Toru is one of the popular boys name of Japan. Never used girl's name in real life. Same meaning in girls one should be Sumi or Sumiko or Masumi. All of them mean transparent and clear.Ancient Japanese had imported Chinese Kanji for Japanese description and also used Chinese language on document too. So Kanji in Japanese language has multiple meanings and pronunciation. It depends on text like you pronounce "read" as red or reed.So there are multiple kanji for Toru such as 徹, 通, 亨, 透, 融. By picking which kanji it varies meanings and nuance just a little bit. A徹 is for penetration. B通 is for going through or passing by. Still has a meaning of penetration. C亨 is for going through without any trouble. D透 is for transparent. Also has percolate. E融 has meaning of permeate. Also has fusion.
Ancient Japanese had imported Chinese Kanji for Japanese description and also used Chinese language on document too. So Kanji in Japanese language has multiple meanings and pronunciation. It depends on text like you pronounce "read" as red or reed.
So there are multiple kanji for Toru such as 徹, 通, 亨, 透, 融. By picking which kanji it varies meanings and nuance just a little bit.
A徹 is for penetration.
B通 is for going through or passing by. Still has a meaning of penetration.
C亨 is for going through without any trouble.
D透 is for transparent. Also has percolate.
E融 has meaning of permeate. Also has fusion.