Names with "daybreak" in Meaning

This is a list of names in which the meaning contains the keyword daybreak.
Afërdita f Albanian
Means "daybreak, morning" in Albanian, from afër "nearby, close" and ditë "day". It is also used as an Albanian form of Aphrodite.
Chen 1 m & f Chinese
From Chinese (chén) or (chén), both meaning "morning". The character also refers to the fifth Earthly Branch (7 AM to 9 AM), which is itself associated with the dragon of the Chinese zodiac. This name can be formed from other characters as well.
Seong-Ho m Korean
From Sino-Korean (seong) meaning "completed, finished, succeeded" or (seong) meaning "abundant, flourishing" combined with (ho) meaning "stove, bright" or (ho) meaning "daybreak, bright". Many other hanja character combinations are possible.