I am named Wilson and I think it is an amazing name. I hope people use this name and make it their own.
― Anonymous User 11/25/2021
Not a fan of this name. If you HAVE to give your kid a "surnamey" first name, there are literally thousands that are better than this.
― Anonymous User 9/4/2020
My grandfather had this name. I'll admit it sounds more like a last name. He was German and his great-grandfather had the name Wilhelm so I can only imagine that they picked it to be an Americanized version without being a William.
I love the name Wilson. It's cute sounding and handsome. :)
― Anonymous User 1/27/2015
Great name for a vollyball.
― Anonymous User 9/11/2014
Uh-oh, another -son name. I really hope the tryndeez don't get a hold of this wonderful name and start use it for girls like so many other good -son names.
― Anonymous User 7/3/2013
I knew a Wilson. He wasn't a William, a Will, or a Billy. He was a Wilson, and now I will always have wonderful associations with this name. I personally think it's better than the overused "William."
It's a bit surname-y, but it's only two syllables long anyway, and it beats the overused William. The name sounds neither pretentious and elitist nor low-class and trashy. It's not the greatest name out there, but it's okay.