Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. Check marks indicate the level to which a name has been verified.
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Meaning & History

From Middle English senith, from cinit, from Old French cenit and/or Latin cenit, a transliteration of Arabic سمت (samt, "direction, path") which is in itself a weak abbreviation of سمت الرأس (samt ar-ra's, "direction of the head").

In modern English, zenith means "the highest point or state; peak" and in astronomy, refers to "the point in the sky vertically above a given position or observer" or "the highest point in the sky reached by a celestial body."

In the English-speaking world, this name has been in occasional use from the late 19th century onwards.
Added 10/8/2007 by anonymous
Edited 4/26/2021 by Felie, Frollein Gladys, LMS and more

See Also

User submission Zenith