Winnifred is a delightful name, it really is - and I prefer this spelling. Despite still being relatively long, Winifred always looks like it's missing something.
― Anonymous User 4/6/2015
This is such a cute little name even without the nickanme Winnie! This is so lovely, rare, this name should be a name of a flower! So sweet but not that well liked because of the Fred part. That's what makes it cuter. Much more unique. I love the name!
To be honest my name is Winnifred but every one calls me Winnie, I have to agree that Winnie is much cutter then Winnifred but with the times I realized how special my name was and how rare. Now I know that if WE don't do something to this name it will be a forgotten name, so people who are called Winnifred should be very proud and start (maybe) to name their kids Winnifred.