael Ginsberg | 2007 | Mad Men | |  |
Naomi Bennett | 2007 | Private Practice | |  |
Nate Archibald | 2007 | Gossip Girl | (Nathaniel, Fitzwilliam) |  |
Ned | 2007 | Pushing Daisies | |  |
Nick George | 2007 | Dirty Sexy Money | (Nicholas) |  |
Nola Lyons | 2007 | Dirty Sexy Money | |  |
Olive Snook | 2007 | Pushing Daisies | |  |
Orenthal "Gibby" Gibson | 2007 | iCarly | (Cornelius, Hayes) |  |
Patrick "Tripp" Darling III | 2007 | Dirty Sexy Money | (Tripp) |  |
Patrick Darling IV | 2007 | Dirty Sexy Money | |  |
Paul Kinsey | 2007 | Mad Men | |  |
Peggy Olson | 2007 | Mad Men | (Margaret) |  |
Penny Teller | 2007 | The Big Bang Theory | |  |
Pete Campbell | 2007 | Mad Men | (Peter, Dyckman) |  |
Pete Wilder | 2007 | Private Practice | |  |
Rachel Menken | 2007 | Mad Men | |  |
Raj Koothrappali | 2007 | The Big Bang Theory | (Rajesh, Ramayan) |  |
Rebecca Logan | 2007 | Greek | |  |
Regina Newly | 2007 | Samantha Who? | |  |
Roger Sterling | 2007 | Mad Men | |  |
Rusty "Spitter" Cartwright | 2007 | Greek | (Russell, Allen) |  |
Sal Romano | 2007 | Mad Men | (Salvatore) |  |
Sally Draper | 2007 | Mad Men | (Beth) |  |
Sam Bennett | 2007 | Private Practice | (Samuel) |  |
Samantha Newly | 2007 | Samantha Who? | (Sam) |  |
Serena van der Woodsen | 2007 | Gossip Girl | (Celia) |  |
Sheldon Wallace | 2007 | Private Practice | |  |
Simon Elder | 2007 | Dirty Sexy Money | |  |
Spencer Shay | 2007 | iCarly | |  |
Stan Rizzo | 2007 | Mad Men | |  |
Stuart Bloom | 2007 | The Big Bang Theory | (David) |  |
Ted Chaough | 2007 | Mad Men | (Edward) |  |
Todd Deepler | 2007 | Samantha Who? | |  |
Vanessa Abrams | 2007 | Gossip Girl | |  |
Vivian Charles | 2007 | Pushing Daisies | |  |
Wade Matthews | 2007 | Greek | |  |
Sam Puckett | 2007; 2013 | iCarly; Sam & Cat | (Samantha) |  |
Mary Cooper | 2007; 2017 | The Big Bang Theory; Young Sheldon | |  |
Sheldon Cooper | 2007; 2017 | The Big Bang Theory; Young Sheldon | (Lee) |  |
Alcide Herveaux | 2008 | True Blood | |  |
Alice | 2008 | Alice | |  |
Andy Bellefleur | 2008 | True Blood | (Andrew) |  |
Andy Goode | 2008 | Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles | (Andrew, David) |  |
Arlene Fowler | 2008 | True Blood | |  |
Astrid Farnsworth | 2008 | Fringe | |  |
Bill Compton | 2008 | True Blood | (William, Erasmus, Thomas) |  |
Brandon Fayette | 2008 | Fringe | |  |
Cameron Phillips | 2008 | Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles | |  |
Catherine Weaver | 2008 | Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles | |  |
Charley Dixon | 2008 | Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles | |  |
Charlie Francis | 2008 | Fringe | (Charles) |  |
Crystal Norris | 2008 | True Blood | |  |
Derek Reese | 2008 | Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles | (Thomas) |  |
Eli Stone | 2008 | Eli Stone | |  |
Elizabeth Bishop | 2008 | Fringe | |  |
Eric Northman | 2008 | True Blood | |  |
Etta Bishop | 2008 | Fringe | (Henrietta) |  |
Hank Schrader | 2008 | Breaking Bad | (Henry) |  |
Holly Cleary | 2008 | True Blood | |  |
Hoyt Fortenberry | 2008 | True Blood | |  |
James Ellison | 2008 | Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles | |  |
Jason Stackhouse | 2008 | True Blood | |  |
Jesse Flores | 2008 | Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles | |  |
Jesse Pinkman | 2008 | Breaking Bad | (Bruce) |  |
John Henry | 2008 | Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles | |  |
John Connor | 2008 | Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles | |  |
John Scott | 2008 | Fringe | |  |
Jordan Wethersby | 2008 | Eli Stone | |  |
Kacy Corbin | 2008 | Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles | |  |
Keith Bennett | 2008 | Eli Stone | |  |
Kurt Wallander | 2008 | Wallander | |  |
Kyle Reese | 2008 | Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles | |  |
Lafayette Reynolds | 2008 | True Blood | |  |
Lincoln Lee | 2008 | Fringe | (Tyrone) |  |
Luna Garza | 2008 | True Blood | |  |
Lydia Rodarte-Quayle | 2008 | Breaking Bad | |  |
Maggie Dekker | 2008 | Eli Stone | |  |
Marie Schrader | 2008 | Breaking Bad | |  |
Matt Dowd | 2008 | Eli Stone | |  |
Nathan Stone | 2008 | Eli Stone | |  |
Niall Brigant | 2008 | True Blood | |  |
Nina Sharp | 2008 | Fringe | |  |
Olivia Dunham | 2008 | Fringe | |  |
Patti Dellacroix | 2008 | Eli Stone | |  |
Peter Bishop | 2008 | Fringe | |  |
Phillip Broyles | 2008 | Fringe | |  |
Riley Dawson | 2008 | Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles | |  |
Russell Edgington | 2008 | True Blood | |  |
Sam Merlotte | 2008 | True Blood | |  |
Sarah Connor | 2008 | Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles | (Jeanette) |  |
September | 2008 | Fringe | |  |
Skyler White | 2008 | Breaking Bad | (Sky) |  |
Sookie Stackhouse | 2008 | True Blood | |  |
Steve Newlin | 2008 | True Blood | (Steven) |  |
Tara Thornton | 2008 | True Blood | (Mae) |  |
Taylor Wethersby | 2008 | Eli Stone | |  |
Terry Bellefleur | 2008 | True Blood | (Terence, Quentin) |  |
Todd Alquist | 2008 | Breaking Bad | |  |
Walter Bishop | 2008 | Fringe | |  |
Walter White | 2008 | Breaking Bad | (Walt, Hartwell) |  |
Walter White Jr. | 2008 | Breaking Bad | (Flynn, Hartwell) |  |
William Bell | 2008 | Fringe | |  |
Gus Fring | 2008; 2015 | Breaking Bad; Better Call Saul | (Gustavo) |  |
Mike Ehrmantraut | 2008; 2015 | Breaking Bad; Better Call Saul | (Michael) |  |
Saul Goodman | 2008; 2015 | Breaking Bad; Better Call Saul | (James, Jimmy, Morgan) |  |
Abed Nadir | 2009 | Community | |  |
Alicia Florrick | 2009 | The Good Wife | |  |
Andy Dwyer | 2009 | Parks and Recreation | (Andrew) |  |
April Ludgate | 2009 | Parks and Recreation | |  |
Artie Abrams | 2009 | Glee | (Arthur) |  |
Blaine Anderson | 2009 | Glee | (Devon) |  |
Brittany Pierce | 2009 | Glee | (Susan) |  |
Burt Hummel | 2009 | Glee | |  |
Cameron Tucker | 2009 | Modern Family | (Cam) |  |
Cary Agos | 2009 | The Good Wife | |  |
Claire Dunphy | 2009 | Modern Family | |  |
Damon Salvatore | 2009 | The Vampire Diaries | |  |
Elena Gilbert | 2009 | The Vampire Diaries | |  |
Eli Gold | 2009 | The Good Wife | |  |
Emma Pillsbury | 2009 | Glee | |  |
Finn Hudson | 2009 | Glee | (Christopher) |  |
Finn Polmar | 2009 | The Good Wife | (Finley) |  |
Gloria Delgado-Pritchett | 2009 | Modern Family | |  |
Grace Florrick | 2009 | The Good Wife | |  |
Jackie Florrick | 2009 | The Good Wife | (Jacqueline) |  |
Jake Puckerman | 2009 | Glee | (Jacob) |  |
Jason Crouse | 2009 | The Good Wife | |  |
Jay Pritchett | 2009 | Modern Family | |  |
Jeff Winger | 2009 | Community | (Jeffrey) |  |
Jesse St. James | 2009 | Glee | |  |
Kalinda Sharma | 2009 | The Good Wife | |  |
Kenny Powers | 2009 | Eastbound & Down | |  |
Kitty Wilde | 2009 | Glee | |  |
Kurt Hummel | 2009 | Glee | (Elizabeth) |  |
Leslie Knope | 2009 | Parks and Recreation | (Barbara) |  |
Marley Rose | 2009 | Glee | |  |
Mercedes Jones | 2009 | Glee | |  |
Mike Chang | 2009 | Glee | (Michael, Robert) |  |
Noah "Puck" Puckerman | 2009 | Glee | (Puck) |  |
Olivia | 2009 | Olivia | |  |
Peter Florrick | 2009 | The Good Wife | |  |
Phil Dunphy | 2009 | Modern Family | |  |
Quinn Fabray | 2009 | Glee | (Lucy) |  |
Rachel Berry | 2009 | Glee | (Barbra) |  |
Ron Swanson | 2009 | Parks and Recreation | (Ronald) |  |
Ryder Lynn | 2009 | Glee | |  |
Sam Evans | 2009 | Glee | (Samuel) |  |
Santana Lopez | 2009 | Glee | (Diabla) |  |
Sheldon Beiste | 2009 | Glee | (Shannon) |  |
Sonny Munroe | 2009 | Sonny with a Chance | |  |
Stefan Salvatore | 2009 | The Vampire Diaries | |  |
Sue Sylvester | 2009 | Glee | (Susan, Rodham) |  |
Terri Schuester | 2009 | Glee | |  |
Tina Cohen-Chang | 2009 | Glee | |  |
Unique Adams | 2009 | Glee | (Wade) |  |
Will Gardner | 2009 | The Good Wife | (William, Paul) |  |
Will Schuester | 2009 | Glee | (William, Michael) |  |
Zach Florrick | 2009 | The Good Wife | (Zachary) |  |
David Lee | 2009; 2017 | The Good Wife; The Good Fight | |  |
Diane Lockhart | 2009; 2017 | The Good Wife; The Good Fight | |  |
Julius Cain | 2009; 2017 | The Good Wife; The Good Fight | |  |
Lucca Quinn | 2009; 2017 | The Good Wife; The Good Fight | |  |
Marissa Gold | 2009; 2017 | The Good Wife; The Good Fight | |  |
Bonnibel Bubblegum | 2010 | Adventure Time | |  |
Daryl Dixon | 2010 | The Walking Dead | |  |
Finn Mertens | 2010 | Adventure Time | |  |
Glenn Rhee | 2010 | The Walking Dead | |  |
Jake the Dog | 2010 | Adventure Time | |  |
Jane Rizzoli | 2010 | Rizzoli & Isles | (Clementine) |  |
Joe Longo | 2010 | Melissa & Joey | (Joseph, Paul) |  |
Lori Grimes | 2010 | The Walking Dead | |  |
Maggie Greene | 2010 | The Walking Dead | |  |
Marceline the Vampire Queen | 2010 | Adventure Time | |  |
Maura Isles | 2010 | Rizzoli & Isles | (Dorothea) |  |
Mel Burke | 2010 | Melissa & Joey | (Melanie, Alison) |  |
Michonne | 2010 | The Walking Dead | |  |
Negan Smith | 2010 | The Walking Dead | |  |
Rick Grimes | 2010 | The Walking Dead | |  |
Simon "Ice King" Petrikov | 2010 | Adventure Time | |  |
Adam Lucas | 2011 | Body of Proof | |  |
Adelaide Langdon | 2011 | American Horror Story: Murder House | (Addie, Addy) |  |
Aiden Welles | 2011 | Body of Proof | |  |
Angela Martin | 2011 | Body of Proof | |  |
Arya Stark | 2011 | Game of Thrones | |  |
Beau Langdon | 2011 | American Horror Story: Murder House | (Beauregard) |  |
Ben Harmon | 2011 | American Horror Story: Murder House | (Benjamin) |  |
Billie Dean Howard | 2011 | American Horror Story: Murder House | |  |
Bran Stark | 2011 | Game of Thrones | |  |
Brienne of Tarth | 2011 | Game of Thrones | |  |
Bud Morris | 2011 | Body of Proof | |  |
Carl Elias | 2011 | Person of Interest | |  |
Catelyn Stark | 2011 | Game of Thrones | |  |
Cersei Lannister | 2011 | Game of Thrones | |  |
Chad Warwick | 2011 | American Horror Story: Murder House | |  |
Charles Montgomery | 2011 | American Horror Story: Murder House | |  |
Charlie Stafford | 2011 | Body of Proof | |  |
Constance Langdon | 2011 | American Horror Story: Murder House | |  |
Curtis Brumfield | 2011 | Body of Proof | |  |
Daenerys Targaryen | 2011 | Game of Thrones | |  |
Dani Alvarez | 2011 | Body of Proof | |  |
Derek Ames | 2011 | Body of Proof | |  |
Ethan Gross | 2011 | Body of Proof | |  |
Fiona Goode | 2011 | American Horror Story: Coven | (Borgia) |  |
Grace Hendricks | 2011 | Person of Interest | |  |
Harold Finch | 2011 | Person of Interest | |  |
Hayden McClaine | 2011 | American Horror Story: Murder House | |  |
Hugo Langdon | 2011 | American Horror Story: Murder House | |  |
Jaime Lannister | 2011 | Game of Thrones | |  |
Jess Day | 2011 | New Girl | (Jessica) |  |
Joan Hunt | 2011 | Body of Proof | |  |
Joffrey Baratheon | 2011 | Game of Thrones | |  |
John Greer | 2011 | Person of Interest | |  |
John Reese | 2011 | Person of Interest | |  |
Jon Snow | 2011 | Game of Thrones | |  |
Joss Carter | 2011 | Person of Interest | (Jocelyn) |  |
Kate Murphy | 2011 | Body of Proof | |  |
Kyle Spencer | 2011 | American Horror Story: Coven | |  |
Lacey Fleming | 2011 | Body of Proof | |  |
Larry Harvey | 2011 | American Horror Story: Murder House | (Lawrence) |  |
Lionel Fusco | 2011 | Person of Interest | |  |
Lorraine Harvey | 2011 | American Horror Story: Murder House | |  |
Megan Hunt | 2011 | Body of Proof | |  |
Moira O'Hara | 2011 | American Horror Story: Murder House | |  |
Nathan Ingram | 2011 | Person of Interest | |  |
Ned Stark | 2011 | Game of Thrones | (Eddard) |  |
Nora Montgomery | 2011 | American Horror Story: Murder House | |  |
Peter Dunlop | 2011 | Body of Proof | |  |
Petyr Baelish | 2011 | Game of Thrones | |  |
Robb Stark | 2011 | Game of Thrones | |  |
Robert Baratheon | 2011 | Game of Thrones | |  |
Root | 2011 | Person of Interest | (Sam, Samantha) |  |
Sam Bocquelet | 2011 | Stella and Sam | |  |
Samantha Baker | 2011 | Body of Proof | |  |
Sameen Shaw | 2011 | Person of Interest | |  |
Samwell Tarly | 2011 | Game of Thrones | (Sam) |  |
Sandor Clegane | 2011 | Game of Thrones | |  |
Sansa Stark | 2011 | Game of Thrones | |  |
Stella Bocquelet | 2011 | Stella and Sam | |  |
Tate Langdon | 2011 | American Horror Story: Murder House | |  |
Theon Greyjoy | 2011 | Game of Thrones | |  |
Todd Fleming | 2011 | Body of Proof | |  |
Tommy Sullivan | 2011 | Body of Proof | |  |
Travis Wanderley | 2011 | American Horror Story: Murder House | |  |
Tyrion Lannister | 2011 | Game of Thrones | |  |
Violet Harmon | 2011 | American Horror Story: Murder House | |  |
Vivien Harmon | 2011 | American Horror Story: Murder House | |  |
Alma Walker | 2012 | American Horror Story: Asylum | |  |
Amy Sykes | 2012 | Major Crimes | |  |
Arthur Arden | 2012 | American Horror Story: Asylum | (Hans) |  |
Cami Paige | 2012 | Major Crimes | (Camila) |  |
Grace Bertrand | 2012 | American Horror Story: Asylum | |  |
Johnny Morgan | 2012 | American Horror Story: Asylum | |  |
Jude Martin | 2012 | American Horror Story: Asylum | (Judy) |  |
Kit Walker | 2012 | American Horror Story: Asylum | |  |
Lana Winters | 2012 | American Horror Story: Asylum | |  |
Leigh Emerson | 2012 | American Horror Story: Asylum | |  |
Leo Mason | 2012 | Major Crimes | |  |
Mary Eunice McKee | 2012 | American Horror Story: Asylum | |  |
Oliver Thredson | 2012 | American Horror Story: Asylum | |  |
Olivia Pope | 2012 | Scandal | |  |
Pepper | 2012 | American Horror Story: Asylum | |  |
Russell "Rusty" Beck | 2012 | Major Crimes | (Rusty, Thomas) |  |
Selina Meyer | 2012 | Veep | |  |
Shachath | 2012 | American Horror Story: Asylum | |  |
Stella Morris | 2012 | Stella | |  |
Timothy Howard | 2012 | American Horror Story: Asylum | |  |
Wendy Peyser | 2012 | American Horror Story: Asylum | |  |
Wes Nolan | 2012 | Major Crimes | |  |
Adam Janikowski | 2013 | Mom | |  |
Alex Vause | 2013 | Orange Is the New Black | |  |
Amethyst | 2013 | Steven Universe | |  |
Beth Smith | 2013 | Rick and Morty | |  |
Bonnie Plunkett | 2013 | Mom | |  |
Father Brown | 2013 | Father Brown | |  |
Christy Plunkett | 2013 | Mom | (Jolene) |  |
Cordelia Foxx | 2013 | American Horror Story: Coven | |  |
Delphine LaLaurie | 2013 | American Horror Story: Coven | (Marie) |  |
Elizabeth Jennings | 2013 | The Americans | |  |
Garnet | 2013 | Steven Universe | |  |
Jerry Smith | 2013 | Rick and Morty | |  |
Jill Kendall | 2013 | Mom | |  |
Madison Montgomery | 2013 | American Horror Story: Coven | |  |
Marjorie Armstrong-Perugian | 2013 | Mom | |  |
Misty Day | 2013 | American Horror Story: Coven | |  |
Morty Smith | 2013 | Rick and Morty | (Mortimer) |  |
Myrtle Snow | 2013 | American Horror Story: Coven | |  |
Pearl | 2013 | Steven Universe | |  |
Piper Chapman | 2013 | Orange Is the New Black | |  |
Rick Sanchez | 2013 | Rick and Morty | (Richard, Daniel) |  |
Rosa Diaz | 2013 | Brooklyn Nine-Nine | |  |
Spalding | 2013 | American Horror Story: Coven | |  |
Steven Universe | 2013 | Steven Universe | |  |
Summer Smith | 2013 | Rick and Morty | |  |
Tammy Diffendorf | 2013 | Mom | |  |
Violet Plunkett | 2013 | Mom | |  |
Wendy Harris | 2013 | Mom | |  |
Zoe Benson | 2013 | American Horror Story: Coven | |  |
Annalise Keating | 2014 | How to Get Away with Murder | |  |
Clarke Griffin | 2014 | The 100 | |  |
Connor Stevens | 2014 | Black-ish | |  |
Devante Johnson | 2014 | Black-ish | (Matthew) |  |
Kate Morgan | 2014 | 24: Live Another Day | |  |
Laura Diamond | 2014 | The Mysteries of Laura | |  |
Leslie Stevens | 2014 | Black-ish | |  |
Mark Boudreau | 2014 | 24: Live Another Day | |  |
Olivia Lockhart | 2014 | Black-ish | |  |
Ruby Johnson | 2014 | Black-ish | (Rubeline, Eveline) |  |
Andre "Junior" Johnson Jr. | 2014; 2018 | Black-ish; Grown-ish | (Junior) |  |
Charlie Telphy | 2014; 2018 | Black-ish; Grown-ish | (Charles) |  |
Dre Johnson | 2014; 2018 | Black-ish; Grown-ish | (Andre) |  |
Earl "Pops" Johnson | 2014; 2018 | Black-ish; Grown-ish | |  |
Josh Oppenhol | 2014; 2018 | Black-ish; Grown-ish | |  |
Rainbow "Bow" Johnson | 2014; 2018 | Black-ish; Grown-ish | (Bow, Sojourner) |  |
Zoey Johnson | 2014; 2018 | Black-ish; Grown-ish | |  |
Diane Johnson | 2014; 2019 | Black-ish; Mixed-ish | (Marie, Rosie) |  |
Jack Johnson | 2014; 2019 | Black-ish; Mixed-ish | (Jackson) |  |
Alexis Rose | 2015 | Schitt's Creek | (Claire) |  |
David Rose | 2015 | Schitt's Creek | |  |
Johnny Rose | 2015 | Schitt's Creek | (John) |  |
Loretha "Cookie" Lyon | 2015 | Empire | (Cookie) |  |
Lucious Lyon | 2015 | Empire | (Dwight) |  |
Moira Rose | 2015 | Schitt's Creek | |  |
Adam Warren | 2016 | The Family | |  |
Alfred "Paper Boi" Miles | 2016 | Atlanta | |  |
Ben Murphy | 2016 | The Family | |  |
Bridey Cruz | 2016 | The Family | |  |
Claire Warren | 2016 | The Family | |  |
Danny Warren | 2016 | The Family | (Daniel) |  |
Doug Anderson | 2016 | The Family | |  |
Earn Marks | 2016 | Atlanta | (Earnest) |  |
Gabe Clements | 2016 | The Family | |  |
Hank Asher | 2016 | The Family | |  |
Jane Cardone | 2016 | The Family | |  |
Jane "Eleven" Hopper | 2016 | Stranger Things | |  |
Jim Hopper | 2016 | Stranger Things | |  |
John Warren | 2016 | The Family | |  |
Joyce Byers | 2016 | Stranger Things | |  |
Mike Wheeler | 2016 | Stranger Things | (Michael) |  |
Nancy Wheeler | 2016 | Stranger Things | |  |
Nina Meyer | 2016 | The Family | |  |
Steve Harrington | 2016 | Stranger Things | |  |
Vanessa Kiefer | 2016 | Atlanta | |  |
Willa Warren | 2016 | The Family | |  |
Alex Standall | 2017 | 13 Reasons Why | (Alexander, Dean) |  |
Ani Achola | 2017 | 13 Reasons Why | (Amorowat, Anysia) |  |
Archie Andrews | 2017 | Riverdale | (Archibald) |  |
Betty Cooper | 2017 | Riverdale | |  |
Bryce Walker | 2017 | 13 Reasons Why | |  |
Charlie St. George | 2017 | 13 Reasons Why | (Charles, Hayden, Brixton) |  |
Clay Jensen | 2017 | 13 Reasons Why | (Clayton, Jason) |  |
Connie "Meemaw" Tucker | 2017 | Young Sheldon | (Constance) |  |
Courtney Crimsen | 2017 | 13 Reasons Why | |  |
Diego Torres | 2017 | 13 Reasons Why | |  |
Forsythe "Jughead" Jones | 2017 | Riverdale | (Jughead) |  |
George Cooper Jr. | 2017 | Young Sheldon | (Georgie) |  |
George Cooper Sr. | 2017 | Young Sheldon | |  |
Hannah Baker | 2017 | 13 Reasons Why | |  |
Jessica Davis | 2017 | 13 Reasons Why | |  |
Justin Foley | 2017 | 13 Reasons Why | |  |
Liz Reddick-Lawrence | 2017 | The Good Fight | (Elizabeth) |  |
Marcus Cole | 2017 | 13 Reasons Why | |  |
Missy Cooper | 2017 | Young Sheldon | (Melissa) |  |
Monty de La Cruz | 2017 | 13 Reasons Why | (Montgomery) |  |
Ryan Shaver | 2017 | 13 Reasons Why | |  |
Sheri Holland | 2017 | 13 Reasons Why | |  |
Skye Miller | 2017 | 13 Reasons Why | (Skylar) |  |
Tony Padilla | 2017 | 13 Reasons Why | (Antonio) |  |
Tyler Down | 2017 | 13 Reasons Why | |  |
Veronica Lodge | 2017 | Riverdale | |  |
Winston Williams | 2017 | 13 Reasons Why | |  |
Zach Dempsey | 2017 | 13 Reasons Why | (Zachary, Shan-Yung) |  |
Eve Polastri | 2018 | Killing Eve | |  |
Hilda | 2018 | Hilda | |  |
Kendall Roy | 2018 | Succession | |  |
Logan Roy | 2018 | Succession | |  |