CeallachmIrish (Rare) From Old Irish Cellach, of uncertain origin, traditionally said to mean "bright-headed". Alternatively it could be derived from Old Irish cellach"war, strife" or cell"church". This name was borne by several early Irish kings and by a 12th-century saint, an archbishop of Armagh.
DiscordiafRoman Mythology Means "discord, strife" in Latin. This was the name of the Roman goddess of discord, equivalent to the Greek goddess Eris.
ErisfGreek Mythology Means "strife, discord" in Greek. In Greek mythology Eris was the goddess of discord. She was the sister and companion of Ares.
NaphtalimBiblical Means "my struggle, my strife" in Hebrew, a derivative of פָּתַל (paṯal) meaning "to twist, to struggle, to wrestle". In the Old Testament he is a son of Jacob by Rachel's servant Bilhah, and the ancestor of one of the twelve tribes of Israel.