Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Reminds me of Wings of Fire.
I love this name for a BOY. I love this name for a GIRL. I loved this name for my old DOGGY.
Honestly not that bad of a name. I personally wouldn't use it, but my goodness there are many worse names you could be stuck with. There is a 45 year old, in the comments, who says it's her birth certificate name and she loves it, so if you really like it, fine.
I loved this name as a child for a girl. I think I secretly wished Sunny was my name. Since watching Remember the Titans, this name now reminds me of the guy named Sunshine in that movie. As an adult, I met a man named Sunny in his 20s. He didn’t go by any nicknames and no one tried to give him any. It fit him very well.
This is my name. Every time I get called this corny name I cringe. This name also seems to give people the impression that I am some kind of mindless ditz. Even when I wake up I am angry that I have this ridiculous name. I feel like I have been made fun of and underestimated my entire life due to this absurd moniker. CRINGE.
I have had to put up with this name my whole life as it's a nickname for my full name Sunshine. People have all sorts of fun calling me this name as a way in which to bully and torment me, knowing full well I detest it. It's cruel and sad.
Adorable for a child 6 yrs and under, but can you imagine a teenager or adult named Sunny? This is better for a child's nickname or something. (no offense to the people with the nickname Sunny)
My nickname. It seems very pleasant and cheerful.
My nickname has been Sunny since forever. It doesn't suit me personally but I can see why others have a lot of fun and joy with the name.
I have a very long, hard to figure out how to pronounce last name. I got my Real Estate license and wanted a name people might remember, so I decided to go by Sunni. Lots of people had called me Sunshine. I have always had a very bubbly personality. Whenever I have told anyone my name is Sunni, the comment has always been “Oh my gawd, That so fits you!” What has really upset me though, that has arisen in the media, is the Sunni Muslims. Now people call me Sooni. I want to yell at them “this is America, we speak English. Anytime you change a y to an I at the end of a name it is still pronounced the same!” Now that my husband has passed, I’m thinking about legally changing my name. I want to come up with a good last name. I’ve thought of Dey, but afraid that’s a little too comic
To those that thought the name wouldn’t fit an older person, I am 65 and people still comment on what a perfect name it is for me.
Silly as a legal name. I can't imagine anyone over the age of 6 named Sunny. Plus, a child with this name will be teased.
This name is such a guilty pleasure of mine, it's crazy. However, due to these comments, I might either use this as a middle name or use a name like Sunita as a first name and have Sunny as a nickname.
I like it, the name sounds nice.
I love it.
It's cute as nickname, however this name has been among the top of the most popular English names in China. Okay, I get that those girls who have this as their English name were trying to say that their personalities are as bright as the sun, but it's just way too cutesy and sorta stupid. (Sorry).
This name is not infantile, it can also be mature. My name is Sunny and my middle name is Presley and the most recent actress to play Sunny Baudelaire has the real name of Presley. There are powerful women with this name, such as Sunny Anderson and Sunny Hostin. I have never been bullied in my life and I have always loved my name. I also happen to have red hair and my parents named me before I was born.
Sunny. Sounds too eccentric and happy to me... Though I could understand people that adore this name.
I love Sunny on a girl, but prefer the name Sonny for a boy. Sunny is much better then Soleil.
Happy and bright, but too much like 'sonny'.
I named my baby girl Sunny Karena on October 12th 2014. I had tons of people who doubted the name, (even her own brothers and sisters) and we had people who absolutely loved her name. I remember looking on this site before I used it, but the name has grown on everyone, and she may only be 2 but she seems to already love her name, and I'm glad I didn't back out. We joke around sometimes because she has a very sassy/diva type attitude, that we should have named her Stormy instead of Sunny, but it's simple, cute and no different from the name Wendy. Just glad that I went with my own gut instead of listening to some of the above people. But hey, we are from Kentucky lol. Would you expect any different?. My boy's name is Waylon, and her other siblings' names are Michael, Taylor & Morgan (with such normal names, I just knew they would think it was odd, but they love her name now). But with my name being Jessica and her daddy's name being Michael I just could not stick her with a common boring name like ours. I hated my name, so it had to be unique just like her.
I have a friend named Sunny. I heard her name before I saw it written, and I thought it was "Sonny," which seemed like a strange name for a girl.
I love my name. Sunny just seems to fit me so well, for I am a happy, bubbly creative person (my opinion) I love being unique in my school with not one other student with the same name. Although being a grown up with this name might be interesting, I'm looking forward to finding out.
As a 45 year old woman with the name Sunny on my birth certificate...Sunny is an excellent name for a girl. For one thing, it's easy to pronounce (unlike my surname). It ought to be easy to spell -- I always say, "Sunny, like the weather" -- but folks always want to put an 'i' on the end or spell it like the boy's name 'Sonny' (Do I LOOK like a boy? Not!).FYI: Sometimes people pick at me about the weather... I tell them that the sun is always shining -- If you don't like the weather, go complain to Windy!With a name like Sunny I didn't really need a nickname but I am sometimes called Sunshine -- sort of a reverse nickname, being longer than the original.The upbeat name Sunny was a bit of a burden for moody teenage me: My step-dad called me 'Partly Cloudy' for a couple of years.The only downside to being named Sunny was that junk mail sometimes got my demographics mixed up with a 65-yr-old Sonny-boy-type guy (but that was back in the early 80's; they're better about tracking that stuff now).Mom says she named me Sunny because:
* I was born on a Sunny day in May.
* She liked the song "When Sunny Gets Blue" by Johnny Mathis ( ).
* She was absolutely determined I would NOT share my name with six other girls in my class (as she had with the name Judy in the 50's).It's a pretty unique name: I've only ever met one other birth-certificate-Sunny. As a matter of fact, if you Google my first and last names in quotes, all you get are pages about me and about the weather in my ancestors' hometown.I may not be Cher or Madonna (or Beyonce) but folks don't have to use specify a last name to talk about me. Plus, most folks remember my name (if only I could remember theirs'!).BOTTOM LINE: Sunny has been a great name, I highly recommend it.
I love the name Sunny! It's a really cheerful, happy and sweet name! Plus it's girly and gorgeous! :)
Sunny (Sun-nee / sun-ni)Sunny is a lovely girls name. It's on my list if I ever have a girl. The male version Sonny, I do not like. I think Sunny is a very girly name even though it has been a boys name for longer. I just don't think it sounds very manly at all :-\
It makes me think of sunlight, sunshine, sun set, sun rise. A lovely cute girly girls name.
I'm changing my name to this. I am 25 years old and it totally fits my personality. I can't stand my first name, it's very common, nobody ever spells it right, and I always have to double check that whoever calls out my name is looking for me. But how many times to you run across somebody named Sunny!It also reminds me of Sonny, which is what they called my half-brother's great uncle. They always speak about Sonny with great respect and honor. Everyone had fond memories of him.I think it's the person that gives the impression of a name. I could be a really great Sunny and leave smiles on the faces of all those I meet. I can't wait for the day I get it legally changed.And for those saying this name can't be taken seriously, perhaps using the name Sunshine as a full name and Sunny as a nickname could help with that problem.
Urrgh. This name bugs me just like Happy. Blech.
Sunny sounds very corny as a name, and it will lead to big problems throughout life.
Sunny Baudelaire is an awesome character, and this name works great as a middle name. Just not complex or mature enough for a first name. And as mentioned above, it would be VERY corny with other nature names.
For everyone who said this name sounds too young I have a aunt from Korea who is 45 named Sunny and it fits her too, she is always bright and cheerful.
It might sound weird, but my MALE cousin has the name "Sunny." And he refuses nicknames. I think it's a nice name, but it sounds rather weird to me, on a girl now. Which is sad, because Sunny is a nice name.
This is such a beautiful nickname for a cute, funny, bright baby girl.
This name is quite infantile on any person, even a child. You should pick something dignified, mature, and more sophistictaed, something the person won't be ashamed to tell others when she goes to a new school, applies for jobs, etc. A boy named Sunny would probably be bullied to death, and quite literally too. If you must use this name, use it as a middle name, or have DECENT middle names the person can go by, NOT something like Summer and Skye, as they would create the tacky name Sunny Summer Skye. Very corny.
This name is cute as a nickname, but almost too cute for a regular name. It seems like it would be a good nickname for Susan.
This is a cute name.
I'm surprised that this name isn't used all that much. You could also spell this name like Sunnie or Sunni.
Nice and funny for a little girl, but what when you're a grown up woman? I couldn't imagine a 40 year old woman named Sunny.
My friend was named Sarah, but she hated her name and nicknamed herself Sunny. Sunny fits her much better--she's bright, creative and always smiling.
It's really cute, though a bit hippy.
I don't understand why anyone would name their kid this.
This is such a pretty name for girl.
I named my cat Sunny after Sunny Baudelaire in Lemony Snicket's "A Series of Unfortunate Events" because from the day that I got her, she always liked to bite.
This is a very cute name. And I totally adore the baby!

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