Names with "tall" in Meaning

This is a list of names in which the meaning contains the keyword tall.
See Also
tall meaning
Celsus m Ancient Roman
Roman family name meaning "tall" in Latin. This was the name of a 2nd-century philosopher who wrote against Christianity. It was also borne by an early saint martyred with Nazarius in Milan.
Koppány m Hungarian
Possibly of Turkic origin meaning "great, tall".
Levent m Turkish
From the Ottoman Turkish term levend, referring to a member of the navy, which is possibly ultimately derived from Italian levante "person from the eastern Mediterranean". The Turkish word has now come to mean "tall, handsome, roguish".
Malinalli f Nahuatl
Means "tall grass" in Nahuatl.
Meinir f Welsh
Means "tall and slender, beautiful maiden" in Welsh (a compound of main "slender" and hir "tall").
Tamir 1 m Hebrew
Means "tall" in Hebrew.
Taylan m Turkish
Means "tall" in Turkish.