I'm sorry, but this name is just silly on a human being. It might sound good on a pony though. I'd imagine an adult with this name wouldn't be taken seriously or have a promising career path. I have personally seen employers turn away job applications for having names like this. Why set your child up for that? If you're considering this name for your child, use it as a nickname and pick something more respectable as a legal name.
I think it's sweet as a middle name. As a first name however, I think it could either fit its owner well or not at all! Sunshine could work on a sunshiney person, but could you imagine a goth called Sunshine?
Not nice as a name, but nice as beautiful Sunshine. Maybe alright as a nickname, but not so much as a name, because it feels just immature and not much elegance either. It's sweet, but just as some sweet nickname. Not of my favorites.
If you name your child this, you should give her a good middle name so she can go by it if she doesn't like her name.
― Anonymous User 1/9/2021
Nice happy name, I can imagine a very cute, happy and funny child who makes life brighter.
― Anonymous User 11/1/2020
I was born in 2006, my mom named me Sunshine and I've been used to that name my whole life. I think that even though some people may not be used to it, it is still a beautiful name. It's very funny whenever someone asks, "Is that your real name?", and then they end up surprised. Also many people compliment my name when they first meet me or some people just think it's normal. I think this name is really great because it's very unique and has a good meaning.
― Anonymous User 9/14/2020
Hi my name is Cresta Sunshine. I was born March 4th, 1975. I have always gone by Sunshine and I have always loved it despite my parents moving me to Florida where, as we all know is the Sunshine State haha. Parents, y'all had mad jokes back then- if there ever was a joke that involved the name Sunshine I have heard it. I was named after the song John Denver sang. I, however, do not like it. When I had my first child I decided that if I were to sing the song I would change it a bit. I have 4 children and I have sang it to and with each and every one of them. Only thing I did was change the name first child you are my Kristina, second you are my Cheyenne, third you are my Willow and 4th, you are my Lukas. They all thought that that's the way it was meant to be sang. That's my little 2 cents on it. I love my name, even my first name these days and for all of you who think Sunshine is weird, please feel free to google my first name, the word or name CRESTA and see what comes up for you. I found that since 1880 and 2018 and on record there have only been 6 recorded in the whole world. Now that's a rare name I used to hate, now I'm proud that I have it and will treasure it always.
Hello people that seem to hate the name Sunshine and think that people will make it hell for a kid named Sunshine in school, I’m here to tell you that’s not true. My name is Sunshine and yes a lot of people ask if that’s really my name or if my parents are hippies but no they aren’t. My mother loved Goldie Hawn movies and wanted to name me Sunny after one of the characters she played but my father thought Sunshine would be better as my official name. My family has called me Sunny since I could remember and I mostly go by Sunny. I love the name Sunshine and when I meet new people I introduce myself as Sunshine. Also, for the comment about what if a person named Sunshine had depression and making fun of that, that’s not something to make fun of. At least I have an unique name unlike the thousand of Carols, or Debras. Also I think the name Sunshine ages very well.
― Anonymous User 11/14/2019
This name is so cute and unique for a child, just a little too cute! Kinda like a name a five-year-old would come up with. I think this name is full of life and full of spirit which is a feminine stereotype, so I think it’s more of a girl’s name. I can’t picture it on a grown woman who is a total tomboy, let alone a male. I want to say it’s cute for a boy too, but Sunshine isn’t a typical boy characteristic, so he would get teased. I think it’s best for a girl.
― Anonymous User 1/6/2019
My name is Sunshine. I was also born in 1975, I was named after a movie, though I was picked on for it at times. I love my name and I also gave it to my daughter. I HATE being called Sunny- my family and friends call me Sunshine or Shine. We are unique and people never forget who we are!
― Anonymous User 8/25/2018
Hello other Sunshines! My first name is also Sunshine and I was born in '75. I see my mother was not the only other John Denver fan following the movie (no surprise). It's great to hear from others and hear VERY similar stories- asked if it's real, or saying, "You are My Sunshine", "Good Morning Sunshine"... don't forget "Suuunnshiiiine (from Remember The Titans)", or for those as old as I, Harlem Nights. Despite the girls in middle school that were envious---long ago, I wouldn't have my name any other way. Sucks when you're remembered if you screw something up but a blessing otherwise. Finally I live in a time where we can find our names on things! Even if a name isn't the intention. Wishing all of us well! Wear our name proudly!
My first name is Sunshine and I would never want to change it. My youngest daughter's father also named her Sunshine. My daughter goes by Sunny or Sunny Rae as Rae is her middle name. I usually am called Shine or Sun, but my family has always called me Shine. My biological mother has passed on and my name was very important to her. I am more than happy to be named Sunshine. It's not annoying or silly. It's special and I feel like my mother gave me a very special gift naming me Sunshine. My daughter loves her name. She says that it makes her feel loved and special. Uncommon names are wonderful, in a world full of Jennifers and Ashleys, we get to be unique. We are rarely forgotten.
― Anonymous User 4/5/2018
This was fun to read! Being named Sunshine is a gift. Kids will make fun of any name, so, ya, that happens, but once you own it, it really is a beautiful name. I went by Sunnie in high school, and my closest peeps call me Shine. I love the comments from the other Sunshines here! I guess people react the same to this name no matter where you are! When people ask me if it's my real name one of my favorite responses is... Only clowns and strippers make that name up. I was born in 76 when that John Denver song was popular. I'm curious why/how other Sunshines got their names.
My real name is Sunshine and at first I hated it. In high school, kids would always stare when my name got called or when I introduced myself. Now as a adult in my early 20's, I love it. There are times where I still get stares but I just ignore it. The annoying part is always getting asked if that is my government name, or if I'm always happy. Other than that, my name is perfect for me. I don't ever think about changing it or going by my middle name, which is Renee.
My name is Sunshine. People call me Sun, Suns, Sunny, Shine, Sunny Bunny and the list goes on! Haha. I love it now as an adult but I hated it growing up, yes kids are cruel, but it gave me tough skin and although I do live up to my name, I’m a bad ass too. JUST LIKE THE SUN IS. It will burn ya! Lol that’s for all the haters on here probably named Jennifer and Steve. People usually have these responses to my name being Sunshine: -Were your parents hippies? -I want your real name, not your stage name -Let me see your ID -OMG I love your name! Shout out to all the LOVERS who are open to unique and different names and embrace individuality.
Hello, my actual name is Sunshine Rose. Why my parents named me that I have no idea. Trying to grow up with it was excruciating, now that I'm all grown up everyone says "Wow, that's a beautiful name" but if I could have it my way I would literally change it.
My name is Sunshine Day and some friends call me Sunny but I have never had a problem growing up as a child and I have had so many jobs come to me because of the person I am. I have never been turned down for an interview, everyone I meet loves my name because it is unusual and different, my brothers and sisters were worried when my father named me, in case I got bullied but I had so many friends and never got bullied once! I would prefer to be called Sunshine instead of something boring and the same as everyone else, if anything the name has helped me.
My actual name is Sunshine, and I absolutely love my name and have never been made fun of. There is nothing wrong with a more unique/exotic name, it just makes you more special and unique as a person. I wouldn't change my name for the world. I get complimented all the time about my name. When my mom was picking out names for me she had my cousin, whose name was Summer, help her out with what to name me, and they thought of Sunshine. And later on, back in first grade, I met my best friend who ended up being my best friend for years and years, and her name was Skyy. Names are beautiful how they are, never be ashamed of your name, that's why I love this website- it will tell you all kinds of cool and unique stuff about your name that you probably never even knew!
My name is Sunshine. My mom named me after the John Denver song, "Sunshine on my Shoulders." I was born in the late 70s and no, my parents weren't hippies. I love my name and only closed minded individuals have issues with my name. My family calls me Sunny for short, but I go by Sunshine. I feel lucky to have this name. I really think that it is pathetic that some people here have such terrible things to say about it. Yes it is a name that gets attention, but it really isn't "horrible" or "awful" as some comments say. My middle name is Faye and I was made fun of for that because I live on the border with Mexico and the word "fea" means ugly and it sounds like "Faye". I was more self-conscious of my middle name than my first.
Sunshine, it's bright and beautiful. Just thinking about it gives me a warm feeling. Definitely one of the top contenders for my daughter. Sunshine as a name just exudes happiness and uniqueness. Sunshine definitely isn't a background character, she's center stage. I can understand why everyone assumes some kind of hippy parents, but I think they're reading too much into the name and not enough into the person. Overall, Sunshine is a near perfect name for a little bundle of joy, and she can go by Sunny later in life if she doesn't share your taste in names. Why have your child be one of twelve Sophie's in town when she could be the only Sunshine?
― Anonymous User 11/28/2015
This is my name, only spelt Sunshyne. What a lot if negativity and judgement over a name, it's people like you that have made having such a name absolute hell. Even in my 30's people have to ask, is that your real name? Was your mum a hippie? You're not serious? Really? Who would joke about it? My mum named me after a song that she loved while pregnant called Little Ray of Sunshine... and I guess being born with golden hair and the love she had for me only cemented her choice. I may have not liked my name growing up, especially in Australia, but as a woman I've embraced it... no one ever forgets me or has to ask... what was your name again?
I knew one lady with this name. She worked for Wal-Mart. She was blonde but was very quiet. Everyone thinks her name is weird, but I think it's different. I just wouldn't want it, or to name my child this.
― Anonymous User 10/1/2015
My name is Sunshine. I love my name and have never considered going by any other name or nickname. I was not made fun of in school due to my name. The only thing bad about it is that people expect you to be happy all the time.
There is a new girl to my high school with this name. When the teacher came around for "roll call" I heard a group of boys snickering about her name. I almost wanted to yell at them! Maybe the name isn't the most original on the planet, but really!? People can be so cruel!
My name is Sunshine. I love it now, but when I was young it was hard to live with. The only thing I hate is that I have to go around saying, "Yes this is my real name and no, my parents weren't hippies." I am a high school teacher and it is a good ice breaker on the first day of school to write my full name out on the board. I love it and never would change it, my parents often call me Sunny, but I prefer to be called by the Sunshine.
I am in the process of legally changing my name. I spent a long time researching names and seeing what felt right. I've spent 25 years with a very common girl's name (Lindsay) that has to be spelled out to people, and always double checking that people mean me when they call out my name (there are always so many other Lindsay's in classes or waiting rooms, ugh). I wanted a unique name, and something that spoke of who I am as a person, and something that resonated with my spirit.Sunshine is definitely that. I plan on legally changing my first name to Sunshine, and then going by Sunny for short. I think it's cute, gives an immediate impression of who I am (yes, a bit of a hippy and quite proud), and just might give someone a smile when they come across the name.I DO have a very sunny personality. ;)
LOL, wow, I never realized how many people felt so negatively of my name! My middle name is Sunshine, but it's what I've always chosen to go by. It's what I identify best with and it's always been extremely well received. Everyone I've always met always seems to LOVE it and they follow it up with the same comment very often, "And you really ARE a Sunshine too!" I suppose they're referring to my usual Sunshiney disposition. :) They sing the "Sunshine" songs and they ask questions. But I don't mind at all, I know I would too if I met someone with an unusual name. For those of you out there that think so negatively of it, take it from me, it's a delight! I love it and I think it's beautiful and unique. Just like me! :)
Ahh, man! I saw this and couldn't believe it. It's a bright, cheerful nickname, but not as a first name. Just imagine; a baby girl being named this and she turns goth; that would be ironic. On happier note; my friend calls me this sometimes, he's so sweet!
I suppose this name is cute to some people (to each there own), but honestly, it only works if your kid is a kind, excited, sunshineish person. I know a Sunshine (firstname), and she is mean. She's gothic (oh, the irony!) and an overall not happy person. But, honestly, you can't tell what your kid'll turn out like so don't give them a name they won't like.
― Anonymous User 1/10/2009
I live in a Hippie town, where almost all of the kids have Hippie/Nature names, and I have a friend named Shannon Caroline Raya Sunshine, which I just think is hilarious! "Raya Sunshine"."Ray of Sunshine". Makes me laugh every time! I love the name Sunshine, it's just so beautiful and natural and loving!
My grandmothers name is Sunshine, and although people hear it and automatically think hippie, they find that even though that's exactly what she is she is also very well respected. She didn't originally have the name she changed when she became 18, so I guess she felt she could pull it off. I'm sure other people might be able to also.
Well, it's better than Moonshine, bwahahahahaah! But that's not saying much. The name is very much a hippie name, and it's too cutesy for a grown-up who wants be be successful in some ther way than in showbiz. What if Sunshine turns out all grumpy and hostile? And how easy would it be to be taken seriously with this name, at any stage?
What an awful name! If you name your child Sunshine they will not make it through school. Imagine if you named your kid Sunshine and they are in High School. They will be made fun of in High School. Lets say you are 60-years-old with the name Sunshine. That would be crazy. Please your child will be thankful you didn't name him/her Sunshine. Name your pet that or you can give it to your kid as a nickname.
― Anonymous User 7/28/2007
I quite like this, a good nickname would be Sunny or Shine.
Sunshine is my first name, and it is a really, really awful name to have as a child. As soon as I was old enough to choose, I started going by my middle name.
― Anonymous User 4/26/2007
This is kinda creepy name, since it always remands me of that song, you know: "You are my Sunshine, my only Sunshine You make me happy, when skies are grey You'll never know, dear, how much I love you Please don't take my Sunshine away"
It's a cute nickname for a little girl, but not for a real name, that would be very annoying.
― Anonymous User 3/1/2006
I think it makes a good middle name, maybe for Bethany?
― Anonymous User 12/16/2005
I think it's a nice name. I probably wouldn't personally use it though, even though I'm kinda a hippy (of sorts). It was classic, just opening up the popularity graph and just seeing the 70's. Sigh.
I don't see anything wrong with naming your child after an element of nature. At least your child will have an original name.
― Anonymous User 11/20/2005
What a beautiful name ... for a horse. Honestly though, it'd be like naming someone 'Apple', there's really no sense in it.
― Anonymous User 10/9/2005
Well, I knew someone named Apple. Really weird names like Sunshine and Apple and Heart are fairly common for Filipino children. I never really understood it myself.