Comments (Personal Impression Only)

This is my name, I think it’s a solid name, (I’m a boy btw) I think it's funny because it ends with dad, and my last name ends with son.
I like this name, but if named my teddy bear this she would go by Trinity and lots of other nicknames.
Excellent name, nickname Trini on a girl and Dadi on a boy.
This is my name, I love it! Growing up with this name, was fun, my nicknames are Trini, Trino, Trin, Trinity, Daddio, Dad, Trey, Tres, Treydawg, or just plain T, Mr. T, and any variation you can imagine!
Sounds like a name for twins. You could have Trinidad and Tobago. They'd be friends with Bosnia and Herzegovina.
I wouldn't name anyone this, because it just makes me think of the Caribbean island.
I like this name for either a male or a female, although it seems in Spanish, the "virtue" names are mostly for females.
It's interesting. I like it better than Trinity. It's a little more unique and pretty. I see it more on a girl than a boy, but it could be an ok male name.

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