Comments (Pronunciation Only)

For the Dutch pronunciation of Tamara, you can listen to the audio clips featured on the websites below: (in Dutch) (in Dutch) (in Dutch; the name is said at 0:05) (in Dutch; the name is said at 0:02) (in Dutch; the name is said at 0:10)Converted to IPA, it should be: /ta:.'ma:.ra:/ [noted -ed]
Never met a Tamara until last week. She pronounced it TAM-er-a and for some reason I had a hard time saying it right. Once I accidentally referred to her as "tomorrow". My bad!
Pronounced Tam-air-a (same as McNamara). I was named for a woman born in the 1860s so I figure mine must be the proper pronunciation :-)
My mom went with Tamera and Tami for my spellings. I always cringe when people ask for Tu MARE ah. I respond "TAM er uh -- long for TAM i." If people want to use the pronunciation of Tu MARE ah, it should be shortened to Tu MMY.I spent 4th to 12th grade insisting that everyone at school call me Tamera. When I hit college, I decided that I was sick of correcting everyone and went back to Tami. I tolerate the name Tami, but I can't stand the name Tammy, and just don't feel like a Tamera (which my mom only used so that I would have a more grown up option someday). I have major issues with my name. It's rarely said correctly and was out of fashion by the time my parents used it.
"Tam-ruh" is the most common (and, in my opinion, the proper) pronunciation of this name in North America. Why isn't that pronunciation listed?
Tamara's my aunt's name, and that's how she pronounces it. I've never met a Tamara who pronounced it any other way.
Pronounced "tah-mah-rah".
I have a friend with this name, but she pronounces it TAM-ruh.
I have also seen it pronounced TAM-uh-ruh or TAM-ruh but also Ta-Mare-ah (the middle part Mare pronounce Mare like in a horse).
I've known several people with this name, and they all pronounced it TAM-uh-ruh or TAM-ruh.
I have several friends who pronounce this TA-ma-ra.
Tamara is actually pronounced Tam-AR-rah not Tam-AH-rah, some people I know pronounce this name Tam-AH-rah. I like the pronunciation of Tam-Ai-rah too which can be another way of pronouncing it.

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