Theobald Böhm (or Boehm) (1794 – 1881) was a German inventor and musician, who perfected the modern Western concert flute and improved its fingering system (now known as the "Boehm system"). He was a Bavarian court musician, a virtuoso flautist and a renowned composer.
Theobald Smith, FRS(For), HFRSE (1859 – 1934) was an American pioneering epidemiologist, bacteriologist, pathologist and professor. Smith is widely considered to be America's first internationally-significant medical research scientist.
Theobald Stein (1829 – 1901) was a Danish sculptor. He was a professor at the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts and served as its director from 1883 to 1886.
This name was borne by two kings of Navarre, a former autonomous kingdom in modern day Spain. Theobald I (1201 - 1253) known as "The Posthumous" and "The Troubadour" who was originally born a French nobleman and ruled the French counties of Champagne and Brie (as Theobald IV) before inheriting the Kingdom of Navarre in 1234 upon extinction of its former royal family the House of Jiménez via right of his mother Blanche of Navarre. He was followed subsequently by his eldest surviving son Theobald II (1239 - 1270).