Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Extremely old fashioned but I love it.
Sounds unattractive and old-fashioned.
Willard is a very distinguished, strong, and secure name. To me it's a very manly name that is gentlemanly and is also carried with great respect. When you meet or become aware of someone who has the name WILLARD, you can definitely see it in their personality and demeanor. Unfortunately, most men don't know what a treasure of a name they truly have. When you think about it, it's actually a very romantic name as well.
If you give a Willard the nickname Will, everyone will assume their full name is William.
This name sounds quite old-fashioned and a tad pretentious and elitist, and also a bit geeky in a way. This is the real name of Mitt Romney, and people on the blogs Pandagon and Feministe would joke how Mormons always give their chidren such ultra-white names like Willard, which is funny, because this is also the real name of Will Smith. Come to think of it, the name does sound better for white guys, but I would't use it for anyone, especially since Mitt Romney has really ruined it.
This name is okay, but I personally prefer William. Willard sounds snobby to me for some reason, no offense to any Willards out there.
Willard is a beautiful name, it is the name (in my view) of a quiet beautiful genious who gets tormented by everyone else around him. A very nice name indeed.

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