Comments (Personal Impression Only)

10/10. Hammer!
Great name, reminds me of Chris Hemsworth.
My youngest son is Thor. He was born in 1997 in the US. He loves his name and it fits him well. Interesting, he wasn’t the only Thor in his elementary school. And, no, they didn’t let him into the Marvel movie for free. No regrets!
I am naming my son due in August Thor. I think it is a wonderful strong masculine name that is very underrated. He is also a rainbow and I believe it perfectly honors his determination to be born. Strong as Thunder, my boy Thor.
Not everyone's a fan of mass market media. I didn't even know this ancient mythological name was used in a comic book/ film series(?) until I looked it up here. Some people really just do care about the actual origins of a name and not its later commercial uses, so make your determination on how much you care about these things and what others think.
The name is cool. The Marvel association makes it cooler in my opinion.
A good strong name. Even so, I don't like Marvel.
I’m obsessed with this name but the MARVEL connection is a stopper.
It will have a chance in the US popularity name list some day.
The name Thor is so cool. I really like the strong sound of this name and the meaning of it is just awesome. :D.
I think this is a great name that deserves a come back but I don't think most people would be brave enough to use it.
Thumbs up. I know it's an uncommon name, but it is very strong and masculine. It's connection to mythogoly makes it difficult to use which is a shame. But, if people open their minds and stop being so judgmental, all names would be usable.
I really do love this name. Even though my boyfriend said that he's not naming his son after a racing brand! I need some ideas on how I can convince him that Thor is a perfect name for our son.
Awesome name. Strong and Nordic. It should be used by more people.

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