Comments (Personal Impression Only)

So cute! :)
I think that Yui is a beautiful name. To me Yui means that the young woman is strong, sweet, and confident. I would recommend this name.
Yui is a nice name for me, but could seem too anime for me to use for an actual kid, so I’ll stick to more European names. I hope for people who do name their kids this that it’s in association with Yui from K-ON, a ditzy but nice and funny character over Yui from the terrible, generic and messed-up of a show that is Sword Art Online (both literally and metaphorically).
Yui is a very pretty name and used for lots of anime and manga characters...I'm not Japanese though, so I would not use this name as it seems like it'd be too otaku-esque. It seems a bit hard to pronounce for those unfamiliar with Japanese sounds as well.

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