My name is Temperance and I searched it up on google, it means “the absence of alcohol” and I asked my mom why she named me Temperance. I still don’t understand why but I love my name and me and my mom only know about the Bones reference because we watched it together. None of my friends use the reference, I doubt that they’ve watched the show. My best friend calls me “Temper Ants” which is funny but everyone calls me “Tempy” as a nickname. Though, I have several nicknames also, a little reminder; BE PROUD OF YOUR NAME!
I knew a Temperance once. She was called "Temper" because she was very loud and fierce. I think that makes the name all the more lovable.
― Anonymous User 3/5/2024
When I hear this name, I picture a pouty little blonde child with a dirty bonnet and 17th century peasant attire. I don't hate it, I just think a name like this would be a little much nowadays. That's just my opinion.
I never liked this name or the stupid show. I can see why the other characters called her Bones. Why would anyone do that to their child?
― Anonymous User 12/29/2021
I fell in love with the name Temperance watching the TV series Bones. I am big into natural names and each of my girls has one and so when we came up on having our 3rd girl I was trying to find something that would go well with Storm but also something that would balance the meaning out. We decided on Temperance Storm and call her Tempy for short. She's 5 now, she loves her name, and she is a fiery redhead to boot. Everyone thinks it fits her, even people in our lives who didn't initially like the name we chose. I think it is elegant enough for an older lady, quirky enough for a younger lady, unique enough for a teenager, and fancy enough for a little girl. Tempy is a sweet nickname for a little one, or a fairly normal sounding one for an adult, you can also shorten it to Tem for a teen or adult. I know it's not for everyone but that's one of the reasons I love it, it is pretty and unique.
My sister has the name Temperance. We call her Tempe (pronounced Tempy) I think it is a good name because it has a clear meaning and can be made into many nicknames if the bearer of the name does not like it. (It is especially beautiful when paired with an exotic middle name. Example: My sister's middle name is Kealani (Kay-ah-lah-nee), which means clear, or white heaven in Hawaiian.)
Ugly. Please don't use this! There are many other good names out there.
― Anonymous User 2/1/2020
This is by far my favorite name for a girl. I chose this name years ago, prior to having a child or even knowing if I wanted children, my husband did not have a say (not to sound mean). Our daughter was born in 2015 and was named Temperance (Tempy as a nickname for my husband's family) and I have never thought twice about this decision. I know this name may not be a hit for others and that's okay but we have received nothing but compliments on her name. It pairs very nicely with her middle name and fits her so well.
Temperance is a great name! I usually don't like nicknames but I do like Tempie if a nickname is needed. We definitely need more Temperance in the world!
― Anonymous User 9/12/2018
I like it, but I won't name my daughter this. Well, maybe her middle name. It is one of my favorite virtue names, when there is stuff like Chastity being used.
― Anonymous User 11/26/2017
Sadly, I have to disagree with every comment above. Of all girls' names I've ever heard, Temperance is one of my least favourites. Not only do I dislike the sound of the name, but it also looks unpleasant - it has the word "Temper" in it which I don't like. I couldn't picture this name on any little girl.This wasn't meant as an insult, of course, just my opinion.
I named my daughter Temperance and she constantly gets compliments on her name. She is almost 7 now so we don't use her nickname, but her cousins still call her Tempie. I love her unique name and she does too.
― Anonymous User 12/3/2015
I really like this name. It's one of my guilty pleasure names. Anyways, I used it on the daughter of one of my characters.
This is a beautiful name! I named my daughter this, we say it like temp-rance and mostly call her Tempie. I loved the show Bones and had no idea what the name meant. To me it sounded mythical like the name of a fairy, so we decided on it. I was disappointed when I learned the real meaning but the name still sounds so pretty! My daughter is 4 months and every time I say Tempie she gets this huge smile! It fits her blue eyes, auburn hair, and high cheek bones.
Normally, I think virtue names (including my own) to be rather tacky and trailor-trash. But I find Temperance a lovely name. I can picture it on a little girl with the nickname Terri, and on a full-grown woman. Bones is the reason I like it so much, and it made me adore the name Brennan, as well.
This is one of those names that is nice, for someone else. I like it, but not enough that I would name my daughter Temperance. I would possibly use the name for a book character.
Used to hate most virtue names, especially the really fussy ones like this. But I have to say it has kind of grown on me. I would definitely not use it on my kid if I ever had one but it is a great name for a character in a story. In fact I have used it for a character.
I think Temperance is a very beautiful name - very sensible and elegant. I can't imagine anyone called Temperance being anything less than a very distinguished lady! I don't think I would use it on a child, because it's hard to find nicknames for it (Temmy? Tem?), but I may well find myself using it as for a character of mine some day.
It's so funny that this name means the exact opposite of what it sounds like to me. The name sounds very old-fashioned, like a name from the 1890s or something. It's not ugly or anything, but it just sounds like it belongs in the Prohibition Era or something.
― Anonymous User 5/8/2008
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