Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I was born Tina Marie but it just did not fit my personality or body shape. I felt a complete misfit. After college I changed my name. I have felt much better about it over the years. But a name is only a part of one's make-up. Developing confidence, a thick skin, forgiving nature and be your best self is my prescription for feeling better.
This name just sounds tiny, too short, forgettable to me. Sorry to any Tinas.
Petite (though not fragile) and sparkling.
Nice name. Especially good nickname for Valentina, Christina/Kristina, Martina.
Even worse than Nina.
My name is Tina Louise and I was given that name after the famous and beautiful actress Tina Louise who played Ginger on the famous old TV show called Gilligan's Island... My mama liked the actress Tina Louise so when I was born in 1963 my mom decided that name for me... I'm very honored to be named after the famous and beautiful actress Tina Louise.
Simple, soft, sweet. Not a fan. But, just alright. Tina is alright.
Tina had its time in the sun, but now it's beginning to look dated. However, it is a good nickname for other names like Martina, Christina, Albertina, and the like.
When I hear this name, it reminds me of needles and the number 7.
Reminds me of Tuna.
In 1967, a lot of men were named Tina! Tina is 100% feminine! There is nothing masculine, boyish, or unisex about it. Names that end with -ine and -ina are actually considered more feminine than names ending with -a or -ah, I think!Tina is cute and elegant as a name. It’s even lovely as a legal first name itself. I picture a blonde haired, blue eyed, flower shirt and skirt wearing girl with braces who is a girly girl and she talks about Justin Bieber.Trust me, Tina sounds masculine NOT one bit! For a girl, it’s beautiful and elegant. For a boy, it’s prissy and awful! I have some compassion for those poor men who dealt with having Tina as their name.
Gross name, reminds me of having a blood test.
It's a very cute name I would say, very simple and pretty.
Sorry to all the Tina's but I just don't like this name, it sounds too dull. I know that a lot of you said the name was really nice and so elegant and delicate but I really just don't like it.
My name is Tina and I got told it means little one. Also, since I was little my dad has called me by the nickname of Tuna. Also I had a Spanish teacher once that told me Maria is the Spanish name of Tina but don't know if it's true or not. FYI my middle name is Maria. And my family is half Mexican on my dad's side.
I think Tina is a very nice name- more especially when it's connected with Chu to be TinaChu. I love it so much.
Personally, I think this name is beautiful.
I love the name Tina. It's elegant, classy, practical, beautiful and cute. I think the name Tina should be used a whole lot more! :-)
I love the name Tina. It sounds so gentle and sensitive compared to many other names.
This name isn't the worst, but I always wondered why you would settle for this if there are Christina and Martina instead.
I love the name Tina, it's so sweet and Minnie Mouse-like, and it's just perfect.
This name has a kind of bittersweet sound to it.
Tina is a pretty and sexy name at the same time. I love my nickname. I think it also helps if you look good since it is considered a very pretty name that stands out too. I know some men also love the name Tina.
Tina is one of those names that is a bit ditzy sounding, yet still has a nice ring to it. Sort of like Emily.
I love this name for its gorgeous sweet sound.
As a given name, Tina sounds trashy and bitchy. If you really like it, give your daughter a name like Christina, Martina, or Valentina and then call her Tina for short.
I know a girl in my school whose nick-name is Tina. Her real name is Florentina, which I find beautiful and Tina is a cute nick-name.
Urm, actually I had a friend called Tina, and immediately everyone called her Tin of Tuna, or just Tuna.
I'm sorry but I don't like this name at all! Would you really want a little girl named Tina? No offense to all the Tina's out there, you're all probably very nice people!
Quite boring, common, and minimalist, but the good thing is that no one can accuse the bearers of having a ghetto, redneck, stripper, or trailer trash name. The name does remind me of the awesome track Don't Save Us from the Flames by M83, but it's not exactly an exciting name.
I find this name really boring. It doesn't have a meaning and it's very various.
One of my best friend's name is Tina. I love it. It's not too popular or too weird. It's just a really good name.
I loved the name Tina as a child, and therefore I had three dolls named Tina! "Big Tina", "Tina girl" and "Little Tina". Today I do not think it's anything special.
I don't like the name Tina, it's too fru fru for me even though it's not my name. (no offense to any Tinas)
Pretty, gentle and loving.
This is my name. I used to wish that my name was more unique and "fancy", but I really like my name now. In Persian, it means "flower".
My name is Tina and I love it. Not many people in my area have that name so it's not over used like Jessica, or Ashley.

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