Browse Names

This is a list of names in which the gender is feminine; and the usage is Yiddish.
Alte 1 אַלטע f Yiddish (Rare)
Feminine form of Alter.
Baila ביילאַ f Yiddish
Variant of Beyle.
Bashe בַּאשֶׁע f Yiddish
Diminutive of Batyah.
Beyle ביילע f Yiddish (Rare)
From a Slavic word meaning "white".
Beylke ביילקע f Yiddish (Rare)
Diminutive of Beyle. This is the name of a daughter of Tevye in late 19th-century Yiddish stories by Sholem Aleichem, on which the musical Fiddler on the Roof was based.
Bluma בלומאַ f Yiddish
From Yiddish בלום (blum) meaning "flower".
Breindel בריינדל f Yiddish (Rare)
Means "brunette" in Yiddish.
Charna טשאַרנאַ f Yiddish (Rare)
From a Slavic word meaning "black".
Eidel איידל f Yiddish (Rare)
Means "delicate" in Yiddish.
Elke 2 אלקה f Yiddish
Yiddish feminine form of Elkanah.
Faiga פֿייגאַ f Yiddish
Variant of Faigel.
Faigel פֿייגל f Yiddish (Rare)
From Yiddish פֿויגל (foigl) meaning "bird", a vernacular form of Zipporah.
Feige פֿייגע f Yiddish
Variant of Faigel.
Freyde פֿריידע f Yiddish (Rare)
From Yiddish פֿרייד (freid) meaning "joy".
Fruma פֿרומאַ, פֿרומע f Yiddish
From Yiddish פֿרום (frum) meaning "pious". This is the name of a character (appearing as a ghost) in the musical Fiddler on the Roof (1964).
Gittel גיטל f Yiddish
From Yiddish גוט (gut) meaning "good".
Glika גליקאַ, גליקע f Yiddish (Rare)
From Yiddish גליק (glik) meaning "luck".
Glukel גליקל f Yiddish (Rare)
Diminutive of Glika.
Golda גאָלדאַ, גאָלדע, גּוֹלְדָּה f Yiddish
From Yiddish גאָלד (gold) meaning "gold". This is the name of Tevye's wife in the musical Fiddler on the Roof (1964). It was also borne by the Israeli prime minister Golda Meir (1898-1978).
Goldie 2 f Yiddish
Variant of Golda.
Henda הענדע, הענדאַ f Yiddish (Rare)
Yiddish variant of Hannah.
Hendel הענדל f Yiddish (Rare)
Yiddish diminutive of Hannah.
Hene הענע f Yiddish (Rare)
Yiddish variant of Hannah.
Henye העניע f Yiddish (Rare)
Yiddish variant of Hannah.
Hode האָדע f Yiddish (Rare)
Yiddish short form of Hadassah.
Hodel האָדל f Yiddish (Rare)
Diminutive of Hode. This is the name of Tevye's second daughter in the musical Fiddler on the Roof (1964), based on late 19th-century stories by Sholem Aleichem.
Kreindel קריינדל f Yiddish (Rare)
Diminutive of Kreine.
Kreine קריינע f Yiddish (Rare)
From Yiddish קרוין (kroin) meaning "crown".
Leeba ליבאַ, ליבּה f Yiddish
Alternate transcription of Yiddish ליבאַ (see Liba).
Liba ליבאַ, ליבּה f Yiddish
From Yiddish ליבע (libe) meaning "love".
Mirele מירעלע f Yiddish (Rare)
Yiddish diminutive of Miriam.
Perele פּערעלע f Yiddish (Rare)
Variant of Perle.
Perle פּערלע f French, Yiddish
French and Yiddish cognate of Pearl. It is also used as a Yiddish vernacular form of Margalit.
Raisa 2 רייזאַ f Yiddish
From Yiddish רויז (roiz) meaning "rose".
Raisel רייזל f Yiddish (Rare)
Diminutive of Raisa 2.
Rayna 2 ריינאַ f Yiddish
Alternate transcription of Yiddish ריינאַ (see Reina 2).
Reina 2 ריינאַ f Yiddish
Derived from Yiddish ריין (rein) meaning "clean, pure".
Rifka ריפֿקאַ f Yiddish
Yiddish variant of Rivka.
Rochel רחל f Yiddish
Yiddish form of Rachel.
Shaina שיינאַ f Yiddish
Alternate transcription of Yiddish שיינאַ (see Shayna).
Shaindel שיינדל f Yiddish (Rare)
Diminutive of Shayna.
Shana 2 שיינאַ f Yiddish
Alternate transcription of Yiddish שיינאַ (see Shayna).
Shayna שיינאַ f Yiddish
From Yiddish שיין (shein) meaning "beautiful".
Shaynah שיינאַ f Yiddish (Rare)
Alternate transcription of Yiddish שיינאַ (see Shayna).
Sheine שיינע f Yiddish (Rare)
Variant of Shayna.
Shprintza שפּרינצאַ f Yiddish (Rare)
Variant of Shprintze.
Shprintze שפּרינצע f Yiddish (Rare)
Possibly a Yiddish form of Esperanza. This is the name of Tevye's fourth daughter in the musical Fiddler on the Roof (1964), based on the late 19th-century Yiddish stories of Sholem Aleichem.
Shprintzel שפּרינצל f Yiddish (Rare)
Diminutive of Shprintze.
Sisel סיסל f Yiddish (Rare)
Variant of Zisel.
Suri שרה f Yiddish
Yiddish form of Sarah.
Toiba טויבאַ, טויבע f Yiddish (Rare)
From Yiddish טויב (toib) meaning "dove".
Tzeitel צייטל f Yiddish (Rare)
Yiddish diminutive of Sarah. This is the name of Tevye's oldest daughter in the musical Fiddler on the Roof (1964), based on Sholem Aleichem's stories from the late 19th century.
Velvela װעלװעלע f Yiddish (Rare)
Feminine form of Velvel.
Yente יענטע, יענטאַ f Yiddish (Rare)
From French gentille meaning "noble, aristocratic". This is the name of a gossipy matchmaker in the musical Fiddler on the Roof (1964), based on late 19th-century stories by Sholem Aleichem. Due to the character, this name has also acquired the meaning "gossiper".
Yentl יענטל f Yiddish (Rare)
Diminutive of Yente.
Yudes יודעס f Yiddish (Rare)
Yiddish short form of Judith.
Yutke יוטקע f Yiddish (Rare)
Yiddish diminutive of Judith.
Zelda 1 זעלדאַ f Yiddish
Possibly a feminine form of Zelig.
Zelde זעלדע f Yiddish (Rare)
Possibly a feminine form of Zelig.
Zisel זיסל f Yiddish (Rare)
From Yiddish זיס (zis) meaning "sweet".
Zusa f Yiddish (Rare)
Means "sweet" in Yiddish.