Virginia comes from the state, which was named for Queen Elizabeth I of England, who was known as the Virgin Queen. Historians think the English adventurer Sir Walter Raleigh suggested the name about 1584. That year, Elizabeth gave Raleigh permission to colonize the Virginia region. It was named in her honor.
This is my name and I love it though, as a teen I did not. My family is southern on both sides and inclined to soften their "r's" This did, indeed, put the name a bit close for comfort to the word vagina. The only salvation was made by the ia dipthong that caused a squeezed-sounding "n.'I have learned the name shares a common root and etymology with the word, "virgin," it doesn't MEAN virgin or refer to sexual purity, but simply to purity itself. Both the name and the word virgin, derive from words meaning, "green, " lke "verde" or "verdant." For that reason, the name actually means green and pure. I sort of love that. Anyone with this name, who like me, has not liked it should know that. I don't let the word, virgin, put me off the name anymore. Plus, there are great nick-names to derive from Virginia. You can just about take your pick. My ex's family - from Europe, calls me Gigi. My sibling and nieces and nephews call me Ginger. You can be Ginny or - very strangely, in Mexico, you can be "Viki." I have no idea how that comes about.
― Anonymous User 8/8/2022
Virginia is also derived from Mary, Virgin mother of Christ.
― Anonymous User 2/24/2007
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