Comments (Pronunciation Only)

My name is Tegan and it sounds just like it is spelled.
Many people say it so diffrent! Like 'Teagan, Teegen, Tigan'
I guess it's just because I'm from Sweden, they don't know how to pronounce it...
Everyone asks 'how do you say your name?' annoying.
It's basically just my family and friends who pronounce it right...I guess it's just an unusual name here in Sweden and that I'm English...
One of my close friends is named Tegan, pronounced Tee-gan. A lot of people say it Teg-an (Like Megan i guess?). Nice name, not my fav.
My name is Tegan and I pronounce it like Megan. The way it was explained to me, is the Welsh origin pronounces it this way while the Irish origin is pronounced like "Teegan."I really like my name, except for having to correct everyone's pronunciation all the time.
Pronounced TEG-un in Cornish.
A girl in the Sunday School class I teach bears this name. However, her family pronounces it like Taegan/Teagan. I'm not sure why.
The Welsh pronunciation is 'TEG-an'.
Pronounced TEE-gun.
I have seen the Tegan spelling pronounced TAY-gan or Teh-gan (short "e" sound). Teagan uses the long "e" sound, it is Irish. I see Tegans and Teagans as being very sweet, artistic, and spirited.
Mine is pronounced Teh-gun, though I've heard it pronounced other ways. I think the Tee-gun pronunciation is Irish.

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