Comments (Meaning / History Only)

My name is Twyla. I was always told it was Welsh because of the spelling. Sounded sort of right.
My name is Twyla Dawn as in twilight and dawn. I was told that Twyla comes from twilight and twila comes from a type of weave.
The name Twila or Twyla was orginated from England and is considered Middle English. The name means "Women of woven thread." I hope this information is helpful to your website. I find it fascinating to read the meanings and origin of all names listed. Keep up the good work.
It is Middle English, and has the same derivation as 'tweed' or 'twine'. The meaning of Twyla is 'woven with double thread'.
Twyla is Cherokee for twilight, as a 3/4 Cherokee this is obvious to me.
From Middle English twile, from Old English twili "woven with double thread, twilled".

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