I really love this name, and I actually like this name for myself, but I’m scared it’s too feminine. But honestly idc (I’m a transmasc person) so people please name your male characters/boys Venus so I’m not alone lol! (I’m not sure if authors or parents use this site more lol)
This name is not ugly it's actually pretty lovely, I would loved to be named this instead of a boring Lani. Whoever has this name you are truly special, shine bright my shooting star!
― Anonymous User 3/19/2021
It's beautiful, but for a child I'd opt for the ethereal Venera instead.
To be honest, I actually think the name Venus is pretty. I don’t really mind the whole sex goddess thing much, besides the girl won’t be a little girl forever, and that’s what makes the name even more cool in my opinion. The fact it’s the name of a goddess.
Pretty but it makes me think of “Take the V out and put a P”. I’m not going to go into any more detail.
― Anonymous User 10/26/2020
Ugly name.
― Anonymous User 9/30/2020
I knew a girl named Venus. It’s a pretty name, and it fitted her.
― Anonymous User 9/2/2020
I kinda like it.
― Anonymous User 7/6/2020
Personally, I think it’s pretty. I don’t know if I’d use it though.
― Anonymous User 7/5/2020
It's one of the prettier planet names, but it would sound weird on a person. And there's the goddess of sexual desire thing... Maybe for a middle name or a character.
I have the name Venus. It's nice to know that it's based off of a Roman goddess. I never had many problems with my name, honestly it's a nice unique name since not many people use it.
Fine for a story character, but I hate this name on a person. I mean, sexual desire? So you’re a pr**titute, basically. All Venuses out there: you’re an awesome person, I just personally dislike this name, but you’re probably awesome! ;)
This makes me think of the planet, and I love outer space so this name is super cool. I might consider using it as a middle name for a future daughter.
Venus is one of my absolute favorite goddesses, who I love so much. This is one of those names that I'd consider using (possibly), although I'm a bit uncertain if I really like the sound of it enough to use it if I ever got the chance.
I think it`s great that at least this planet name is used, cause people find it strange to name people plantery names like mars, jupiter, but Venus is a common planet name for a person since it's not that strange :)
I always think of the razor, and I also think of the annoying Venus Williams. The fact that it rhymes with "penis" will cause so much bullying it won't even be funny.
When I think of this name, I think of Sailor Venus/Minako Aino, a character from the popular Magical Girl series Sailor Moon. That, and the fact that Venus is the alias of a certain porn star. Either way, this name is a huge guilty pleasure.
― Anonymous User 6/22/2009
I like the sound of this, it's certainly a guilty pleasure.
Venus is not a good name in my opinion, because it rhymes with "that special organ in males" and just having your child's name meaning sexual desire is just wrong.
― Anonymous User 6/28/2008
This is a planet name, and the name has connotations to sexuality because of the whole goddess of sexual desire thing, so the name is likely to draw attention to itself, and thus the bearer. Shy girls would probably not enjoy having this name, let alone asexual women. The name just sounds weird on a person. Plus, it rhymes with 'penis', so you can imagine the torment if the other kids decide not to like a girl named Venus.
Venus was also the goddess of beauty, and in a classic sense you can say a very beautiful woman is a Venus. So just imagine you name this a girl and she turns out a dog.
― Anonymous User 11/17/2007
Venus as a name sounds somewhat beautiful in some way, especially after hearing the song "Oh Venus" (yes so what I think it's a nice song! It was sung by Frankie Avalon whose voice probably doesn't rival some of the boy singers of today). It's easy to imagine stars around and a pretty lady with golden-red hair and gorgeous, slinky clothes holding a red rose in her hand. It goes with the impression of the "Birth of Venus" painting. It fits. The same I'd say of Aphrodite, though I think Venus sounds more starry (and starry-eyed) than roses and gardens like Aphrodite. When I think of Aphrodite I imagine the sea shells (both really but in a different way lol) and roses. Ironic, very ironic because I once read that Aphrodite is associated more with the sky and stars and Venus with roses and gardens. Maybe it's just the way the name sounds or something.
I like Veneris. I read Latin for a while in school and that is a form of Venus, that become something I can't remember, like Venus's or something. I just like that as a name.
If people would pronounce the name ve-noos and not veenas like the original pronunciation it would be a nice name!
― Anonymous User 7/31/2006
Remember, this name rhymes with the male organ.
― Anonymous User 6/28/2006
Where the heck did you people get the pronunciation 'ven - is' from? IT IS 'VEE - NUS' I REPEAT, 'VEE - NUS'! Therefore it doesn't rhyme with anything unsuitable! The only down side is the association with the razors.
― Anonymous User 4/10/2010
Venus is pronounced like VEE-nus, which does not rhyme with anything ending in EE-nis.