Comments (Personal Impression Only)

My name is Katherine, and I was curious about the Russian form of my name. I’m so glad I found this name, Yekaterina is beautiful.
I agree with the poster below. I love the name but no one will be able to pronounce it in the US. I met a girl in my art class named this and it was hard for people to pronounce it.
I really like this name, but not so good in the U.S. because no one could pronounce it.
I really love this name. It sounds modern and traditional at the same time. And it's pronunciation is perfect. Katya, Katerina, Kathyusa it's really great.
Most people think this sounds overly elaborate, but I think it's beautiful.
The best name ever. I think a good middle name for this would be Yekaterina Anastasia, Karolina, or Pheonix.
I like this name because it has a different sound than most 'Kathrine' names out there.

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