Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I think Tara is a nice name. I would pronounce it as “Taur-uh.” I like its meaning and Irish history, and the fact that you don't hear it everyday. It's really cute.
Gorgeous and ages so well.
Even though this name is quite simple, I genuinely really like it! Super pretty and feminine sounding.
Tara is a lovely name no matter how you want to pronounce it. I of course prefer to pronounce it as Tar a instead of Tera. It is not a white trash name. Its one of the few Irish names I like and can pronounce without much difficulty.
Always reminds me of Tara Reid. It's a trashy name for a girl who has no class. In Britain they would call it "common".
I think of a mean lady.
It's really pretty but it spells "a rat" backwards lol.
My name is Tara, pronounced Taara, the first a is pronounced like the a in cat. I was born in 1979. My mother was set on the name Victoria and my Dad wanted Marcia (like Marcia Brady) and neither would budge. My mom watched the soap opera "All my children and there was a character "Tara Martin" and she randomly said "how about Tara?" And my Dad was like "okay, that sounds like a good name." I'm thankful to ABC, because I wouldn't want to be named either of my parent's first picks. I didn't like it when I was young, I wanted a name like Stacy, Kimmy, Jessica or Amy. Now that I'm older, I really do love my name because it is unique. I feel like it's classic, natural and fun. It works well professionally. It was popular for a short time in the 70's and early 80's but I predict it will be coming back as a popular name. I think Tara is a cute name for a little girl.
My name happens to be Tara, as in "T-air-a". I've always thought it was weird, since growing up in Ohio, I've only met another person with my name once. That was when I was in around 2nd grade, she was a girlfriend of a family member. I barely knew her. As I got older I started hating my name because of how peculiar it was to me and how I always had people pronouncing my name wrong. From my understanding, it probably should be pronounced "Tar-a" but it isn't in my case. I do love the meaning behind my name, but sometimes, I wish my dad would have just named me Terra. Something like Terra, Tamara, or Thalia even would have been great. He just wanted to have a child named after him. His name is Terrance. Terra would have made more sense, and we both agree on that. But I'm glad to now know more about my name and people's opinions on it in order to appreciate it better. I'm not even an adult yet, so hopefully my views on my name can change even more in the future.
I pronounce it "Tare-uh". Beautiful.
I love the 'terra' pronunciation, but I despise the tar-uh one. It's ugly on my ears, the first one is much better, and not because it's more popular.
Simple! I like it pronounced TAHR.
What a nice rural sound it has! I simply love it!
My whole life it has been pronounced T air rah, and I like it. If anyone pronounces it Tar-rah it's fine, I just let it go. I agree with that other comment that nobody says Sar-rah and the silent H shouldn't change anything. Anyhow, I just get a kick out of saying in backwards as A RAT!
I love my name. Terra Lynn. I was named after a city in California where my father grew up called Terra Linda. My mother asked me if I was upset that people mispronounced my name as TAH-RAH. I said no, people everywhere have different ways they want their name to be pronounced. Nor do I correct people when they say it how they want. Now if they ask me I will explain my name is Terra like earth. I love how many different ways people say my name. My husband is Spanish and he rolls the R's in my name. It's beautiful no matter how you pronounce it. People sometimes think it's short for Teresa or something but I tell them no, just Terra.
I like the TAR-uh pronunciation best, but I don't mind TARE-uh or TA-ra (with the A like the A in cat, in that last example) either. I think it's a lovely, simple name that will never completely go out of style. Although I do associate it with women around my age (born 1973) more than younger or older women.
I absolutely adore this name, the meaning and the sound, and the wonderful "Gone with the Wind" association.
Love the name Tara. I think of a spunky, strong willed girl when I hear it.
I love the name Tara so much! It sounds so cute! ^-^
I love the name Tara and have named my new 10 year old red eared slider Tara Fan. I pronounce it Terra Fan. It wouldn't even occur to me to pronounce it TARa. But I agree with another poster that there are more than one way to say some names, like this one, and just accept that. I named her after her species name which is red-eared terrapin.
I like this name because my Cabbage Patch Doll came with this name. (Yes, I know, I am totally dating myself!) When I was 4 the neighbor who was 7 had this name. My aunt who is MUCH older than me, uses this name as part of her email address because she is a huge "Gone With The Wind" fan. Sometimes I think of actress Tara Reid, which is kind of not as great a connection... I guess it just goes to show you it's all about perspective. BTW, I always pronounced it "TAR-uh"
There was a girl in high school who was "TAIR-uh" and she had an "H" at the end of the name.
My name is Tara and I love my name. I am a successful business woman and I feel as though the name Tara is sexy. I have never met an unattractive Tara.
I know someone named this and they pronounce it TER-uh.
It's a nice name, but unfortunately I associate it with the trashy Tara Reid.
My mother chose Tara from "Gone With the Wind" and then changed it a bit to Taryn (which she had never heard of). Later she heard of Tyrone Power's daughter but I think Taryn for me comes more from the meaning of Tara. I really like the name now but as a child not knowing anyone with this name I didn't think much of my mother's "made-up" name.
It is a incredibly ordinary, bland name. "Tara," "K/Cara," "Sara"... I fail to see any appeal. Simple is, at times, fantastic-- though not in this case.
My mind's eye is unable to correspond it to a successful business woman. It is just a very infantile, unprofessional, and disgustingly common name (there certainly are lovely people who bear it, regardless). I can easily see Miss Big Sister (four years old) awaiting the arrival of a baby sister and eagerly wishing to dub the poor thing "Tara."Has it occurred to you that the likelihood of "Tara" being converted into a tease of "Tarantula/TARAntula" is alarmingly high?
I pronounced it TAR-uh. If you are gonna pronounce it TER-uh then spell it Tera because Like Kara I don't say KER-UH I say Kar-Uh. Its pretty and like Sara I say SAR-uh not SER-uh. I like Tara a lot.
Sorry but what comes to mind is ta ra ra ... boom de ay! ta ra ra ... boom de ay! LOL
I don't like this name because it spells 'a rat' backwards.
The name itself is actually really cool, but I've gotten the impression that it's not the name of particularly intelligent girls and women. Tara Reid is probably to blame, but this is also the real name of Carmen Electra, and while she is nice enough, she doesn't strike me as a particularly witty person. I have even thought this name sounds like that of a porn star, but my impressions have gotten toned down after realizing that the name is not an American invention anyway.
I like it for the Gone With the Wind association but I dislike that it is teased with "Tara new one" as in "Tear a new one."
This is a very pretty name, I pronounce it TER-a.

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