Browse Names

This is a list of names in which the description contains the keywords prince or of or all or men.
Viljar 1 m Estonian
Estonian masculine form of Vilja.
Viljem m Slovene
Slovene form of William.
Viljo m Finnish
Finnish diminutive of Vilhelm, used independently.
Vilko m Slovene, Croatian
Slovene and Croatian diminutive of William.
Villads m Danish
Danish form of Willehad.
Ville m Finnish, Swedish
Finnish and Swedish diminutive of Vilhelm and other names beginning with Vil.
Villem m Estonian
Estonian form of William.
Villum m Danish
Danish variant of Vilhelm.
Vilmantė f Lithuanian
Feminine form of Vilmantas.
Vilmar m Portuguese (Brazilian)
Form of Wilmer popular in Brazil.
Vilmos m Hungarian
Hungarian form of William.
Vilppu m Finnish
Finnish variant form of Philip.
Viltė f Lithuanian
Short form of Viltautė.
Vimala f Tamil
Feminine form of Vimal.
Vin m English
Short form of Vincent.
Vincas m Lithuanian
Short form of Vincentas.
Vince m English, Hungarian
English short form and Hungarian normal form of Vincent.
Vincenc m Czech, Slovene
Czech and Slovene form of Vincent.
Vincentas m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Vincent.
Vincente f French
French feminine form of Vincent.
Vincentius m Late Roman
Original Latin form of Vincent.
Vincenza f Italian
Italian feminine form of Vincent.
Vincenzo m Italian
Italian form of Vincent.
Vinicio m Italian, Spanish
Italian and Spanish form of the Roman family name Vinicius, which was possibly derived from Latin vinum "wine".
Vinícius m Portuguese
Portuguese form of Vinicius (see Vinicio). It gained popularity in Brazil due to the poet and musician Vinícius de Moraes (1913-1980).
Vinka f Croatian
Croatian feminine form of Vincent.
Vinko m Croatian, Slovene
Croatian and Slovene form of Vincent.
Vinnie m & f English
Diminutive of Vincent and other names containing vin.
Vinny m English
Diminutive of Vincent.
Vinyet f Catalan
Means "vineyard" in Catalan. It is from a devotional title of the Virgin Mary, Mare de Déu del Vinyet, meaning "Mother of God of the Vineyard". This is the name of a sanctuary in Sitges, Spain.
Vinzent m German (Rare)
German variant form of Vincent.
Vinzenz m German
German form of Vincent.
Viola f English, Italian, Swedish, Danish, Finnish, German, Hungarian, Czech, Slovak
Means "violet" in Latin. This is the name of the heroine of William Shakespeare's comedy Twelfth Night (1602). In the play she is the survivor of a shipwreck who disguises herself as a man named Cesario. Working as a messenger for Duke Orsino, she attempts to convince Olivia to marry him. Instead Viola falls in love with the duke.
Violetta f Italian, Russian, Hungarian
Italian, Russian and Hungarian form of Violet.
Violette f French
French form of Violet.
Viona f English (Rare)
Possibly a variant of Fiona influenced by Viola.
Viorela f Romanian
Feminine form of Viorel.
Vira f Ukrainian
Ukrainian cognate of Vera 1.
Viracocha m Inca Mythology
Possibly from Quechua wira "fat, thick" and qucha "lake". This is the name of the creator god in Inca mythology.
Viraj m Marathi, Gujarati
Modern form of Viraja.
Viraja m Hinduism
Means "ruling, sovereign" in Sanskrit. This is the name of an offspring of Brahma in Hindu belief.
Virgee f English
Diminutive of Virginia.
Virgen f Spanish (Latin American)
Means "virgin" in Spanish, used in honour of the Virgin Mary.
Virgie f English
Diminutive of Virginia.
Virgil m English, Romanian
From the Roman family name Vergilius, which is of unknown meaning. This name was borne by the 1st-century BC Roman poet Publius Vergilius Maro, commonly called Virgil, who was the writer of the Aeneid. Due to him, Virgil has been in use as a given name in the English-speaking world since the 19th century.
Virgile m French
French form of Virgil.
Virgilijus m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Virgil.
Virgílio m Portuguese
Portuguese form of Virgil.
Virgilio m Italian, Spanish
Italian and Spanish form of Virgil.
Virgiliu m Romanian
Romanian variant of Virgil.
Virgilius m Late Roman
Medieval Latin form of Vergilius, altered by association with Latin virgo "maiden" or virga "wand".
Virginia f English, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Romanian, Greek, Ancient Roman
Feminine form of the Roman family name Verginius or Virginius, which is of unknown meaning, but long associated with Latin virgo "maid, virgin". According to a legend, it was the name of a Roman woman killed by her father so as to save her from the clutches of a crooked official.... [more]
Virginie f French
French form of Virginia.
Virginija f Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Virginia.
Virginijus m Lithuanian
Lithuanian masculine form of Virginia.
Virginio m Italian
Italian masculine form of Virginia.
Virgo f Astronomy
Means "maiden, virgin" in Latin. This is the name of a constellation and the sixth sign of the zodiac.
Viriato m Portuguese
From the Latin name Viriathus or Viriatus, which was derived from viriae "bracelets" (of Celtic origin). Viriathus was a leader of the Lusitani (a tribe of Portugal) who rebelled against Roman rule in the 2nd century BC.
Virva f Finnish
Possibly derived from Finnish virvatuli meaning "will o' the wisp". In folklore, will o' the wisp is a floating ball of light that appears over water.
Višeslav m Serbian, Croatian
Serbian and Croatian form of Veceslav (see Václav).
Vishnu m Hinduism, Malayalam, Kannada, Telugu, Tamil, Hindi, Marathi
Probably means "all-pervasive" in Sanskrit. The Hindu god Vishnu is the protector and preserver of the universe, usually depicted as four-armed and blue-skinned. By some Hindus he is regarded as the supreme god.
Visitación f Spanish
Means "visitation" in Spanish. This name is given in reference to the visit of the Virgin Mary to her cousin Elizabeth.
Vissarion m Russian (Archaic), Greek
Russian form and Modern Greek transcription of Bessarion.
Vissenta f Sardinian
Sardinian feminine form of Vincent.
Vissente m Sardinian
Sardinian form of Vincent.
Visvaldas m Lithuanian
Lithuanian cognate of Visvaldis.
Visvaldis m Latvian
From Latvian viss "all" and valdīt "to rule". It is thus a cognate of the Slavic name Vsevolod.
Vít m Czech, Slovak
Czech and Slovak form of Vitus.
Vita 2 f Ukrainian, Belarusian
Ukrainian and Belarusian short form of Viktoriya.
Vital m French, Portuguese, Belarusian
French, Portuguese and Belarusian form of Vitalis (see Vitale).
Vitale m Italian
Italian form of the Late Latin name Vitalis, which was derived from Latin vitalis meaning "of life, vital". Vitalis was the name of several early saints and martyrs.
Vitali m Russian, Ukrainian
Alternate transcription of Russian Виталий or Ukrainian Віталій (see Vitaliy).
Vitalia f Italian (Rare)
Feminine form of Vitale.
Vitaliano m Italian
Italian form of Vitalianus.
Vitalianus m Late Roman
Roman cognomen that was derived from Vitalis. This was the name of a 7th-century pope who is considered a saint.
Vitalija f Lithuanian
Lithuanian feminine form of Vitalis (see Vitale).
Vitālijs m Latvian
Latvian form of Vitalis (see Vitale).
Vitalijus m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Vitalis (see Vitale).
Vitalik m Russian, Ukrainian
Diminutive of Vitaliy.
Vitalis m Late Roman
Latin form of Vitale.
Vitaliy m Russian, Ukrainian
Russian and Ukrainian form of Vitalis (see Vitale).
Vitaliya f Russian, Ukrainian
Russian and Ukrainian feminine form of Vitalis (see Vitale).
Vitaly m Russian, Ukrainian
Alternate transcription of Russian Виталий or Ukrainian Віталій (see Vitaliy).
Vítek m Czech
Diminutive of Vít.
Vítězslava f Czech
Feminine form of Vítězslav.
Víðarr m Norse Mythology
Old Norse form of Vidar.
Víðir m Icelandic
Icelandic form of Vide.
Vito 1 m Italian, Spanish
Italian and Spanish form of Vitus. A notable fictional bearer is Vito Corleone from The Godfather novel (1969) and movie (1972).
Vito 2 m Slovene
Originally a short form of Vitomir, now used independently.
Vitold m Russian, Ukrainian
Russian and Ukrainian form of Witold.
Vítor m Portuguese, Galician
Portuguese and Galician form of Victor.
Vitória f Portuguese
Portuguese form of Victoria.
Vitorino m Portuguese
Portuguese form of Victorinus.
Vittore m Italian
Italian form of Victor.
Vittoria f Italian
Italian form of Victoria.
Vittorino m Italian
Italian form of Victorinus.
Vittorio m Italian
Italian form of Victorius.
Vitya m Russian
Diminutive of Viktor.
Viveca f Swedish
Swedish form of Vibeke.
Viveka f Swedish
Swedish form of Vibeke.
Vivi f Danish, Swedish, Norwegian
Scandinavian diminutive of names beginning with Vi, as well as Olivia and Sofia.
Vivian m & f English, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish
From the Latin name Vivianus, which was derived from Latin vivus "alive". Saint Vivian was a French bishop who provided protection during the Visigoth invasion of the 5th century. It has been occasionally used as an English (masculine) name since the Middle Ages. In modern times it is also used as a feminine name, in which case it is either an Anglicized form of Bébinn or a variant of Vivien 2.
Viviana f Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Late Roman
Feminine form of Vivianus (see Vivian). Saint Viviana (also known as Bibiana) was a Roman saint and martyr of the 4th century.
Viviane f French, Portuguese
French form of Viviana, as well as a Portuguese variant. It is also the French form of Vivien 2.
Vivianne f French
Variant of Viviane.
Viviano m Italian
Italian form of Vivianus (see Vivian).
Vivianus m Late Roman
Latin form of Vivian.
Vivien 1 m French
French form of Vivianus (see Vivian).
Vivien 2 f Literature, Hungarian
Used by Alfred Tennyson as the name of the Lady of the Lake in his Arthurian epic Idylls of the King (1859). Tennyson may have based it on Vivienne, but it possibly arose as a misreading of Ninian. A famous bearer was British actress Vivien Leigh (1913-1967), who played Scarlett O'Hara in Gone with the Wind.
Vivienne f French
French form of Viviana.
Viviette f English (Rare)
Diminutive of Vivienne. William John Locke used this name for the title character in his novel Viviette (1910).
Vjeko m Croatian
Short form of Vjekoslav.
Vjekoslava f Croatian
Feminine form of Vjekoslav.
Vjera f Croatian, Serbian
Croatian and Serbian cognate of Vera 1.
Vlad m Romanian, Russian, Ukrainian
Old short form of Vladislav and other names beginning with the Slavic element volděti (Church Slavic vladati) meaning "to rule, to control". This name was borne by several princes of Wallachia (in Romania) including the 15th-century Vlad III Dracula, who was Bram Stoker's inspiration for the name of his vampire Count Dracula.
Vladan m Serbian, Czech
From the Slavic element volděti meaning "to rule, to control", originally a diminutive of names containing that element.
Vladana f Serbian, Czech
Feminine form of Vladan.
Vladas m Lithuanian
Short form of Vladimiras.
Vladěna f Czech
Feminine form of Vladan.
Vladik m Russian
Diminutive of Vladislav.
Vladilen m Russian
Contraction of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, the name of the founder of the former Soviet state (see Vladimir and Lenin).
Vladimer m Georgian
Georgian form of Vladimir.
Vladiměrŭ m Medieval Slavic
Old Church Slavic form of Vladimir.
Vladimír m Czech, Slovak
Czech and Slovak form of Vladimir.
Vladimir m Russian, Serbian, Croatian, Bulgarian, Macedonian, Slovene, Albanian
From the Old Slavic name *Voldiměrŭ, derived from the elements volděti meaning "to rule" and měrŭ meaning "great, famous". The second element has also been associated with mirŭ meaning "peace, world".... [more]
Vladimíra f Czech, Slovak
Czech and Slovak form of Vladimira.
Vladimira f Slovene, Croatian
Feminine form of Vladimir.
Vladimiras m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Vladimir.
Vladimirs m Latvian
Latvian form of Vladimir.
Vladislav m Russian, Czech, Slovak, Slovene, Bulgarian, Serbian, Croatian
From the Old Slavic name *Voldislavŭ, derived from the elements volděti "to rule" and slava "glory". This name has been borne by kings, princes and dukes of Croatia, Serbia, Bohemia, Poland and Wallachia.
Vladislava f Russian, Czech
Feminine form of Vladislav.
Vladislavs m Latvian
Latvian form of Vladislav.
Vladlen m Russian
Contraction of Vladimir Lenin, the name of the founder of the former Soviet state (see Vladimir and Lenin).
Vladlena f Russian
Feminine form of Vladlen.
Vlado m Croatian, Serbian, Slovene, Bulgarian, Macedonian, Slovak
Short form of Vladimir and other names beginning with the Slavic element volděti (South Slavic vladati) meaning "to rule, to control".
Vladyslav m Ukrainian
Ukrainian form of Vladislav.
Vladyslava f Ukrainian
Ukrainian feminine form of Vladislav.
Vlaho m Croatian
Croatian form of Blasius (see Blaise).
Vlas m Russian
Russian form of Blaise.
Vlasi m Russian (Rare)
Alternate transcription of Russian Власий (see Vlasiy).
Vlasis m Greek
Greek form of Blaise.
Vlasiy m Russian (Rare)
Russian form of Blaise.
Vlassis m Greek
Greek form of Blaise.
Vlasta f & m Czech, Slovak, Croatian, Serbian, Slovene
Originally a short form of names beginning with the Slavic element volstĭ meaning "power, rule, sovereignty". Descendants of this word include Czech vlast "homeland" and Serbo-Croatian vlast "power". It is sometimes masculine in Czech and Serbian.
Vlastimila f Czech
Feminine form of Vlastimil.
Vlastimír m Czech
Czech form of Vlastimir.
Vlastimir m Serbian
Derived from the Slavic element volstĭ (Serbian vlast) meaning "power, rule, sovereignty" combined with mirŭ meaning "peace, world". This was the name of a 9th-century prince of Serbia.
Vlatka f Croatian
Feminine form of Vlatko.
Vlatko m Croatian, Serbian, Macedonian
Originally a diminutive of names beginning with the Slavic element volděti (South Slavic vladati) meaning "to rule, to control".
Voirrey f Manx
Vocative form of Moirrey.
Vojislav m Serbian
Derived from the Slavic elements vojĭ "warrior, soldier" and slava "glory, fame". Stefan Vojislav was an 11th-century ruler of Serbia.
Vojislava f Serbian
Feminine form of Vojislav.
Vojĭtěxŭ m Old Slavic (Hypothetical)
Proto-Slavic reconstruction of Wojciech.
Vojta m Czech
Diminutive of Vojtěch.
Vojtěch m Czech
Czech form of Wojciech.
Vojtech m Slovak
Slovak form of Wojciech.
Voldemaras m Lithuanian
Lithuanian variant of Valdemar.
Voldemārs m Latvian
Latvian form of Valdemar.
Voldemort m Literature
Invented by author J.K. Rowling, apparently based on French vol de mort meaning "flight of death" or "theft of death". This is the name of the primary villain in Rowling's Harry Potter series of books, first released in 1997. The books explain that he created his name by anagramming his birth name Tom Marvolo Riddle into I am Lord Voldemort.
Voldiměrŭ m Old Slavic (Hypothetical)
Proto-Slavic reconstruction of Vladimir.
Voldislavŭ m Old Slavic (Hypothetical)
Proto-Slavic reconstruction of Vladislav.
Volha f Belarusian
Belarusian form of Olga.
Volodiměrŭ m Medieval Slavic
Old East Slavic form of Vladimir.
Volodymyr m Ukrainian
Ukrainian form of Vladimir.
Voltaire m History
Pen name of François-Marie Arouet (1694-1778), a French philosopher and writer, the author of Candide. It is not known how Arouet devised his name. He may have reversed the syllables of Airvault, a town where his family owned property; it may have been an anagram of the Latin spelling of his surname Arovet and LI standing for le jeune "the young"; or it may have come from French volontaire "determined".
Völund m Norse Mythology
Scandinavian cognate of Wayland, found in the poem Völundarkviða in the Poetic Edda.
Vǫlundr m Norse Mythology
Old Norse form of Völund.
Volya m Russian (Rare)
Diminutive of Vsevolod. It also means "will, freedom" in Russian.
Vonahe'e f Cheyenne
Means "medicine bundle woman" in Cheyenne. A medicine bundle is a collection of sacred items used in religious ceremonies.
Vonda f English
Variant of Wanda, reflecting the Polish pronunciation.
Vortigern m History
English form of Gwrtheyrn.
Vosgi f & m Armenian
Alternate transcription of Armenian Ոսկի (see Voski).
Voula f Greek
Diminutive of Paraskevi.
Vova m Russian
Diminutive of Vladimir.
Vratislav m Czech, Slovak
Derived from the Slavic elements vortiti (Czech vrátit) meaning "to return" and slava meaning "glory". This was the name of two dukes of Bohemia (the second later a king).
Vratislava f Czech
Feminine form of Vratislav.
Vreni f German (Swiss)
Swiss diminutive of Verena.
Vsevolod m Russian, Ukrainian
Derived from the Slavic elements vĭśĭ "all" and volděti "to rule". This was the name of an 11th-century grand prince of Kyiv.
Vugar m Azerbaijani
Alternate transcription of Azerbaijani Vüqar.
Vukašin m Serbian
Derived from Serbian vuk meaning "wolf". This was the name of a 14th-century Serbian ruler.
Vulcan m Roman Mythology (Anglicized)
From the Latin Vulcanus, possibly related to fulgere meaning "to flash", but more likely of pre-Latin origin. In Roman mythology Vulcan was the god of fire. He was later equated with the Greek god Hephaestus.
Vüqar m Azerbaijani
Azerbaijani form of Waqar.
Vüsala f Azerbaijani
Alternate transcription of Azerbaijani Vüsalə.
Vüsalə f Azerbaijani
Feminine form of Vüsal.
Vyacheslav m Russian, Ukrainian
Russian and Ukrainian form of Veceslav (see Václav).
Vyara f Bulgarian
Bulgarian cognate of Vera 1.
Vygantas m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Wigand.
Vytautas m Lithuanian
From the Lithuanian root vyd- "to see" or vyti "to chase, to drive away" combined with tauta "people, nation". This was the name of a 15th-century Grand Duke of Lithuania, revered as a national hero in that country.
Vytautė f Lithuanian
Feminine form of Vytautas.
Vyvyan m English (British)
Variant of Vivian. This was the name of one of Oscar Wilde's sons.
Wace m Old Norman
Norman form of Wazo. This name was borne by a 12th-century Norman poet from the island of Jersey.
Wacław m Polish
Polish form of Václav.
Wacława f Polish (Rare)
Feminine form of Wacław.
Wadud m Arabic
Means "lover, affectionate" in Arabic. In Islamic tradition الودود (al-Wadud) is one of the 99 names of Allah.
Wael m Arabic
Alternate transcription of Arabic وائل (see Wail).
Wærmund m Anglo-Saxon
From Old English wær "aware, cautious" and mund "protection", making it a (partial) cognate of Veremund. This was the name of a legendary ancestor of the Mercians according to the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle.
Wafiya f Arabic
Feminine form of Wafi.
Waheed m Arabic
Alternate transcription of Arabic وحيد (see Wahid).
Waheeda f Arabic
Alternate transcription of Arabic وحيدة (see Wahida).
Wahid m Arabic
Means "peerless, unique" in Arabic. In Islamic tradition الوحيد (al-Wahid) is one of the 99 names of Allah.
Wahida f Arabic
Feminine form of Wahid.
Wahunsenacawh m Powhatan
Meaning unknown. This name was borne by a 17th-century chief of the Powhatan people. He was also known as Powhatan, as a result of confusion between his name and his birthplace.
Wairimu f Kikuyu
From Kikuyu irimũ meaning "ogre, giant". In the Kikuyu origin legend Wairimu is of one of the nine daughters of Mumbi.
Wakana f Japanese
From Japanese (wa) meaning "harmony, peace" and (kana) meaning "play music, complete", as well as other combinations of kanji that are pronounced the same way.
Walaric m Germanic
Old German form of Valéry.
Walburga f German
Means "power of the fortress" from Old German walt meaning "power, authority" and burg meaning "fortress" (or perhaps from Old English cognates, though as an Old English name it is unattested). This was the name of an 8th-century Anglo-Saxon saint who did missionary work in Germany.
Walchelin m Old Norman
Norman form of Vauquelin.
Waldaharjaz m Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Proto-Germanic reconstruction of Walter.
Waldebert m Germanic
Germanic name composed of the elements walt "power, authority" and beraht "bright". This was the name of a 7th-century Frankish saint from Luxeuil (called Valbert or Gaubert in French).
Waldeburg f Germanic
Old German form of Walburga.
Waldek m Polish
Polish diminutive of Waldemar.
Waldemar m German, Polish, Germanic
From the Old German elements walt "power, authority" and mari "famous", also used as a translation of the Slavic cognate Vladimir.
Waldhar m Germanic
Old German form of Walter.
Waldo 1 m English
From a surname that was derived from the Anglo-Scandinavian given name Waltheof. Its present use in the English-speaking world is usually in honour of Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882), an American transcendentalist, poet and author. His name came from a surname from his father's side of the family.
Waldo 2 m Germanic
Originally a short form of Germanic names containing the Old Frankish element wald or Old High German element walt meaning "power, authority" (Proto-Germanic *waldaz). This was the name of an 8th-century abbot of Reichenau. It was also borne by the 12th-century French merchant Peter Waldo, who founded the religious order of the Waldensians.
Waldomar m Germanic
Old German variant of Waldemar.
Waleed m Arabic
Alternate transcription of Arabic وليد (see Walid).
Walenty m Polish
Polish form of Valentinus (see Valentine 1).
Walentyna f Polish
Polish form of Valentina.
Waleria f Polish
Polish form of Valeria.
Walerian m Polish
Polish form of Valerianus (see Valerian).
Walery m Polish
Polish form of Valerius.
Walherich m Germanic
Old German form of Valéry.
Walid m Arabic
Means "newborn", derived from Arabic ولد (walada) meaning "to give birth". This was the name of the Umayyad caliph who conquered Spain in the 8th century.
Walker m English
From an English surname that referred to the medieval occupational of a walker, also known as a fuller. Walkers would tread on wet, unprocessed wool in order to clean and thicken it. The word ultimately derives from Old English wealcan "to walk".
Wallace m English, Scottish
From a Scottish and English surname that was derived from Norman French waleis meaning "foreigner, Celt, Welshman" (of Germanic origin). It was first used as a given name in honour of William Wallace, a Scottish hero who led the fight against the English in the 13th century.
Wallis m & f English (Rare)
From a surname that was a variant of Wallace. Wallis Simpson (1895-1986) was the divorced woman whom Edward VIII married, which forced him to abdicate the British throne.
Wally m English
Diminutive of Walter or Wallace.
Walpurga f German
Variant of Walburga.
Walt m English
Short form of Walter. A famous bearer was the American animator and filmmaker Walt Disney (1901-1966).
Wálter m Spanish, Portuguese
Spanish and Portuguese variant form of Walter, more common in South America than Europe. It is often written without the diacritic.
Walter m English, German, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Polish, Italian, Germanic
From the Germanic name Waltheri meaning "power of the army", from the elements walt "power, authority" and heri "army". In medieval German tales (notably Waltharius by Ekkehard of Saint Gall) Walter of Aquitaine is a heroic king of the Visigoths. The name was also borne by an 11th-century French saint, Walter of Pontoise. The Normans brought it to England, where it replaced the Old English cognate Wealdhere.... [more]
Waltheof m Anglo-Saxon
Old English name derived from the Old Norse Valþjófr. This was the name of a 12th-century English saint, an abbot of Melrose.
Walther m German, Germanic
German variant of Walter. This name was borne by the 13th-century German poet Walther von der Vogelweide.
Waltheri m Germanic
Old German form of Walter.
Waltraut f German
Variant of Waltraud.
Wambdi m & f Sioux
Dakota form of Wambli.
Wambui f Kikuyu
Means "zebra" in Kikuyu. This is one of Mumbi's nine daughters in the Kikuyu origin legend.
Wanda f Polish, English, German, French
Possibly from a Germanic name meaning "a Wend", referring to the Slavic people who inhabited eastern Germany. In Polish legends this was the name of the daughter of King Krak, the legendary founder of Krakow. It was introduced to the English-speaking world by the author Ouida, who used it for the heroine in her novel Wanda (1883).
Wandal m Germanic
Old German form of Wendel.
Wandalin m Germanic
Old German form of Wendelin.
Wanesa f Polish (Modern)
Polish form of Vanessa.
Wangari f Kikuyu
From Kikuyu ngarĩ meaning "leopard". In the Kikuyu origin legend this is the name of one of the nine daughters of Mumbi.
Wangui f Kikuyu
From Kikuyu ngũi meaning "song leader". This is one of Mumbi's nine daughters in the Kikuyu origin legend.
Wanjiku f Kikuyu
Meaning unknown. This is one of Mumbi's nine daughters in the Kikuyu origin legend.
Wanjiru f Kikuyu
Possibly from Kikuyu njĩra meaning "way, path". In the Kikuyu origin legend this is the name of one of the nine daughters of Mumbi.
Wapasha m Sioux
Means "red leaf" in Dakota, from waȟpé "leaf" and šá "red". This was the name of several Dakota chiefs.
Warahran m Middle Persian
Middle Persian form of Bahram.
Waramunt m Germanic
Old German form of Veremund.
Warcisław m Polish (Archaic)
Polish form of Vratislav. This was the name of several dukes of Pomerania.
Ward 2 m Dutch
Short form of Eduard.
Wardah f Arabic
Alternate transcription of Arabic وردة (see Warda).
Warinheri m Germanic
Old German form of Werner.
Wario m Popular Culture
Combination of Mario and Japanese 悪い (warui) meaning "bad, evil". This is the name of Mario's evil counterpart in Nintendo video games, first appearing 1992.
Warren m English
From an English surname that was derived either from Norman French warrene meaning "animal enclosure", or else from the town of La Varenne in Normandy. This name was borne by the American president Warren G. Harding (1865-1923).
Warrick m English (Rare)
From a surname that was a variant of Warwick.
Warwick m English (Rare)
From a surname that was derived from the name of a town in England, itself from Old English wer "weir, dam" and wic "settlement".
Washington m English
From a surname that was originally derived from the name of an English town, itself meaning "settlement belonging to Wassa's people". The given name is usually given in honour of George Washington (1732-1799), commander of the Continental Army during the American Revolution and the first president of the United States.
Washti f Biblical Hebrew
Biblical Hebrew form of Vashti.
Wassa f Anglo-Saxon
Meaning uncertain. It may be a short form of a longer name such as Wāðsige, composed of the elements wāð "hunt" and sige "victory".
Wassily m Russian
Alternate transcription of Russian Василий (see Vasiliy).
Wassim m Arabic
Alternate transcription of Arabic وسيم (see Wasim).
Wasswa m Ganda
Means "first of twins" in Luganda.
Wasyl m Ukrainian (Polonized)
Polonized form of Vasyl.
Wat m English
Medieval short form of Walter.
Watse m Frisian
Possibly a Frisian diminutive of Walter.
Watson m English
From an English surname meaning "son of Wat". A famous fictional bearer of the surname was Dr. Watson, the assistant to Sherlock Holmes in Arthur Conan Doyle's mystery stories beginning in 1887.
Waverly f & m English
From the rare English surname Waverley, derived from the name of a place in Surrey, itself possibly from Old English wæfre "flickering, wavering" and leah "woodland, clearing".... [more]
Wawatam m Ojibwe
Possibly means "little goose" in Ojibwe. This was the name of an 18th-century chief of the Ottawa people.
Wawrzyniec m Polish
Polish form of Laurentius (see Laurence 1).
Waylon m English
Variant of Wayland. This name was popularized by country music singer Waylon Jennings (1937-2002), who was originally named Wayland.
Wayne m English
From an occupational surname meaning "wagon maker", derived from Old English wægn "wagon". Use of it as a given name can be partly attributed to the popularity of the actor John Wayne (1907-1979). Another famous bearer is Canadian hockey player Wayne Gretzky (1961-), generally considered the greatest player in the history of the sport.
Wazo m Germanic
Originally a short form of names beginning with Old Frankish waddi or Old High German wetti meaning "pledge" (Proto-Germanic *wadją), or alternatively war meaning "aware, cautious" (Proto-Germanic *waraz).
Wealdhere m Anglo-Saxon
From Old English weald "powerful, mighty" and here "army", making it a cognate of Walter.
Wealdmær m Anglo-Saxon
Derived from the Old English elements weald "powerful, mighty" and mære "famous" (a cognate of Waldemar).
Wedad f Arabic
Alternate transcription of Arabic وداد (see Widad).
Wednesday f Popular Culture
From the name of the day of the week, which was derived from Old English wodnesdæg meaning "Woden's day". On the Addams Family television series (1964-1966) this was the name of the daughter, based on an earlier unnamed character in Charles Addams' cartoons. Her name was inspired by the popular nursery rhyme line Wednesday's child is full of woe.
Weland m Anglo-Saxon Mythology
Old English form of Wayland.
Wēlandaz m Germanic Mythology (Hypothetical)
Proto-Germanic reconstruction of Wayland.
Wen m & f Chinese
From Chinese (wén) meaning "literature, culture, writing", as well as other characters with a similar pronunciation. A famous bearer was the 2nd-century BC Emperor Wen of Han (posthumous name).
Wenceslao m Spanish
Spanish form of Václav, via the Latinized form Venceslaus.