Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Sounds like Tesla or Texas.
Tessa is one of those names that I find really alluring.
It's fun to say, short and sweet.
Being trans, I first really got to know this name from the name of the main character in the film Now is Good, which is a very sad but good British book and film. I think it maybe especially suits someone with a bossy/leader kind of personality, which I maybe have. Like someone else said, it would also be perfect for a pet, especially a cat.
Not a bad name at all in my opinion. Has a cheerful sound to it and not much to dislike. And yes, it’s “asset” backwards, but that’s hardly a bad thing.
Really stylish and pretty. It'll never go out of fashion!
I prefer Theresa a little more, but this isn't bad.
Crisp, bright sounding name.
Youthful, refined, refreshing. Love Tess just the same. Wonderful name.
I like this name way more than Tess. Tess is bland and boring, and Tessa has more spice to it. Tessa is beautiful.
My sister-in-law's name is Tessa, and in my opinion you can't go wrong with Tessa. To me it sounds beautiful, but dirty kids in public schools will probably make fun of it. DO NOT NAME A BOY TESSA, YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.
I think Tessa is a pretty name and I don't think it sounds that similar to 'testicles'.
It’s a very hot name. You can’t go wrong with Tessa.
I don't like this name. I prefer Tess.
I absolutely love the name Tessa.
This is the name of my best friend and first love. I adore her, and by default I love her name, too, though I've never thought much of it before I met her. It makes me think of a cute geek that always stands up for what she believes in and never lets anyone tear her down, which is what my best friend is. I like it very much.
Sounds too similar to testicles...
My Name is Tessa and here in Philly I was always bullied being called testicles, and much more. I used to hate my name, now I see my name is not common and although despite being bullied about it, it is a beautiful name. And I love it.
I really like this name, my parents named me Tessa. I'm so happy. The name is short and sweet, but also dominant and powerful. It says 'I'm nice, but stay on my good side.' I also like the nicknames that go along with it such as Tess and Tessy. My name is actually Tessa Grace. It is a really great choice. I definitely fall into the sweet and cute flower petal delicate section but also the powerful side too. I saw a comment about the nickname Tessy- I'm only 11 so I don't mind.
Tessa also says pretty, kind-hearted girl, so anyone named Tessa is a true asset. All the kids in my class laugh though because of the SSA backwards.
I named one of my characters Tessa Azalea Larkspur. It is a historical novel placed in the 1970s. My excuse for the name is that her parents were hippies.
My name is Tessa. I've learned to really love my name now that I'm an adult. I get lots of compliments, and I've only ever known 2 other people with the name. The only thing I hate is being called Tessy, it's a terrible nickname.
Such a cute name!
I went to school with a girl named 'Tessa' who was always a year before me. She was a very down to earth, respectful and thoughtful young lady. So that's what comes to mind when it comes to the name (:
Someone who's kind, smart, and easy to get along with.
I named my daughter Tessa. She is my fourth child and she is a true "asset" to our family. She receives many compliments on her name.
I read Tessa means 'fourth child,' well I am expecting my fourth baby next year, we don't know the gender yet, but I am really loving Tessa and I think (if we have a girl) it would fit her perfectly. :)
Great name. Dislike the association with Theresa. It's strong enough to stand on its own and definitely should.
Tessa sounds cute, but childish. My cats name is Tessa, so I find it also more of a pet name. The name is sweet, but it doesn't look the best on humans.
It's a very pretty name. One of my friends has this name, though she hasn't said anything about how she feels about it. I am puzzled at the statistics because there are quite a few Tessas in my school, but I live in New Zealand so perhaps it's more common here than in other parts of the world.
I have a friend who was adopted from China, and this is her American name. I adore this name, although it seems a bit short and nickname-y, which is why I call my friend "Tessica" as a sort of "full name".
My name is Theresa and it's a great name with tons of good nicknames! I like Rhysse (aka Reese) the best but Tessa and Tess are also great names!
I love Tessa even though it comes from Theresa. I would much prefer to hear Tessa any day.
A darling name! Gives the feeling of a sweet girl-child.
Tessa is a lovely variant of Teresa.
I love this as a nickname for Contessa! It's very cute.
This is my name, and I think it's okay. It is a bit girly though so I go by Tess. My parents named me Tessa because it means "beloved by God" in Polish. I like that it isn't very popular-I've actually only met about 3 Tessa's in my life.:)
I really think this is a lovely name. It reminds me, for some reason, of the lush green foliage of Spring in the UK, and also, Tessa reminds me of the elderflower plant, which comes out in late May/June. Why it reminds me of these things, I do not know, but it's just a really homely name, I suppose. :)
My mother's name is Teresa, and I've always sort of planned to name one of my children after her. If I do have a girl and name her Teresa, I will most likely call her Tessa as a nickname. It's short, sweet, and adorable. And then when she gets older, she can always use Teresa if she thinks Tessa sounds too childish.
I think Tessa is a lovely name. It is good that not many people have it because it makes it extra special.
Lovely and sweet. I can just picture a sixteen year old having this as well as a 5 year old.
It's a bit better than Tess, but not much. I can't really picture an adult with this name. The name is very girly and sort of cutesy, even though I don't find it very pretty. There was once a very butch lesbian looking woman on the Finnish Idol named Tessa. This youthful, very feminine name sounded weird on her, alright.
I love my name because of it's individuality. My parents liked the name Tess but thought it sounded incomplete, I'm glad they decided on Tessa. I feel my name very much complements my personality. It stands apart - I've only met one other Tessa in my life - I'm 22 - she was a sweet little girl about 4. I think it fit her perfectly too.
I love this name, it's feminine and dainty, without being too flowery. It's cute on a little girl, but it also brings to mind the image of a graceful woman.
I don't like this name, and I really don't understand why everyone else does. It seems plain and boring to me.
I think the name Tessa is very beautiful. I like how it is short and sweet.
What a BEAUTIFUL name. It sounds like it would be perfect for a little princess or ballerina. What a wonderful name for a little girl. I may consider this name myself for any future daughters I may have.
I like this name a lot. My name is Jessica and I would really like the name Tessa so much more.
I really like this name. I think that it is so pretty.
I absolutely love this name. It is dainty, feminine and graceful. It is nice it isn't overused.
I love the fact that my name is uncommon. I have heard this name spoken only a few times. I hope it remains uncommon and special. It is a perfect girl's name; very feminine and gentle sounding.

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