I don't know why some people don't like this name, but I love it! Willow is my preferred name and I probably couldn't be happier being known as a Willow. It's always cheered me up to know that I go by Willow. Every day I look at myself in the mirror, and think "That's me. I'm Willow." I also recently got it printed onto my school uniform hoodie, and it became my favorite hoodie ever since, because it's me. I am Willow. It also is a really nice name because it's also the name of a tree, which is pretty cool, honestly. Anyways, that's all I wanted to say about this name Don't forget to be you! Whether you go by your birth-name or not.
― Anonymous User 2/28/2025
A perfect name for a female character who likes plants.
I know it's seen as a feminine name, but the two parts sounds totally male to me. Will and O. Reminds me of Will Smith and his weird family too. Turn off.
― Anonymous User 6/3/2024
This name sounds so weak. It's pretty but it doesn't give any impression of confidence.
― Anonymous User 4/15/2024
Yesterday at the grocery store, I met a gorgeous little girl named Willow. She had long, wavy blonde hair and blue, blue eyes. She was sweet and charming and did everything to reinforce my opinion of the name.Willow creates mystical vibes. It's a modern name with a classic feel, like Zephyr. (Gasp! Twin names!) It's so cute and magical. It reminds me of a warm, rainy day with a single modest ray of sunlight peeking through... perfect for the soul. Don't mind me, folks, I'm just a hippie.
― Anonymous User 8/27/2023
I usually don’t mind nature names but this is a no-go for me. Both syllables read as masculine but it even sounds wrong on a man. Doesn’t look good, doesn’t sound good, just isn’t a very good name.
Country girl name. Still beautiful and elegant, with class. Reminds me of childhood in the swamplands. My favorite tree, they are superior. I pity anyone who hasn’t sat under one blowing in the wind. This is the name of a Cajun princess, stolen by city folk. I want reparations. LOL.
Makes a really nice middle name for girls like River.
― Anonymous User 11/18/2022
Not bad.
― Anonymous User 11/1/2022
Willow is very, very popular currently, but that doesn’t stop me from loving it! It makes me think of a smart, book-loving, nature-loving, kind, curious, imaginative girl. It has a bright, youthful sound to it. If you’re looking for a more unique alternative, I recommend Willa. Both lovely names, personally I prefer Willow.
I personally think Willow is overused and a little overrated. Most people are obsessed with this name where I live. I like it a little, but I liked this name more when I was a little kid. But there are lots of kids named Willow. I’m not crazy about the name and I think it’s a little too trendy for me. I think Willow is a soft, soothing, strong and pretty name for a girl. But I don’t really understand why it is so popular. I see Willow as a girl name, and it doesn’t suit a boy. I imagine a little girl with blond curly hair when I hear this name.
― Anonymous User 4/18/2022
This is so awful!
― Anonymous User 1/16/2022
I love this name, my dog is named Willow :) It works really well on people too.
Everyone I know is obsessed with this name. And it’s sort of warming on me. I hate the nickname Willy. So here are some masculine and feminine nicknames:F: Willa, illy, low low, illaM: Will, Willy,
I used to not really like it because it sounded like Will-o to me (as in a cool nickname for a guy called Will, as in Jimbo or something).But now it has grown on me. I like the tree association, it's not super popular and I like Willow on "Buffy".
Honestly, the fact it rhymes with pillow is adorable. Don't really like this name though. (The tree's beautiful)Would be a good name for a character that grew up around Willow trees and sleeps all the time.
― Anonymous User 3/26/2021
Feels boring, like sounds are missing or something. Nothing interesting. I don't see much appeal about this name.
This is SUCH a lovely name! Flowers and trees make great girls names, such as Violet, Rose, Ivy, Fern... This is in my top 3 names of Willow, Rose and Marnie. You could use a nickname such as Lola or Lilly, or you could just use 'darling' names such as Sweetie, Cupcake, Sweet Pea etc. If I had a daughter, I would TOTALLY name her this.
I love it so much! I would use this for any girl, any time! It reminds me of a HAPPY, FREE SPIRITED, SHY, KIND, SWEET, ROLE MODEL, FUNNY, SMART, CUTE, AMAZING, BOOKWORM, DARLING, SWEET, PRECIOUS girl. It reminds me of the same descriptions for a girl named Clover. Both age so well, and are great names! For both names, I can think of many nicknames.
I liked this name and use it for most of my stories because normally my main character is a werewolf and I think, 'Werewolf names start with w.' I would give it a very good review. It sounds perfect for a fierce werewolf girl and I think it sounds very good.
I've never liked this name. I grew up with a Willow. At that time, this was the only Willow I knew and I always felt so bad for her being stuck with such an awful name (her mom was a little different to say the least).
This is my youngest daughter's name. We wanted something uncommon but not weird, and thought it was really pretty. Since she was born everyone is now called Willow, which really bugs me. She's now 6 and a total imp. She's quite graceful and loves wafting about ballet dancing, so the name suits her pretty well. Willow's are super cheeky, like mischievous tree sprites!
To be completely honest, I’ve never really picked up on the huge trend over this name, for some reason. However, I can imagine a pretty, young, free-spirited bohemian woman with this name. I can also picture a sweet little girl with this name. Overall, I'm not a huge fan of Willow for a name, but it does have a gentle and soft sound to it.
Sweet, warm, natural name. I imagine Willow being a pretty, good young lady. I imagine her with flowers in her hair. This name is just a cute, sweet, and gentle name.
I named my daughter Willow and think it’s a beautiful name meaning 'gracefully slender; lithe'. Willow trees are strong and resilient and can uphold the strongest of storms without breaking. Just like my daughter will (Also you can make fun of anyone’s name, and if not, kids will just find something else to make fun of so don’t even feel discouraged about something like that.)
― Anonymous User 7/24/2019
Willow reminds me of the word wallow and also black widow spider but apart from that I like it.
― Anonymous User 7/20/2019
I’m undecided on this name. Whilst I think it’s a little pretty, I cannot imagine being an adult with this name.
My eldest cat is called Willow. I managed to sneak the name in past my partner who only realised afterwards that I’d suggested it because I’m a huge Buffy fan and I knew he’d never agree to calling the cat Buffy! She really suits Willow though - she’s also a black cat so I say she’s my witchy cat, as the character is a witch :-)
I like Willow for a girl not for a boy. It's lovely and it is like a Willow tree. The only problem is you won't be able to call them anything for short. So I would never call my child this. Simply because if she doesn't like it she will have to put up with it.
I knew a Willow once, and she was quite nice. I adore nature names and I don't mean to sound harsh, but for all expecting parents out there, consider this: Your child comes to school crying one day and from then on is known by the other students as "Weeping Willow".
This name is nice, but I can't decide if I like it enough to use it. It makes me want a nice cup of French vanilla hot chocolate, for some reason... Which isn't a bad thing. I do think it's a funny coincidence that the Willow tree and the primrose plant are associated with each other, because Primrose (A.K.A. Prim) from The Hunger Games was played by Willow Shields in the movies.
― Anonymous User 9/2/2016
I like this name but probably wouldn't be able to use it. My last name is Wilbur. So yeah, Willow Wilbur would sound horrible. If the father of the child has a last name that was a way more perfect match then I would consider using it. But then again, the only nicknames I can think would be Will (which I wouldn't want my DAUGHTER to be called by a boy's name-even if a nickname only) or Willie\Willy which is not only a boy's name but is vulgar slang. Lolo isn't fantastic by any means.
― Anonymous User 5/24/2016
This is a pretty name, but there are lots and lots of kids with this name.
― Anonymous User 1/23/2016
The only Willow I know is my youngest cat, but she is enough for me to like this name. She is very friendly and very talkative. These make me think any Willow I could meet might be similar: friendly and easy to talk to.I may sound like a cat freak, but there you are.
I LOVE this name, and I HATE how popular it's become! The reason it was used on "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" was because it was unique, and it's lost that uniqueness. (So have Xander, Harmony, Angel, and a number of other names used on that show.)
My name is Willow, and after reading a lot of the comments on here, most of you seem ignorant, or somewhat conservative, I'm fourteen and appreciate my name a lot I hate the fact that idiots like Willow smith are named it. The name Willow is a beautiful strong name and for people who see or hear the name Willow and think of a pillow or celebrity or the tree well you sound stupid, because I bet you if you did any research on this name you'd have respect for it. Willow is a wise name derived from the tree which was magical and full of healing properties, it was used by the pagans in spells and lots of other things, and I have met quite a few people that just are too square and boring for this name, you have to be opinionated, wise, intelligent and respectful, you aren't a Willow if you do not fit in that category. I hope you all see this name isn't just another common name like Jane or Lucy.
@Willow99 I really like your name and I certainly respect it. 'Willow' sounds so lovely and soft & gentle to me. I think Willow trees are visually stunning and in a way, look mystical. The Willow Smith association hasn't wavered me off; I actually plan on naming my future daughter this. It's good to see you appreciate your unique name. ☺.
I named my golden retriever Willow for a few reasons: 1. Because of the breed's long willowy hair. 2. Because she's more of a red golden so it reminded me of Buffy's Willow 3. Because my other dog's name is River from Joss Whedon's Firefly show so I needed another Joss Whedon character for my second dog. It really suits her. She's very sweet, loving, obedient. A little dopey, but a lot of heart.
My little sister's name is Willow, and she's tall and lanky like a Willow tree, she has never been teased about her name, she's very proud to have the name because it's not as popular as the "common names".
As someone who really appreciates the classical, traditional names our world has to offer, I'm not usually fond of the trendy names commonly seen today. However, this is one of the few exceptions. I like it a lot! It's soft while being strong. Unusual while not sounding weird. I like how it sounds on a little girl, an teenager, an adult, and a old woman. I don't know if I would use it for any of my possible future children, but I like the sound of it for a character! It probably isn't the most solid choice, but there are certainly worse names out there today. It's a nice name!
Willow was for a long time in my top 10 but one day I just thought it sounds too much like pillow?! And have been put off ever since. It's a very sweet very pretty name that I'm sure any girl/woman would be proud to have but it's just not for me anymore.
Well this is a pretty name but doesn't anyone worry that people would tease their little girl and call her pussy willow? I'm certain that someone at some point in her life would come up with that.
I once knew two sisters named Rowan and Willow. I'm not the biggest fan of the names for sibsets, but I like the laid back feeling of the name. It brings to mind a girl who is easy going, succinct, and active and woman who is to the point, just the facts, with a dry yet witty sense of humor.
I love the name Willow and its ethereal beauty (and the character Willow Rosenberg on Buffy the Vampire Slayer), however, it's become too common for me to consider using it now. Plus celebrities have used it, which is always a negative in my opinion.
― Anonymous User 1/27/2012
Any time a celebrity uses a name it's almost immediately stigmatized. Other than that, I actually like the name, for someone else's kid. I prefer stronger names but it does remind me of Weeping Willows which are very beautiful trees.
Ugh this name is such a cliche. No-one will take a 'Willow' seriously, because I mean, they're called WILLOW... who on earth thought that Willow would be a nice name for a kid, it's not even a decent tree. And naming a kid after a tree of any kind is really all kinds of wrong in the first place.
I love the name Willow. It's fun, fresh and modern. It's increasing in popularity but it's still rare to meet a Willow. I've only known one Willow and she is awesome.
Having been named Willow a quarter of a century ago I feel obliged to say something about it. The name came to my parents through proximity and a love of the tree than through any kind of Pop-Culture reference. While I did face my fair share of name-teasing at school the benefits of having a name which was uncommon and suited me far outweighed the negatives. Also, most people seem to remember my name far more than others with more common, and might I say over used names.
I do not see why everybody loves it so much. It sounds so sappy and weak, like a hopeless romantic who can't stand up for herself. Not to mention it's very trendy and practically reeks of celebrity.
This name is nice, though it's not one of my favorites. I don't care for Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I know there's also the association with Willow Smith, but her song has actually become a guilty pleasure of mine, so I don't mind that.
I adore this name. It's just so wispy and pretty. Also, one of my favorite trees is the weeping willow. Unfortunately, I'm also an avid Buffy the Vampire Slayer fan, so I can't get past the Willow Rosenberg connection. And Will Smith's daughter is named this--and her new song grates on my nerves. Maybe I'll name a cat this. But still, absolutely graceful.
I honestly don't get the appeal of Willow. It seems very trendy. Sure, it's a nature name, but it is hardly in the same class as Rose or her more traditional sisters. Plus, it smacks of celebrity.
I've loved this name since I was a little kid, as I was a big fan of the movie "Willow" (mentioned in earlier comments). Even though it was used for a male character in the movie, one of my friends' mother's name was Willow, so I knew it could also be used for women. And then, of course, there's "Buffy the Vampire Slayer", which brought the name to many more people's attention (and got the name in the top 1000 Baby Names in America). Whenever I hear this name, I think of a rather tall, graceful, slender ("willowy") dancer. But I can also picture this name on a little girl--it then takes on a playful quality--and an old woman, where the "wise" trait takes hold. I particularly love the combination Willow Sage, which (for me) definitely ups the wisdom factor.
― Anonymous User 7/31/2010
My biggest problem with this name is that I can't picture it on any person younger than ten or older than forty.
I am in love with this name! It's extremely beautiful, dark without being too morbid or dramatic, and suitable for both a child and an elderly woman in my opinion. If I ever had a baby girl, I would name her this.
I like this name, including all of its connotations. It sounds magical and earthy. I wish the Buffy connection didn't exist because it makes me less likely to name a baby girl this.
I really adore this name - it has a graceful, almost ethereal, beauty about it and in my mind I associate it with the title of my favorite childhood book - The Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Graham.
― Anonymous User 11/20/2008
Grandmother Willow from Disney's Pocahontas was a bit creepy, but it is both a sweet, gentle name as well as a bit sad. I do like this name, it would be a good name for a character like a grandmother or an old, wise woman with strength and courage and is highly respected. Though as far as naming a child this, even for a book, would be a very interesting. I just can't see a child with this name, as pretty as it is.
God I hate this name. I really don't understand why everybody likes it.
― Anonymous User 9/13/2008
This is such a beautiful name for a girl, I never would have considered it a few years ago but it is now on the top of my list if I ever have another girl. The more I say it, the more I love it. :-)
Looks like I am the minority, but I HATE this name. To me, it seems cheesy and immature and has an ugly sound to it when spoken aloud. Plus, I can't imagine the name Willow fitting someone well into adulthood. It also seems like a hippie name.
― Anonymous User 8/30/2008
When I hear this name, I think of someone who is kind, gentle, won't give up, and is like a leader to her friends. I love this name. I mean I absolutely love this name.
For some strange reason, I have difficulty pronouncing this name. My tongue always makes this weird sound that resembles some type of a combo of air and saliva. So, the sound isn't necessarily that pleasant in everyone's pronunciation, and the name does end in the 'oh' sound, which sounds better in masculine names.
Before you name your child this, I'd also like to mention that the willow tree is also traditionally associated with sorrow and mourning. A bit of a heavy thing to bestow on a child as her first name, although it works well as a middle name or as a character in a story, especially one of those old, wise mentors who gives her life for the protagonist (think female Gandalf). Although I might be channeling Grandmother Willow (who actually was a Willow tree) in the Disney movie Pocahontas for the last part. :)
I am also writing a story where the main character is named Willow. I picked the name for it's beauty, and darkness. However since I've already used the name for a story I doubt I'll ever use it if I ever have a daughter.
I don't like this name, it reminds me of the movie called Willow and I disliked that movie.
― Anonymous User 2/19/2007
I absolutely love this name. It is my favorite girls name, and if I ever have a girl, I will name her Willow. I knew a boy named Willow, and, though I love the name, it seems like a girls name to me. But it is without a doubt my all-time favorite girls name. It's just so beautiful!
I think Buffy effectively ruined this name for me.
― Anonymous User 11/10/2006
The only Willow I have ever known was a terrible person. She was president of the key club at my highschool and used that to steal from Charity organizations. And she lied all the time. Every time I hear this name I think of her and that sucks.
Willow is my preferred name and I probably couldn't be happier being known as a Willow.
It's always cheered me up to know that I go by Willow.
Every day I look at myself in the mirror, and think "That's me. I'm Willow."
I also recently got it printed onto my school uniform hoodie, and it became my favorite hoodie ever since, because it's me.
I am Willow.
It also is a really nice name because it's also the name of a tree, which is pretty cool, honestly.
Anyways, that's all I wanted to say about this name
Don't forget to be you! Whether you go by your birth-name or not.