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Comments (Personal Impression Only)

When I was about 9 years old, my mom told me she had my name picked out before I was born, at the time I was having a hard time with my teacher mispronouncing it DAILY even though I'd corrected her several times. My mom fixed that though lol. I've seen the movie and bought the book❤❤ I think my name is REGAL, GRAND AND JUST BEAUTIFUL but to this day if my name is mispronounced I'm triggered lol I'll instantly correct you.
I actually love my name but people tend to say it wrong like "Tomico" or "Timika" which confuses me but I also looked it up and its meaning is "child of the people" or "beautiful". I think who ever has this name, is honestly blessed.
My name is Tamiko Williams and I didn't like my name until I learned that it was Japanese, and now I love it but I can't get people to call me by the right pronunciation.
I lived in Japan and never met anyone named Tamiko. So... I don't think it is a popular name in Japan, maybe outside
of Japan but I was told by my mother (who is Japanese) that the name Tamiko means "righteous one" or "a person of the people".
I believe the name beautiful flower was just a personal interpretation because if you look up the meaning of the Japanese syllables Ta Mi Ko they do not mean beautiful flower. Sorry to break it to you. However, it has more meaning and substance. I love the name and its meaning and I think it's a very beautiful name!
My name is Tamiko which my mom gave to me because it's her middle name. My grandmother too got this name from the movie "A Girl Named Tamiko". As a child I hated my name and would always use my nickname instead.. now that I'm older I am very comfortable with my name and I've grown to love it.. I am always complimented on my name.
This is my mothers name, she was born in '65 and was the only Tamiko she knew growing up. However, it is a very common name in Japan, we met an older Japanese lady about 80 years old with the same name. I think it is a beautiful name.
What a lovely, lovely name!

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