Fictional Characters from Song Titles

This is a list of names (belonging primarily to fictional people) that appear in song titles.
NameYearTitleArtistOther Names
Suzanne2011Suzanne and IAnna Calvi
Sylvia1971Sylvia's MotherDr. Hook & the Medicine Show
Tammy1957TammyDebbie Reynolds
Tara1939Tara's ThemeMax Steiner
Taylor2003TaylorJack Johnson
Ted1988Ted, Just Admit It...Jane's Addiction
Ted1996Vavoom: Ted the MechanicDeep Purple
Terry2007Terry's SongBruce Springsteen
Tessie2005TessieDropkick Murphys
Tiffany Blews2008Tiffany BlewsFall Out Boy
Tim1979King Tim III (Personality Jock)The Fatback Band
Tim Evans1968Ballad of Tim EvansEwan MacColl
Tim Smith2009Tim SmithThe Wildhearts
Timmy Lea1974This Is Your Life Timmy LeaSue Cheyenne
Timothy1971TimothyThe Buoys
Tina2013Don't Talk About Him, TinaPistol Annies
Tom1983Major Tom (I'm Coming Home)Peter Schilling
Tom1982Poor TomLed Zeppelin
Tom2013Tom the DrumPalma Violets
Tom Dooley1958Tom DooleyThe Kingston Trio
Tom Traubert1976Tom Traubert's BluesTom Waits
Tommy1990Tommy the CatPrimus
Tommy Walker1969Tommy's Holiday CampThe Who
Tony2008Chip n' TonyAlejandro Escovedo
Traci Brown2008Traci BrownHanson
Tracy1969TracyThe Cuff Links
Tyrone1997TyroneErykah Badu
Ursula1972Ursula (The Swansea Song)Barclay James Harvest
Valerie1982ValerieSteve Winwood
Vanessa Simmons1971Vanessa SimmonsBarclay James Harvest
Veronica1989VeronicaElvis Costello
Veronica Sawyer2009Veronica Sawyer SmokesAFI
Vince Taylor1973Just Like Vince TaylorGolden Earring
Virginia1998Meet VirginiaTrain
Vivian2000VivianNerf Herder
Walter1982Walter's WalkLed Zeppelin
Waylon2010Blame It on WaylonJosh Thompson
Wendell1985Wendell GeeR.E.M
Wendy1990Tomorrow WendyConcrete Blonde
Wendy1964WendyThe Beach Boys
Wesley2015Wesley's TheoryKendrick Lamar
Will2006Everything'll Be Alright (Will's Lullaby)Joshua Radin
William1984William, It Was Really NothingThe Smiths
William2009William's Last WordsManic Street Preachers
Willie1989Kissing WillieJethro Tull
Willie2003Weed with WillieToby Keith
Willie1985Willie the WimpBill Carter(Willy)
Willy1972Little WillyThe Sweet
Winona2008She's My WinonaFall Out Boy
Wyatt2008Lullaby for WyattSheryl Crow
Wynona1995Wynona's Big Brown BeaverPrimus
Yael2011Hush YaelOh, Sleeper
Yolanda1974YolandaBobby "Blue" Band
Zoe2003Zoe JaneStaind
Zula2013Song for ZulaPhosphorescent