I found it very interesting that all the offered pronunciations drop the h. It has an h, so the h should be pronounced in my mind; of course I am biased. My mother was reading a story with primary aged children about one of the St Thérèse's when she was pregnant. She took off the accents and then pronounced it the way her students sounded it out (American English) - "The rees." I really like it because it is exactly what it looks like. However, since most people either drop the h, add an a at the end, or both, I quit caring how others said it at about 10 and answer to anything close. When my kids were in school there was another mother with the same spelling who pronounced it Treece (like Fleece, not like trees) and a teacher who also pronounced her name that way, but spelled it Trice.
When my kids were in school there was another mother with the same spelling who pronounced it Treece (like Fleece, not like trees) and a teacher who also pronounced her name that way, but spelled it Trice.