Comments (Personal Impression Only)

High school musical didn’t come to mind for me but, the ancient city of Troy did. Personally, I love the name. It isn’t popular, it’s not difficult to spell or say. I mean, if you’re not gonna use a name because Disney uses it, then children will eventually have no name options. Troy is a gem so if you love it, use it. πŸ’™.
I like it when people spell this name Troye.
This is a very strong and masculine name.
This name is really nice for a boy, it is not that common and I just LOVE this name!
Strong, brave, timeless. I have not heard this name very often, and would consider using this handsome name for a future son.
I've always loved this name for a BOY. It's handsome, sophisticated, and possibly a bit sensitive. I'm old enough that I have barely heard of this 'High School Musical,' and I could care less about it. If you name a child born today Troy, trust that no child in ten years is going to know what 'High School Musical' is = your child named Troy today won't be teased for 'High School Musical' in ten years time. When you're considering a name but wondering if you should or shouldn't use it based on some cultural reference, it's wise to take into account how long the reference will actually be there. For contrast, consider that generations upon generations of children will probably read the Harry Potter books...
The name Troy is neither good nor bad, it's what you make of your life that counts.
Troy is a great name just like other names, it doesn't matter what society uses it as it's all what you make of your life. My dad was named Troy but I promised myself I would be better than my dad. I don't know why people would put down others just because of the name but it sounds like a great fool to me because how would you like to be treated like that every day of your life non-stop? Think about what you say because when you post would you like to see your kids act like that to you? Watch what you do because later it might come back to bite you.
Very common in my area, but it’s a fine name!
In my opinion Troy is a cool and handsome refined name. I like it alot.
Great and legendary name, as long as it doesn't fall victim to the ancient city it was derived from.
I can't believe so many people think Troy is a good or okay name for a girl. As other people who actually have a clue here have said, it is a VERY masculine name. I don't know why many goofballs think it's so "different" to give boy names to girls. Newsflash: "Dumpster" would be a different name for a child, too, but that doesn't mean it's a good choice. Same with saddling a girl with a masculine name. It's tacky, and reeks of trying too hard to stand out.
If your only issue with the name Troy is the fact that there was a character in High School Musical with this name, that's terrible. That's like saying you can't name your child Gabriella because she's the main female protagonist. My best friend's name is Gabriella and honestly, when I first met her, (I'd never met another Gabriella) my first thought was, "Like the high school musical character?" But no one ever did or would pick on her.
I love this name (it's my name!) I was named after my late father, who will always be my hero. It's a strong, masculine and timeless name.
It's okay. I think of a cool high school jock when I hear it.
I'm not trying to offend anyone, but personally, I ABSOLUTELY HATE TROY FOR A GIRL! I think it's absolutely adorable for a boy's name, but not as a girl's name. Please do not name a girl Troy, because they will most likely hate their name. That is my opinion.
My father was an airline pilot so I moved around a few times, but the town I spent the majority of my life in (and where I met my husband) is called Troy, Kansas. It's a small town not too far from Kansas City, MO, and I've always thought of it as a boy's name. In fact, I'm considering it for my son! I had a few friends named Troy, male and female, but I always thought of it as a boy's name. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE using boys names for girls (I have a daughter named Perrie and may have a daughter named Evan/Evynne or Daxton), but Troy just has always been a very masculine name to me. Plus, Troy Bolton from High School Musical is the second thing that comes to mind when I hear the name Troy, after home of course :).
I can't really imagine the name on anyone past twenty; it's very youthful sounding to me. Also, if I remember correctly, I think this was the name of a character on High School Musical, and I don't remember caring for that movie at all.
So it's nice to have Troy as a first name because my last name is soooo damn long. I guess my parents decided not to torture me any further. So I've got that going for me. As for it being used for a female name... hey, whatever, as long as parents aren't offended when their children want to change their names when they get older. Or worse, end up suffering through some difficulties because of it. Hopefully that wouldn't happen, but that's life.
On a lighter note, I would add an "a" at the end (Troya) when registering for necessary items such as the Victoria's Secret Catalog. Just wanted to make sure you know.
My name is Troy and I'm female. I love my name! It's very unique used as a girls name. My personality and name match perfectly! With the exception of being masculine, I carry my feminine side quite nicely:)
I've been told often how unique I am... it's one of the best compliments I've had throughout my life!
I'm not a real huge fan of the name.
I was named Troy after my dad who was also a Troy. I've met very few other Troys throughout life. I mostly associate it with the land Troy, which is in modern day Turkey. Turkey is one of my favorite proteins.
I know it has a lot of history behind it, but this name is a little dull for me. Sorry.
I didn't know anyone used Troy as a female name until I read these comments, but I kind of like it for a girl now. It sounds kind of sexy and sophisticated on a girl. It's a fine male name as well.
Troy is a handsome name, very classy and smart-sounding. I imagine a kind person with this name. :) Don't let the High School Musical association put you off from using this name as it'd be a huge shame to do so!
My father named me Troy, and I'm a girl... He was impressed on his early travels when he met a sailing family with a young daughter, Troy, who was strong and could row the family ashore! I, too, spent considerable time growing up on boats, rowing lots!
I watched a movie where the main character's name was Troy. A woman. I thought it was strong and beautiful. Turns out, her name was Joy. Same as my mother and sister. I should have noticed. I still love the name Troy. No one I tell likes it. My name is Christian and I am a female. I have learned to love my name and I will always have someone tell me it's a boys name. There isn't a new joke I have heard in 10 years of my name. But, my name belongs to me, not a boy. As a male's, I don't care much for the name. Once I thought it flipped and feminine, I unexpectedly fell in love with it.
I find it very ironic how these clueless parents would put boy's names that sound very masculine and have very masculine meanings on their daughters just because it makes them unique, yet they wouldn't dare put any feminine name on their sons. So those defending the decision to give girls boy's names saying that it's no big deal are hypocrites. I'm even learning that more masculine names such as Evan, Michael, Kevin, and even Bruce are getting slapped on girls nowadays. You wouldn't put a girl's name on a boy, so why put a boy's name on a girl? That's hypocrisy and inequity. Troy has always been, still is, and will forever be a very masculine name with a masculine meaning regardless of how many clueless parents think it would sound unique on their daughters.
IMO, Troy is probably the best male name ever. I mean, not only does it have that strong and masculine sound and meaning (this name means foot of the soldier), it's also one of the most uncommon boy names ever so that it isn't overused like typical boy names such as Michael or Brad. The High School Musical character doesn't really bother me, even though I'm not a fan of the movie. My older brother's name is Troy and its meaning pretty much suits his personality.
I have a five year old daughter who my husband and I named Troye (pronounced Troy). We have had copious compliments on her name from all ages of people with the exceptions of a few negative comments, like "that's a boys name'. My name is Erin which is a girl and boy name, my husbands name is Shawn which I have also known a few woman named Shawn. Neither of us have ever been bugged about our names. Troye is in Kindergarden now and she is most definetely not the only girl with a so called "boys name". There is a little girl named chase, another named Austin and another named rylee in her class. She has never been bugged either about her name by her peers and to be quite honest the only negativity has come from adults who are narrow minded and ignorant to the fact that there are trends when it comes to naming children, and it is the personal choice of the parents. We have had much more positive feedback on her name than negative and if you were to meet her, you would see that no other name would suit her. She rocks it! :)
I really like this name. It's very masculine and will age well. Shame about the high school musical association though, that could lead to some teasing. But I don't think it's anything major that should prohibit you from using it if you really like it.
Troy seems fine to me. I wouldn't recommend Troia as a baby name however; that word doesn't have the best of connotations in Italian.
It sounds like a child with intellectual and developmental difficulties to me.Or a gay prostitute.
Uhh, hate to burst your bubbles BTN audience, but Troy is such a masculine name, it isn't even funny. Please, ladies (and gentleman) out there - don't name your daughter Troy.
Troy is one of my favorite boy's names for a few reasons:1. It suits a young child well, yet not overly-modern
2. It's strong, and could fit someone older as well
3. Like the way it sounds.
Troy is my dad's name, I can't imagine him with another name! Very classic, not overused, yet still not unheard of, and my dad loves that it spells Yort backwards!
I used to really love Troy - it's strong, masculine (how could you EVER think of giving this name to a girl?), wise, loyal and determined, and sums up for me a boy with all of those qualities. But now with the arrival of the "High School Musical" craze the name has been destroyed. The name has become associated with cutesy pop rubbish (no offence intended to Mr Efron) and will probably now fall into overuse as well! Grrr!
To me this is a very masculine name. I like it! I can't imagine naming a girl this.
Troy is a bad name in my opinion, it sounds too much like a town name to be a person's name. Troy would sound good on an animal though, the similar sounding name Roy is really nice for a human.
After High School Musical, this name to me was horrible. Everyone is obsessed with this name, so I don't want my son to be named after "the boy from High School Musical."
I like the name Troy only as a middle name.
I pity those poor girls who are named Troy. It's not a good girl's name at all.
What the heck? Troy is a BOYS name. I've never met a girl Troy because it's a dumb name to give your daughter. A girl with this name would be, without a doubt, teased. Geez, think about the kid's feelings.
I love the name Troy on a girl. It's actually my great grandmother's name and my middle name.
Troy will always be a masculine name for me, simple and strong but not too common.
I prefer Troy on a girl. In Latin the city name "Troy" is a female noun, so I have always thought the word Troy was very feminine. It is a great name, but it is better on a girl.
That's not true. "Troy" isn't female or Latin. "Troia" is the Latin name for Troy which is feminine. Troy is just the ugly anglicised form of the name.Anyway, I don't think this makes the name feminine. Troy is a very masculine name to me.
I have a female friend named Troy and I think it suits her really well. I prefer Troy for a girl.

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